The sun is getting bigger and bigger, and the road is not close, Chu Yin longs for someone to give her a ride with kindness.

It's a pity that she didn't meet any acquaintances along the way, and Chu Yin reached her destination by walking.

At the gate of the destination, Chu Yin kept wandering.

Emotions are also brewing.

And she kept wandering and hesitating, which also attracted the attention of others.

"Girl, what do you want?" A sister in her thirties walked up to Chu Yin.

At first Chu Yin kept her head down, but when she heard someone calling her, she didn't raise her head immediately, but she didn't raise her head until someone touched her.

His eyes were red, and he looked worried and troubled.

While the other party was looking at Chu Yin, Chu Yin was also looking at Chu Yin. This 30-something-year-old sister had a pretty face and seemed upright.

OK, that's her.

"We have reason to suspect that you are abusing children, so we came here specially to understand the situation, and hope you will cooperate."

According to Chu Yin's analysis of the client's personality, there is a high probability that he will not support Fang Liwan in the future, and Fang Liwan has never raised the client.

Or that Ge Fu spent a lot of money to win the battle with Chu Yin, those individuals in Murakami, and Ge Fu's family, arrived at noon.

Chu Yin's cowardly and pitiful appearance now is completely different from her arrogant appearance yesterday.

Chu Yin followed Li Qiu into the police station, and then told Li Qiu about the client's previous life.

Ge Fu had no choice but to treat them to a delicious lunch.

"I was abused..."

A little surprised, a little speechless.

Seeing the car parked outside the yard, a group of people were still puzzled until Chu Yin and a group of uniformed lesbians got out of the car, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

what with what.

Taking advantage of the many injuries on his body now, the injury report is also very necessary.

This kid is having a hard time too.

Li Qiu frowned and looked Chu Yin up and down. Chu Yin was dressed in shabby clothes and was also thin. She took Chu Yin's hand: "Come on, let's go in and talk."

At Chu Yin's request, Li Qiu did not refuse, and took Chu Yin to a small room.


"I'll find your parents."

Although there were noisy voices all around, Chu Yin had excellent hearing and heard the conversation of their family.

Chu Yin nodded, and Li Qiu opened Chu Yin's palm after holding Chu Yin's hand, and saw the thick cocoon.

This did not happen overnight, it must have been a long-term result.

Ge Fu's eyelids twitched wildly, and he looked at Fang Liwan in a daze.

"And according to her injury test report, some injuries have indeed been formed for several years."

This dead girl is so cruel, go and call the police.

Li Qiu and even some female colleagues beside him couldn't help showing sympathy.

Li Qiu twitched the corners of his mouth: "Fang Hua came to our office to report that she has been abused by you all year round."

The damage to her body from these scars was not small, and definitely constituted the level of abuse.

"Sister, I want to show you the wounds on my body." Chu Yin felt that the wounds on his body were the most convincing.

"Actually, I was also forced to come here today, I..."

And a group of people arrived, but because the protagonist, Chu Yin, had gone to the police station and hadn't returned for a long time, the scene couldn't start, so they had to wait.

"Son, it's fine." Li Qiu also blushed, "Sister will help you."

"Comrade, what's going on?" Fang Liwan squeezed out a worldly and obsequious smile.

Ge Fu nodded: "Maybe."

Ge Fu shrank his neck in fright from the cold eyes: "I am Fang Hua's mother."

"Your father and your stepmother are really not the same person. Your father was born without raising you, and even allowed your stepmother to abuse you." Li Qiu slapped the table angrily.

Li Qiu took photos to collect evidence as Chu Yin asked, and Chu Yin also gave a copy of these photos.

At noon, Li Qiu bought Chu Yin a bowl of noodles out of his own pocket, but now Chu Yin didn't have any money, so he could only thank Li Qiu for inviting her to dinner.

Chu Yin puffed up her cheeks, as if she finally mustered up her courage: "I want to ask for help."


Following Li Qiu's words, the surroundings were suddenly silent.

I was in a panic, wondering if I would go to jail, right?
This kind of thing has only been seen on TV, where has it been experienced in reality?

In the afternoon, Li Qiu and two or three colleagues drove to Chu Yin's house with Chu Yin's guidance.

Li Qiu was shocked by the various scars on Chu Yin's body.

Save it for the future. With these evidences of abuse, these evidences can prove that she has been abused for several years. Even if she really needs to sue for some things in the future, it can be used.

Then he took Chu Yin for another injury test, and Chu Yin got another injury test report.

"They still wanted to beat me yesterday, so I resisted a bit, and today my stepmother said that she would ask her natal family to come over and teach me a lesson, and even called someone from Murakami."

These scars are new and old, and it is best to take pictures and keep them as evidence now. If you keep them in your hand, they will always be evidence of abuse.

"Sister, can you take a photo for me as a proof?" Chu Yin looked at Li Qiu.

Don't they realize the seriousness of the matter?

"Sister, am I asking too much? I just watched it on TV. I just want to leave a proof. I don't want to be bullied anymore. I'm afraid that if I continue to be bullied, I will die."

"Don't be afraid, what happened to you? Just tell me, my name is Li Qiu." Li Qiu looked at Chu Yin softly.

"Maybe crazy, go out crazy, get caught."

"You are?" She turned her head and stared at Ge Fu.

With a cold face, Li Qiu first showed her ID with her colleagues, and then stared at Fang Liwan: "You are Fang Hua's father, Fang Liwan?"

Chu Yin burst into tears: "That's great."

In fact, not only Ge Fu and Fang Liwan were shocked, but everyone in the village was also shocked.

Fang Liwan sighed: "It's really embarrassing, our Fang family is really going to have a prisoner?"

"Sister, I don't dare to go home now, can you take me back later?" Chu Yin asked weakly.

"I still want to do an injury test." Chu Yin said cautiously.

Chu Yin faltered and said, "I..."

Chu Yin was among several policewomen, and Ge Jinpan hid behind Ge Fu, asking, "Did she commit a crime?"

In this somewhat backward mountain village, many people do not have this kind of legal awareness.

"What are you asking so many people to do here?" Li Qiu looked around and asked Ge Fu, "It's just a coincidence that you came here today. Are these all your guests?"

From Chu Yin's mouth, Li Qiu already knew the purpose of these onlookers here, and he asked this question on purpose.

Ge Fu's lips moved, but he couldn't answer.

Fang Liwan poked Ge Fu twice, and stammered nervously: "Go and pour some water for the police officers and the others. It's hot, sit down and talk, sit down and talk."

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