Chapter 421 This Summer (19)

"Go to the field." Chu Yin had had enough tea.

When I went out, I saw Ge Jinpan helping Ge Fu build firewood.

How can Ge Jinpan be so diligent, he never sees life in his eyes.

Now I picked a job here, because I was afraid that I would provoke Chu Yin again, and then be picked up by Chu Yin.

When Chu Yin told her to go to the field, Ge Jinpan finally realized that the other party had no intention of letting her go.

She looked at Ge Fu bitterly.

"When will you ask someone to take her out to work? I really can't stand her at home anymore." Ge Jinpan whispered to Ge Fu.

"Please, let her out quickly."

Although they spoke quietly, Chu Yin still heard them.

But she didn't care, she also hoped that the man would come soon, so she pretended not to hear.

"Take the hoe and the sickle." Chu Yin looked at Ge Jinpan.

Ge Jinpan said: "But I have never been to the ground, and I don't know what to do."

Chu Yin smiled but said, "I have never played before you."

"I'll teach you."

Ge Jinpan: "..."

Really speechless.

Before leaving, Chu Yin specially told Ge Fu and Fang Liwan that they don't need to worry about the field affairs, and just let them take care of the housework at home.

Ge Fu chopped firewood, and Fang Liwan cleaned the pigsty and chicken pens.

There must be enough firewood to chop, and the ring must be particularly clean. It needs to be washed with buckets of water, and it needs to be swept vigorously on the ground bit by bit with a broom.

This is really a disadvantage for someone like Fang Liwan who is so shy, but Chu Yin doesn't feel sorry for Fang Liwan.

When he arrived in the field, it was fine at first, but under Chu Yin's 'supervision', Ge Jinpan finally knew how to do the work in the field.

And at the beginning, the sun didn't come out, and the physical strength was not exhausted, so I felt that I could carry it.

But as time went by, the sun came out, it was very hot, and my physical strength was almost exhausted, so I was too tired.

Ge Jinpan hasn't had breakfast yet, and now he has no strength left.

Opening her hands again, with just such a little effort, her hands were already blistered.

"It hurts, I can't use a hoe anymore." Ge Jinpan looked at his palm anxiously.

Chu Yin waved his hand: "That's how I came here too."

"I..." Ge Jinpan still wanted to take a breather, but Chu Yin asked, "Want to be beaten?"

Ge Jinpan held his breath and continued to work in a hurry.

At around eleven o'clock at noon, the sun was shining in the sky, and Ge Jinpan was still in the field. Chu Yin said, "Come on, let's run."

"Why?" Ge Jinpan screamed.

Chu Yin: "Didn't I always run to the town at noon to buy you food?"

"If you come back later, you will be beaten." Chu Yin shrugged, "You don't want to experience it?"

Ge Jinpan looked left and right, but there was no one around, so he said in a low voice, "Sister, why don't you take revenge on me like this."

"I know I was wrong, sister."


She actually tried to act like a baby, and tried to call back Chu Yin's conscience with her voice.

Chu Yin was disgusted by Ge Jinpan's sister.

Can't help snorting coldly: "No face, no skin, no eyes."

"Don't take revenge on me, okay? I know I was wrong. We will treat you well in the future. I persuade my parents, no one is allowed to treat you badly anyway." It is once born and cooked twice.

I have become proficient, and I no longer feel that there is nothing to be concerned about.

She is bitter and doesn't want to eat any more.

"Besides, sister, you are leaving home in a few days. I don't think we have many days together as a family. Why don't we get along well and make a good memory? Why do you have to do this?" Ge Jinpan The more I said it, the more I felt that what I said was very reasonable.

Chu Yin nodded, and just when Ge Jinpan thought he had convinced Chu Yin, Chu Yin said, "I think you have another problem that I don't like."

"It's because you talk a lot."

"Try saying one more sentence? Run!"

Ge Jinpan: "..."

Halfway through the digging, Ge Jinpan ran again under Chu Yin's urging.

"I really can't do it anymore." After walking around the ground twice, Ge Jinpan fell to his knees with a plop, his whole body was drenched in sweat, and his breathing was uneven.

Chu Yin looked at Ge Jinpan's condition and made sure that Ge Jinpan would not die. At most, he would suffer from heatstroke for a while.

"Go back." Chu Yin said to Ge Jinpan, "Go back and cook."

"It's too hot, I really don't want to..." Ge Jinpan felt that he was about to see his ancestors.

"I'm going to die." Ge Jinpan had never experienced such hardship.

Chu Yin shook her head: "What a waste."

"I worked harder than you before, didn't I die?"

Ge Jinpan didn't speak, anyway, she didn't know how the other party could bear it, but she was too delicate to bear it.

Chu Yin didn't care if Ge Jinpan could take it or not, as long as she made sure that she didn't die, she would just watch Ge Jinpan cook when she returned home.

Cooking in summer, the heat wave is indescribable, and Ge Fu is still chopping firewood, and he dare not stop when Chu Yin comes back.

She was also sweating profusely, and she felt that she would be exhausted when she was old.

"You don't want to go back to see your grandparents. You are going out, so go back and be with your grandparents." Fang Liwan stood up and said to Chu Yin.

The person who came to take her out to work has not yet come, but it is impossible for her to torment the family like this.

Fang Liwan wished he could send Chu Yin away now, and they would be relieved.

Chu Yin didn't appreciate it: "It's none of your business whether I go back to accompany them or not."

"Before, I wanted to go back to see them and spend more time with them. Didn't you say I was lazy? Is it not allowed? I won't go back now."

Fang Liwan said, "You should also consider your grandparents' feelings."

"If you break up my family, your grandparents will be very sad. The last thing they want to see is that I die alone."

Chu Yin rolled his eyes: "You can pull it down."

This was indeed the case in the past. The old couple only had this son, and they were very distressed, fearing that he would not have a family of his own.

So in order to make Fang Liwan and Ge Fu have a better life, they were willing to live together and gave everything they could.

Later, Fang Liwan and Ge Fu became more and more outrageous. They abused the client so much, and the hearts of the two elders were already chilled, and they were already extremely disappointed.

And because they wanted to take the client back, the old couple and Fang Liwan also quarreled many times.

Every time Ge Fu threatened them with their pension problems.

So in their hearts, they don't actually have much hope.

"They have been disappointed in you for a long time." But if the grandparents really wanted to take care of it, they had already come forward to persuade themselves carefully.

"Forgive me, sister, I really can't do it." Ge Jinpan was holding the spatula, shaking, feeling sick, especially uncomfortable.

Chu Yin waited indifferently, scooped up cold water from the side, and poured it on Ge Jinpan: "Cool down."

Ge Jinpan didn't dare to say anything, because he remembered that he had also splashed like this.

(End of this chapter)

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