Chapter 42: Invasion of the Sincere System (18)

The elder asked him to keep it before departure.

The two teams discussed and agreed to separate for a few days before reuniting.

Wen Xiuyuan distributed the signal tube to everyone, saying that he would use it in case of danger, and he would rush over to help when he saw the signal.

After that, they each chose a path, and several other teams left one after another.

Just leave their team in place.

With no outsiders left, Wen Xiuyuan asked Wen Yan directly: "Have you considered it?"

Wen Yan touched her face, she knew it was ugly and disgusting.

With a smile: "Think about it, let's reform."

"But I really can't hand over that thing, because I have already used it up, how can I hand it over."

"I don't have the face to ask you for the detoxification pill if I can't hand it over, so let's just leave it at that, maybe this is my retribution."

Wen Yan resigned to her fate.

Wen Yiqi sneered: "Really? Can the things that confuse people and affect people's consciousness be used up?"

Wen Yan asked in surprise, "Why can't it be used up?"

"It's just a strange stone. I will consume it every time I use it. Last night was the last time."

Wen Yuannian didn't quite believe it: "Really?"

"Yes, it's really just a stone. If it wasn't used up, why would I watch myself disfigured and not ask you to exchange the detoxification pill?"

"A woman's appearance is so important that nothing can replace it."

Chu Yin stared at her bright eyes, listening to Wen Yan's nonsense with relish.

Wen Yan was very serious: "Do you trust me once? I have already reached this point, isn't it worthy of your trust?"

"My face is disfigured, who would make fun of my face, no treasure can compare to my face, and they also comforted me before, even if I join the great sect in the future, the toxins on my face will always exist, There's no cure at all, they're just trying to comfort me and tell me about miracles."

"You just give me one chance, but if your consciousness is affected by me one more time, can you kill me directly?"

"I'm leaving a message. You have the evidence. When you go back, you will hand it over to the family. Even if you kill me in advance during the training, the family will not blame you for killing your fellow clansmen indiscriminately."

"That thing is indeed an evil thing. I admit that I used an evil thing against you, and let the family deal with me when I go back."

"But I still want to complete the experience and see the world. I used to be in a small town, and I saw too little."

Just let her lurk and she'll have a chance to do what she wants.

He recorded everything he said just now, and threw the phonogram stone to Wen Xiuyuan.

When Wen Yan got to this point, Wen Xiuyuan, the voice-remaining stone, also accepted it.

After all, they are all young men, and they still hesitate to kill decisively.

Chu Yin didn't want to let go of this opportunity, and said to Wen Yan, "Stop lying to people with your rhetoric."

"People like you can't be trusted at all. Since you have so many weird things in your hands, who knows if they are obstacles. You deliberately don't detoxify, but in fact there will be a way to detoxify later."

"Use this to confuse us, and then attack a few of us. When the time comes to use your weird thing to control our consciousness, do we still have a way to resist?"

"Don't forget Wen Yan, you were the first to suggest that the teams should train separately, why do you want to train separately, and what purpose do you have?"

"And don't you really hate that we didn't give you the antidote pill?"

Wen Lengyu stood up, pointed at Wen Yan with his sword and said, "I think sister Ling'er is right."

"Brothers, it's hard to get rid of a person's bad roots, and Bao Buqi will secretly plot against us."

Chu Yin said: "Besides, she settled down to turn you into her puppets, and tried her best to control your consciousness. Her heart is poisonous and her methods are evil. If she succeeds, the consequences will be unimaginable. She just didn't succeed, but it doesn't mean We have to be magnanimous."

"Even if she is killed now to avoid future troubles, it should be done."

Wen Lengyu was excited: "Ling'er is right! Kill her!"

Wen Yan looked at Chu Yin coldly: "You are so vicious at such a young age."

Chu Yin retorted: "You are not vicious, and you are not vicious. Why did you harm the most potential young children of our Wen clan? I even have reason to suspect that you were bought by other families to deliberately harm the children of the Wen clan."

"Otherwise, how could you provoke my relationship with the children of other families for no reason, how could you want to control the consciousness of your brothers, every step of yours is extremely evil, I only realized it after thinking about it all night last night!"

Chu Yin directly raised Wen Yan's personal behavior to the family, and the matter became a little bigger.

The few of them heard Chu Yin's words, and they also felt very reasonable. People in the world have a purpose in doing things, and Wen Yan's purpose is very likely to harm the entire Wen family.

And it will be very dangerous if they continue to experience together in the future, who knows if they will be assassinated.

Seeing the approval flashed across the faces of Xiuyuan and the others, Chu Yin immediately said: "Brother, they are the expectations of the Wen family. If they fail, it will be an unimaginable blow to the Wen family! Wen Yan, you must have been sent by someone else." Yes, it must be, you want to harm the Wen family!"

Wen Xiuyuan: "..."

Wen Yuannian: "..."

Wen Yiqi: "..."

It's hard not to agree with sister Ling'er's words.

Why does Sister Linger feel as if she is praising someone when she scolds them, she is almost ashamed.

Wen Xiuyuan, Wen Yiqi, and Wen Yuannian took out their weapons to face Wen Yan by coincidence. As soon as their figures changed, the five of them surrounded Wen Yan.

"Okay, I didn't think you guys wanted to kill me." Facing the siege of five people, Wen Yan had no chance of winning.

Chu Yin took the lead in launching the attack, driving Linglian towards Wen Yan, Wen Lengyu was not to be outdone, Wen Xiuyuan and the other three followed closely behind, each attacking towards Wen Yan from all directions.

Wen Yan widened her eyes and used the space symbol in her hand.

This space talisman was returned to the system with her last two hundred points plus the remaining useless props, and used up all the exchanged life-saving talismans.

She redeemed it before breakfast. It was supposed to cost [-] points, but she was still [-] points short.

Said that her props are worth [-] points.

Now the props are useless, she agreed, and exchanged the remaining props and remaining points for this thing.

She had a hunch that these people would not let her go easily, so she tried every means to exchange.

If she is really unwilling to let her go, she will use the space talisman to leave first, and then plan to kill and come back later.

Chu Yin and the others watched Wen Yan suddenly disappear into the space, and their magic weapon was empty and returned to their hands.

"Disappeared?" Wen Xiuyuan frowned tightly.

Wen Lengyu was a little anxious: "Tell her to run away, what should I do."

Wen Yiqi said in amazement: "I read in the book that this kind of teleportation technique can only be done by great powers, how can she do it?"

"It's weird, it's too weird, telling her to run away will cause endless trouble." Wen Yuannian was annoyed.

 Thank you: If you love me, don’t miss it—Gou Baobao’s reward, and everyone’s recommendation votes~ By the way~ Don’t forget to invest in new books~

(End of this chapter)

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