Chapter 410 This Summer (8)

And these words were all heard by Chu Yin.

Is the mother's family coming to vent their anger?

People from the village come to judge?

Chu Yin went back to the room to sleep, with an ax on the left and a pet on the right, sleeping soundly.

Chu Yin got up early the next morning.

I fried two eggs for myself, not to mention, these local eggs are delicious.

This chicken, when it was still a chick, was also bought with the client's scholarship.

The food for the chickens is also bought by the client with a scholarship, and it is usually managed by the client.

So this chicken is hers, so it doesn't matter if you eat a few eggs.

I had a problem with my health, so I borrowed some money for medical treatment.

Chu Yin also planned to kill two chickens.

Grandma supported Chu Yin: "Xiaohua, are you okay?"

Fang Liwan questioned Chu Yin: "What are you doing killing a chicken?"

Grandpa and grandma walked in, looked at the chicken, and their eyelids twitched: "How can this work?"

Said that they borrowed money, the old couple would not be able to repay it, and it was impossible for him to help repay the debt.

"Is this their chicken? If you can't eat it, Li Wan's wife will make trouble with us."

"Here are the chickens for you. I killed four chickens. You stew them until they are soft. Eat more." The four chickens were quite heavy, so Chu Yin hurriedly put them on the table in the back room.

They had no money, and all the previous money went to Xiaohua to study in high school, and paid for Xiaohua's living expenses.

"There is also this chicken, which has nothing to do with them. Whether it's the money to buy the chicks, the feed, or the care, I have a share."

"I will study hard, and I will take care of you two elders in the future."

"Son, we are the ones who are sorry for you." Grandma's hands trembled, feeling extremely sad.

Seeing Chu Yin coming, both of them put down the sweet potatoes in their hands, got up and walked over kindly.

It is specified that I have no sense of security and fear in my heart, so I get up.

It is not easy to say that Ge Fu's mother and daughter should not be treated badly, and it is not easy for them to follow him.

"I definitely have the right to kill a few chickens."

People have an instinctive fear of madmen.

And the son and daughter-in-law also spoke outside, and among relatives and friends, and they were not allowed to borrow money.

"I can kill my chicken if I want." Chu Yin responded indifferently.

"Grandpa and grandma, don't be sad, I will figure out the tuition fee myself." Chu Yin said confidently.

"You don't want to be wronged by them any more. Look at their faces. Everything is mine. When I finish my studies, I can earn a lot of money."

They are more open-minded, afraid that they will be disgusted by their old age, so they live separately.

Grandpa sat down and wept silently.

Xu Shi heard about what happened yesterday and was looking to see if Chu Yin was injured.

"I'll look for the household registration book." Chu Yin also had one more thing to do when he came over.

Chu Yin said seriously: "Just eat as much as you want, they don't dare and don't want to make trouble with you."

Then they were exchanged for bride price, and they were also very satisfied.

Turned his head to boil water.

It's a pity that people are old, and no one is willing to borrow money. They are afraid that they will die before they can pay.

Said that the tuition fee was only enough for Ge Jinpan to go to school.

Now in their hearts, Chu Yin is a lunatic who can't be subdued.

The sweet potato choked on people, and each of them had a glass of cold water at hand.

They really don't understand that Xiaohua is her real daughter.

As for Xiao Hua's tuition, no matter whether they scolded or begged his son, the son was unwilling to pay Xiao Hua's tuition.

The second elder let out a sigh of relief.

Grandpa and grandma's house is a mud house, which is very old, giving people a sense of sight that it is easy to fall down when the wind blows.

Chu Yin took care of the chickens and left with a few chickens.

There must be great promise in the future, but the son just doesn't want to.

In the plot, in fact, the most fundamental reason is that the client wanted to go to school, but they were desperately stopped by them and refused to let him go.

Where is this crazy?

It's not far away, about 10 minutes' walk away.

In this village, after so many years, how many people have been admitted to such a university?

Xiaohua still has a good vision for reading, but Qian and his old couple really don't know where it came from.

"What are you doing in a daze, go boil the water, I'm going to pluck my hair." Chu Yin looked at Ge Jinpan.

The villagers also tried to persuade their son, but his son was given ecstasy soup.

It's not that they haven't thought about borrowing tuition fees from Xiaohua.

After Chu Yin ate the eggs, she rolled up her sleeves and did as she said.

It is good for Xiao Hua to get into the university.

"What can I do, I just rise up, I want to resist, I don't want to be bullied again." Chu Yin looked at grandma: "You two elders don't worry too."

"Grandpa, grandma." Chu Yin arrived at his grandparents' house.

They are completely helpless.

Especially the small space where she was lying was a thin wooden plank, which could be stomped open with one foot, and could not protect her at all.

Seeing Chu Yin wiping the chicken's neck with the knife in his hand, Ge Jinpan was so frightened that he hid aside.

My son and daughter-in-law ran over last night and said that Xiao Hua was crazy.

"Xiao Hua, why are you here?" Grandma looked Chu Yin up and down.

The old man also woke up early, and now the second elder is also up, sitting in front of the door and eating the leftover sweet potatoes from last night.

When grandma heard Chu Yin talk about borrowing money, she also shed tears in silence.

Even Fang Liwan's voice to question Chu Yin was very weak.

Originally Chu Yin planned to kill only two, but after thinking about it, he killed two more.

Seeing the pain in his eyes and his heart, Ge Fu kept trying to stop Chu Yin, but out of fear of Chu Yin and the pain in his body, he just talked about it and didn't dare to actually do it.

I just don't want the client to go to school, but I want the client to work part-time to contribute to the family.

Who knew it would fail, because I didn't expect that so-called cousin to be of that kind of virtue.

Ge Fu looked at Chu Yin bitterly, wondering how to win this battle.

When he got married, his grandparents chose to build a house for him again.

In fact, Fang Liwan's house was also built with the help of his grandparents.

The news of killing the chicken also alarmed them, and they all got up.

But now, do those people still dare to stop?
The second elder looked at Chu Yin: "Really?"

This was the first time Ge Jinpan got up when he came to this house, apart from going to school.

Ge Jinpan gritted his teeth and didn't want to go, but looking at his mother and stepfather, it seemed that there was nothing he could do.

He also said that even if Xiaohua is sent to study and will be promising in the future, women always want to marry, and when they get married, they also earn money for other people's families, and they can't take advantage of it.

"Really, I can think of a way. Now that I have the ability to resist them, I must have a way to solve this problem by myself. Don't worry." Chu Yin smiled slightly.

It's no use trying to persuade me.

Ge Fu was really annoying.

"I'll get it for you, do you want to use it?" Grandpa got up.

Chu Yin nodded: "I want to put it away."

Her household registration is with her grandparents, and the household registration book will be used in the future, so she has to put it away so that Fang Liwan won't take it away, and it will be troublesome then.

The ID card and some important things are also placed here. The client is still very foresight in this point, fearing that if Ge Jinpan is unhappy, she will ruin it.

(End of this chapter)

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