Chapter 420 This Summer (18)

Fang Liwan braced his old waist, and immediately ran to 'take it on behalf of his daughter'.

But if the old waist is not good, it is really not good, and Fang Liwan can't hold on in it.

Soon the shouting of whoops and whoops started.

Fang Liwan looked at Chu Yin who was leaning against the door of the pigsty, and said, "You just want to ruin my family."

"Why are you going to be tortured to death? It's only been a few days?"

"You tortured me for so long, didn't I die?"

"Your conscience is blacker than charcoal, you can just be content, I haven't let you two in, it's the best of benevolence and righteousness."

"Ge Jinpan!" Chu Yin roared, and Ge Jinpan quickly came to Chu Yin's side.

"Your father loves you more than his own daughter. Now the old man can't support this job. Do you want to help?"

Ge Jinpan looked at the pigsty and faintly felt sick when he smelled it.

Looking at Chu Yin in amazement: "Can I choose by myself?"

Chu Yin nodded: "Of course, either you go or your dad goes."

"I won't go, it's too disgusting." Ge Jinpan resisted.

Chu Yin groaned: "But that's the father who loves you, you're just disgusting, but his old waist is about to break."

"Look, he's in so much pain that he can't help it, his face is twisted into a ball."

"How pitiful, you can pity him."

Ge Jinpan hesitated for a while, but still shook his head: "But it's really disgusting."

Chu Yin laughed, and looked at Fang Liwan: "Look at how much your daughter loves you, I would rather you die of pain than feel sick myself."

Fang Liwan looked at Ge Jinpan and sighed.

Although he knew that Chu Yin was trying to sow discord, Ge Jinpan's choice still made him feel uncomfortable.

Over the years, Ge Jinpan has been raised like a princess, her fingers never touching the spring water.

But in the end it wasn't her own, no matter how nice she was to her, she didn't feel sorry for herself.

suddenly feel...

Means nothing.

Chu Yin turned around and went out, seeing that Ge Fu was already chopping firewood obediently.

Ge Fu accumulated all his anger on the axe, hitting it with great force.

His face was distorted, and his heart was full of resentment towards Chu Yin.

"I'll hack you to death!" Because Chu Yin was standing on the side to oversee the work, this made her even more angry, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and she suddenly turned around and yelled at Chu Yin with an ax in hand.

Although she was clamoring to kill Chu Yin, she only held the ax and did not dare to make other moves.

I also want to follow the madness.Trying to suppress Chu Yin with momentum.

Chu Yin didn't panic at all, looked at Ge Fu calmly, pointed to his neck: "Come on, cut here."

"Hack me to death." Chu Yin took the initiative to walk over.

"That's it, come on." Chu Yin also stretched out his hand to grab her hand holding the axe.

Ge Fu held the ax hard, and his arms were strong, preventing Chu Yin from really taking her hand.

"What? Don't dare?" Chu Yin sneered: "If you hack me to death, you will have to pay for my life. Let's die together, okay?"

"I'm not afraid of death, are you afraid of death?"

Ge Fu completely collapsed, tears streaming down his face, and he stepped back, trying to struggle to walk away, but Chu Yin firmly grabbed her hand and refused to let her go.

"Aren't you going to hack me to death? Come on, we will die together today."

"Let go of me, let go." Ge Fu tried to struggle again, but she didn't know where the other party got her strength from. Being pulled by the other party, she couldn't get away.

Chu Yin asked, "Are you still beheading me?"

"What did I cut you for? Do you think I'm a lunatic like you?" Ge Fu's anxious body trembled slightly.

Chu Yin reluctantly said: "Just now you said you were going to kill me, should I go to town, just say you are going to kill me."

"Stop making trouble!" Fang Liwan ran out when he heard the commotion outside, and scolded.

Chu Yin had a cold face: "Your wife wants to hack me to death, so just tell me what to do about it!"

"I mean, I'll go to the town and talk about it, and lock her in to protect my personal safety."

"Sister, sister, don't be like this." Ge Jinpan was the worst in his heart. Seeing what Chu Yin said, and seeing that his mother had been scared to death, he bit his head and pulled his face down to beg Chu Yin.

"Sister, it's my mother who made a mistake, please forgive her." Ge Jinpan felt that he had paid too much for this family.

If it weren't for her, the whole family would have to break up.

For the sake of this family, it was not easy for her to humbly beg the person she looked down upon the most, the person she hated the most.

"You say it's useless, she says it's useful." Chu Yin looked at Ge Fu, determined to force Ge Fu to give in.

Not only do you have to toss them to be afraid of yourself, but you also need to be in place in your attitude.

Ge Fu understood what Chu Yin meant, and wanted her to soften her mouth.

Why, she is an elder after all, there is no elder who would subdue a younger generation.

"Okay, I'll go to town now." Chu Yin let go of Ge Fu, turned to leave.

"I was wrong." No matter how unwilling Ge Fu was, no matter how strong he was, Ge Fu was terrified when he thought of the consequences of Chu Yin's departure.

She doesn't want to go in, it's so scary inside, what about her son and daughter.

There are too many things to worry about.

"Fang Hua, I was wrong, please forgive mom." Ge Fu looked at Chu Yin with tears in his eyes.

Chu Yin: "Can you say it again?"

"Fang Hua, I was wrong, please forgive mom." Ge Fu looked humiliated.

Chu Yin frowned.

It was Ge Jinpan who was a little more clever, and suddenly realized Chu Yin's meaning, and she said, "Sister, you just want your aunt."

"You deserve to be my mother too?" Chu Yin sneered, "Will you be my aunt?"

"You're nothing, you know?"

"And you, you are not worthy of being a father." Chu Yin looked at Fang Liwan.

Fang Liwan lowered his head silently.

Chu Yin stared straight at Ge Fu. Ge Fu and Chu Yin stared at each other for a while, but couldn't continue to look at each other. They looked away silently, with a very humiliating expression.

"Fang Hua, I was wrong, please forgive me, don't go to the town." Ge Fu whispered.

Chu Yin shook her head silently: "The voice is too low, I didn't hear clearly."

Ge Fu: "..."

"I was wrong, please forgive me, I will change in the future." Ge Fu said.

Chu Yin nodded: "OK."

"Forget it this time, there will be no next time. By the way, who will take me out to work? This matter hasn't been arranged yet?"

Ge Fu squeezed out two words from his throat: "Soon."

"Go ahead and do whatever you want." Chu Yin entered the room and made tea.

Ge Fu wiped away his tears while chopping firewood, feeling that his life was very bitter.

Married to a useless wretch, who can't control a daughter, and now let a little girl ride on the head of the family to do her best.

There is nothing I can do about her.

Threatening to send them in at every turn.

Even now, Ge Fu has never regretted his past evil deeds.

If it wasn't for her past evil deeds, she wouldn't have been threatened by such an excuse.

They were the ones who beat people first, and they were the ones who did those things, so their reputation spread among relatives and neighbors. With such a reputation and such a past, no one would believe them.

(End of this chapter)

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