Chapter 41: Invasion of the Sincere System (17)


"It depends on whether you are honest and frank, and whether you can reform yourself." Wen Yiqi said.

Wen Yuannian echoed: "Yes."

Wen Yan shook her head bitterly: "But I need a detoxification pill now, and I won't be able to detoxify it if it's too late."

Wen Xiuyuan: "Since you know that you can't understand the poison later, you should confess it earlier. If you confess earlier, I will give you the detoxification pill earlier."

"You still have a few hours to think about it. The latest detoxification time is probably dawn. You should think about it carefully."

Wen Yan looked at them sadly: "Why are you so cruel to the person you once liked, don't you have any friendship at all?"

I thought it would arouse their compassion, but unexpectedly, it reminded the three of them of their dark history, and the three of them turned black at the same time, ashamed and embarrassed.

It is the most embarrassing thing to like Wen Yan. They are confused by a woman with some strange means, which is also a symbol of their lack of strength, weak willpower and weak consciousness.

With a dark face, he said that they were going to rest, and sent Wen Yan away.

Wen Yan went back in disgrace and went back to discuss with the system: "You can exchange for a detoxification pill for me, can you pay me on credit?"

Giving halos is useless, and other similar items are even more useless. Wen Yan is very desperate.


Those broken props, no wonder the system gave her so simply.

The system alarm sounded again:

"Wen Xiuyuan's favorability is reduced by [-], and his favorability is minus [-]."

"Wen Yiqi's favorability is reduced by [-], and the favorability is minus [-]."

"Wen Yuannian's favorability is reduced by [-], and his favorability is minus [-]."

Wen Yan was annoyed: "It's really eye-opening, and I can still lose fifty."

"What heinous thing have I done that they should dislike me so much? I haven't hurt them at all. It's ridiculous. Men are disgusting!"

"You also heard what they said. They asked me to confess you before they would give me the antidote pill. Aren't you afraid of being confessed?"

The system asked suspiciously, "Why am I afraid?"

"Do you have the ability to hand me over? No, if you tell me, they will only treat you as a monster, understand? Stupid."

Wen Yan was speechless for a moment.

The system only felt that Wen Yan was ridiculously stupid.

"If you want the detoxification pill, it's fine. You agree to unbind me. As long as you agree, I will give you the detoxification pill immediately." The system added.

He didn't want to see this idiot again, wasting time.

Wen Yan's eyes were determined and sinister, and her resentment towards the system rose to another level.

This system is the most realistic thing in the world. Seeing that she is not going well, I want to unbind her.

She said sternly, "You want to dump me? Impossible, we will be tied together forever."

As long as she doesn't agree, the system will never run away.

And the system asked her to agree to unbind, it seems that there is no way to unbind without her consent.

Otherwise, according to the temper of this system, how could it be possible to still wait for her to agree, and run away long ago.

"If you're impatient, you'll take me to another world. You won't spend forever with me in this world, will you?" Wen Yan thought she had a good grip on the system.

Because the system didn't speak at all.

The favorability is minus [-], those props for men are no longer effective, and these three people are really disgusting, she doesn't want to attack, so it's better to...

Wen Yan's voice was even threatening: "I'll ask you one last time, will you exchange for the antidote pill for me?"

The voice of the system was extremely cold: "There are not enough points, unless you unbind."

Wen Yan sneered again and again: "Okay, okay."

It's fine if you don't exchange it, she won't do the task again, she has to change it.

The sky was getting bright, and everyone woke up one after another, feeling lucky to have been quiet all night after the Long Needle Peak last night.

Zhang Luo cooked some breakfast, and everyone sat together to discuss the next plan.

It was already dawn, and everyone's eyes fell on Wen Yan's face at the same time.

There were seven black bumps the size of thumbs all over his face.

Turn the originally beautiful face into ugly, even a little scary.

Someone felt sorry and said, "But none of us have a good detoxification pill."

Wen Yan smiled slightly: "It's okay, I don't care anymore, the best time for detoxification has passed, and it's useless to eat it."

"Not necessarily. If we go to the great sect and find a high-level alchemist in the future, if there is a way, it's just that our resources are limited here." Someone comforted casually.

What Wen Yan said casually out of kindness, Wen Yan's character is not good, but she also got retribution, disfigured, and it was a big blow to the girl.

Wen Yan shook her head, she didn't care anymore, this body was not hers anyway.

When the system can't take it anymore, it will definitely take her away, and it will be smooth in other worlds. This world is not compatible with her and is not good for her.

Wen Yan smiled heartily, as if she had let go of everything.

She saw Wen Xiuyuan's three eyes no longer had the gentle and ambiguous eyes before.

It turned into a calm, let down look.

She said: "Okay, let's not talk about my business, what should we do next, should we continue to go together, or the team will go separately?"

Chu Yin was keenly aware of Wen Yan's change. Did she let go and completely give up on attacking these three people?
Wen Yan must be suffocating.

Her eyes swept over Wen Xiuyuan, her eyes were very flat, and she simply asked Wen Xiuyuan's opinion.

Before departure, divide into teams. In addition to cooperating in combat, each team can also practice separately.

It also depends on everyone's choice. If you are willing to practice separately and feel that you are free and easy to get things, then you can temporarily separate for a while and decide on a time and place to meet again.

Wen Yan's proposal was immediately followed by someone: "We also want to ask, should each team practice separately?"

"If Wen Yan doesn't mention it, we plan to ask your opinion this morning."

Chu Yin looked over and found that the relationship between the five members of their team was good, and they wanted to experience normality separately.

Wen Xiuyuan looked at the remaining two teams who did not speak. They said they wanted to discuss it, so they went to the side to discuss it.

Wen Xiuyuan looked at Chu Yin: "Ling'er, do you want our team to practice alone?"

Wen Yiqi also asked his sister Wen Lengyu: "Little sister, what do you think?"

"I see you." Wen Lengyu glanced at Chu Yin.

Chu Yin: "I see you too."

Wen Xiuyuan, Wen Yiqi and Wen Yuannian looked at each other. Although they didn't speak, they understood what the other party meant.

It's good to be separated, and it also gives them a chance to solve Wen Yan's problems alone.

If the rest don't mention it, the three of them are too embarrassed to mention it, because the three of them have the highest cultivation level, and they have the responsibility to protect them invisibly.

"If their two teams want to practice alone, let's practice alone, and signal if there is any danger." Wen Xiuyuan took out the signal tube.

(End of this chapter)

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