Chapter 411 This Summer (9)

Chu Yin put all the important things in an iron box and put them in the system space.

These will be used for reading in the future. In this era, information and technology are not so developed, so it is very troublesome and time-consuming to make up.

Don't want to waste time on these things.

"Grandma, I'll stew this chicken for you, and then I have to go out." Chu Yin said, and put the other three chickens in the refrigerator.

If the weather is hot, it will be damaged if left outside.

The refrigerator at grandma’s house was moved back from a distant relative’s house in the city. The family had money and bought a new refrigerator, but they were too lazy to throw it away. As a favor, they asked grandparents to move it back.

Although it is small and old, it can still be used after all. It is considered a relatively valuable appliance in this family.

"Then you come to eat?" Grandma looked at Chu Yin eagerly.

Chu Yin smiled and said, "Grandma, I'm not coming to eat. If I want to eat, just kill one over there and eat with them."

Chu Yin nodded: "And then."

Chu Yin nodded solemnly: "Yes, how can a girl not be afraid of snakes?"

There must be a formal, common-sense way to get money.

Yin Aiting couldn't help asking: "Fang Hua, don't you want to know why?"

"Even if I don't offend him, he can't give me the affection I want."

Chu Yin also wants to buy a mobile phone for her grandparents. Button phones are popular now, and they can make calls and send text messages.

There is a lot of gold in the system space, but it is not very reasonable to get gold out of thin air, and the client has to return it, so it can't be too obvious.

Chu Yin nodded: "Are you jogging in the morning?"

"It's just that some people are scarier than snakes. They can drive people to a corner."

Chu Yin just smiled and didn't ask why.

After digesting the two eggs she ate in the morning, grandma had to cook a bowl of noodles for her. Although the chicken in the pot was not soft yet, it was cooked.

From Yin Aiting's report, the couple didn't add any details.

Chu Yin nodded: "Thank you."

Grandma was worried that she would regret it, and told her the consequences of the incident. If the trouble continued, she would lose her father completely, and she was afraid that she would want fatherly love in the future.

Yin Aiting: "Really?"

"Did you really do that?" Yin Aiting looked at Chu Yin curiously: "Are you swinging the snake?"

More advanced smartphones are not yet widely available.

The couple told Yin Aiting's grandfather everything that Chu Yin did last night.

But the problem is that you have to get money first, and a mobile phone is not cheap.

Chu Yin stewed the chicken into the pot, and chopped firewood for his grandparents for a while.

As for whether he did that, Chu Yin neither denied nor admitted it.

trot along the road.

The noodles served to Chu Yin were topped with chicken.

Yin Aiting told Chu Yin everything Ge Fu and Fang Liwan said at Grandpa's house.

"You have to mend your body." Chu Yin carried the chicken, and after washing it, he began to chop pieces, and asked his grandpa to light the fire.

"Yes, but I came out a little late today." Yin Aiting smiled awkwardly.

The couple went to Yin Aiting's grandfather for nothing more than to let the village people come to judge and make decisions, and to let a group of so-called elders come to put pressure on a girl and talk about so-called filial piety.

"I'll bring it to you after I'm done eating. Don't feel bad. You should eat. They won't trouble you." How could they care about these chickens now?

If they have a mobile phone, it will be more convenient to contact them in the future.

Chu Yin nodded, intending to leave, but Yin Aiting said, "There is a reason why I came out late."

"And the sun always comes after the storm. Sometimes the wind and rain we experience is a kind of baptism."

Usually, Ge Fu likes to add embellishment when speaking, but the reason why he didn't add embellishment this time is not that they have become better, but that with their meager imagination, they should not be able to think of anything more exaggerated than what she did.

Chu Yin looked at him, and although he didn't speak, he had an expression of willingness to hear more about him.

Chu Yin smiled, checked that it was getting late, ate noodles a few times, bid farewell to grandma, and walked towards the town.

And Yin Aiting's grandfather used to be a village official, and now he is very prestigious in the village.

Chu Yin shook her head: "I don't regret it."

"Then they talked a lot..."

"When people get older, it is easy to seek family affection."

"Children have good teeth, so they can eat when they are cooked." Grandma added a little chili to Chu Yin: "You are so cute and spicy."

Grandma moved her lips, trying to say something but didn't say anything.

"You have to believe that we have a bright future, these things cannot affect our hearts!"

Grandpa and grandma are not in good health, so they should have something nutritious.

"What did your grandfather say?" Chu Yin asked.

"This father-daughter relationship, don't worry about it."

But because of limited conditions, and these days, although people can't die of starvation, most rural families still don't have meat every meal.

Yin Aiting said: "Your parents came to look for my grandfather this morning."

Yin Aiting kindly reminded her of everything she would face next, just because she was afraid that she would not be able to bear it in her heart and would leave some psychological shadow at that time.

"Fang Hua, are you going to the street?" He stopped to say hello to Chu Yin, and wiped his sweat with the towel around his neck.

"As soon as I entered the door, Aunt Ge started crying at my house. My grandparents didn't have time to cook. I was worried that they were hungry, and I saw that my family members hadn't eaten yet, so I made breakfast."

"Xiao Hua, it's a good thing that you are no longer being bullied, but have you thought about it, you will completely offend them if you do this. You know your father's character. If you are completely offended, you may not have this father anymore." Grandma He said earnestly: "I'm afraid that if you are impulsive now, you will regret it later."

"Seeing my grandfather's reaction, they said they still need to find other people in the village." Yin Aiting looked at Chu Yin sympathetically: "There will be a lot of people at that time, if some people speak badly, don't take it to heart."

Especially the elderly are more frugal, and they can't eat meat a few times a month.

Grandma sighed: "You are not young anymore. Although you are still a child in my heart, your situation is too difficult and you have been forced into such a situation. Now that you have made up your mind, I won't say more."

The sun was shining today. On the way to the town, Chu Yin met Yin Aiting. He was wearing a sun hat and sportswear.

"I'm afraid of snakes..." Chu Yin said.

"My grandfather also knew their personalities, and it was quite embarrassing, but they kept chattering and refused to leave until my grandfather said a word. My grandfather said that they could only try to mediate."

I also know that she is suffering, and encourage her to grit her teeth and persevere. There is still a long life ahead.

is a good man.

"You're welcome." Yin Aiting smiled kindly.

The country road gave people a rare sense of tranquility, and Chu Yin strode towards the town. Now there are not many cars in the village, and most of the vehicles that go back and forth are motorcycles.

(End of this chapter)

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