Chapter 350 White Moonlight (9)

Aunt An was a little surprised: "There is even a secret base."

"Of course." Chu Yin could only sigh with emotion that the client's mother was the foresight back then.

Prepared such a private space for my daughter.

After driving to the place, the environment here is quiet, open the door, turn on the lights, and all the facilities inside are also available.

Aunt An cleaned up the room first, let Chu Yin lie down, and looked at Chu Yin worriedly: "You are not in the hospital, can you bear it?"

"No problem, I brought back all the Chinese medicine you bought today, and you can fry it for me tomorrow morning and drink it."

"The Chinese medicine..." Aunt An hesitated.

I don't know where it came from.

Jiaqi just said that a friend gave her a prescription, and she insisted on buying it to drink.

She was also worried that Jiaji's illness would rush to the doctor.

Chu Yin smiled: "No problem, you trust me."

"By the way, Aunt An, find a suitable opportunity to send these things out."

Chu Yin took out her mobile phone and sent many recordings to Aunt An.

Aunt An clicked on it and listened to it. It was part of the recording in the hospital.

"This is to announce to everyone that Jiang Shengran cheated and had an illegitimate child." Aunt An said.

Chu Yin nodded: "Yes, he has been used to pretending to be affectionate all these years, and he has gained a lot of benefits from it. How can I let him continue to pretend to be affectionate with me?"

"I must reveal his true colors to everyone."

"After these things are made public, he will definitely lose a lot of fans, and his business will also be affected. He has gained too much from this persona, and I don't want to take advantage of him."

"And once he is affected by this incident, his business will also be affected."

"And only after I have mastered these things can I divorce him smoothly."

Without these evidences, the court will definitely judge that the relationship between husband and wife has not broken down.

It was not in vain to listen to them talk so much before.

Aunt An: "Jiaqi, have you really thought about it?"

"If these things are made public, there will be no turning back. If you forgive him at that time, you will not be able to hold back your face."

Chu Yin said firmly: "I will never forgive him."

"I don't need any retreat."

"You find someone to help me run it, and this thing must spread on the Internet."

Aunt An: "Got it."

"Money is not a problem." Chu Yin also said.

Money really isn't an issue.

The client's parents left a lot of property.

And because the client's parents passed away, the company was also sold.

Because the client really does not have the ability and energy to manage the company.

In the past, the client's parents told the client that if something happened to them one day, they hoped that their daughter would cash out the company's property.

They don't want their daughter to be so tired. Anyway, the money will never be used up in this life.

The client also wanted to live a simple life, so he respected both his parents' wishes and his own.

After arranging these, Chu Yin fell asleep.

Before going to bed, dilute a small drop of holy water and take it, so that the body can recover during sleep.

Jiang Shengran went back after shopping, and seeing that Chu Yin and Aunt An were gone, he searched everywhere like crazy.

But no one was found.

When it was almost dawn, his assistant called him and said that there were rumors on the Internet that he had cheated in marriage and had an illegitimate child.

And there is direct evidence to back it up.

The evidence the assistant said was the recording in the hospital. After listening to the recording, Jiang Shengran knew in his heart that it was his wife's recording.

The wife has no intention of forgiving herself at all...

She's taking revenge on herself in her own way.

He looked desperate.

Why, why did you just leave yourself like this?
"Jiaqi, I would go crazy without you!" Jiang Shengran walked on the street numbly, he didn't care about anything on the Internet at all.

"Jiaqi, where are you?" Jiang Shengran tugged on his tie, he was extremely haggard after a sleepless night.

"Jiang Shengran, you can't do this." Lan Xian found Jiang Shengran, tried her best to restrain her distress, and gently advised him: "Can you go back and have a rest?"

"Don't torture yourself like this."

"My wedding day is gone, it's gone..." Jiang Shengran looked at Lan Xian with dull eyes: "She is in such a bad health, how will she live after leaving the hospital."

"What if something happens to her?"

"Why? Why? Damn me, why should I leave."

Based on what he knew about his wife, it was impossible for her to leave without saying goodbye.

Jiang Shengran's judgment was indeed not wrong.

His wife certainly wouldn't.

But Chu Yinhui.

"Don't be like this..." Lan Xian looked at him helplessly.

"Damn me!" Jiang Shengran broke down and burst into tears, which made Lan Xian flooded with sympathy. She couldn't help but open her arms and hugged Jiang Shengran: "Don't be sad. Don't cry, I will find a way for you."

"I will help you find your wife."

"As soon as I find her, I will give her a blood transfusion, and then I will never appear in front of you or your wife again, and will never disturb your lives again."

"Actually, it's all my fault. If it wasn't for me, she wouldn't leave without saying goodbye."

"It's my existence that made her misunderstand you."

But they still don't know that the moment they embraced each other, someone took a photo and sent it to Chu Yin.

Chu Yin contacted a private detective early in the morning and asked the private detective to take some useful pictures.

This is more useful.

Chu Yin rubbed the photo with her fingertips, and said, "Aunt An, let's give this photo a name, call it Affectionate Embrace."

"There is a date on the photo. This photo is real. No matter how the technology emperor judges it, it is also true. Now, how does Jiang Shengran justify it?"

"If we have to say that it was an accident a few years ago, does this photo now prove that he is still cheating?"

"Yes." Aunt An nodded.

"And this one, this one is a photo of Lan Xian coming out of Jiang Shengran's other villa this morning. This photo should be called Jinwu Zangjiao."

The young, promising, handsome and rich president of a wealthy family used to be a character who loved his wife like his life and was deeply affectionate.

Suddenly, he became a scumbag whose illegitimate child was only a few years old.

And when his wife was seriously ill, he was still hiding in the golden house.

How ironic.

Netizens spoke one after another.

[I didn't expect Jiang Shengran to be such a person, he was duplicity, thanks to me, I have been calling on netizens to support their company, I think the president is so good to his wife, he must have a good conscience, good things, it seems I was wrong. 】

[That's right, it's really disgusting, I have a child with someone else. 】

[And he was kept in another villa of his own, and he didn't care about his wife who was recuperating in the hospital. 】

[It was Jiang Shengran who begged hard back then, do you still remember the video of Jiang Shengran's marriage proposal back then? 】

(End of this chapter)

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