Chapter 422 This Summer (20)

After dinner, Chu Yin didn't let Ge Jinpan be idle and asked her to do the laundry.

Watching her wash, you have to wash carefully, cleanly, and have a correct attitude.

Fang Liwan cleaned the pigsty and chicken pens. He couldn't stand it any longer, so he lay down on the bed to rest.

By the way, he took his son who was a few years old. Ge Fu has been chopping firewood and has no time to take care of the child.

His waist had also reached its limit. If it hadn't been for it, Fang Liwan would not have been able to lie down in broad daylight.

Moreover, Fang Liwan hadn't seen a doctor for a long time. He had already missed the best time for treatment, and the root cause of the disease had already fallen.

From time to time in the future, the pain would make him unable to sleep.

Before this, she took the opportunity to check Fang Liwan's condition.

It can be regarded as Fang Liwan's retribution.

Because these years, the client has been abused, and in fact, some root causes have also fallen.

At this point, there is no way to torment Fang Liwan anymore. If he continues to torment, Fang Liwan will not be able to get out of bed anymore, and he will be completely paralyzed. Unluckily, it will be his grandparents who have worked hard as parents. At this point, they can't do it.

After washing the clothes, Ge Jinpan begged Chu Yin: "Let me rest for a while, it's such a hot day, I feel like I'm going to die."

Chu Yin frowned: "You work so slowly, and you don't do as much as I do. Why are you going to die? Didn't I come here like that?"

"Hurry up and stop talking nonsense."

Ge Jinpan secretly glanced at Ge Fu, who was still chopping firewood.

Wanting to be lazy, Chu Yin threatened Ge Fu that he would go to town.

Ge Fu could only comfort himself in his heart, that he could send the plague god away when his cousin came back.

No matter how hard and tired it is, it has been these two days, and it will be fine to get through it.

He also comforted himself that the work of left and right is at home.

After Ge Jinpan washed the clothes, Chu Yin took her out to mow the grass, and after mowing the grass, she asked her to cook and clean up at night.

Tired until most of the night, Chu Yin finally let Ge Jinpan off and allowed her to take a bath and rest.

At night, Ge Jinpan and Ge Fu were so tired that they hugged each other and cried bitterly.

They were all talking about lunatics not to be messed with, cursing Chu Yin with all kinds of words.

Chu Yin went to the bathroom at night and passed by Fang Liwan's bed. He heard Fang Liwan calling all the time, with a blank expression on his face.

"Is it a small painting?" Fang Liwan asked when he heard the movement.

Chu Yin responded coldly: "What?"

"I'm in so much pain..." His voice was full of helplessness.

Chu Yin turned on the light, looked at Fang Liwan, who had some white hair on his head, and said, "It's your own fault."

"I can't help it. What can I do? At my age, if I don't follow her, I can go get another one." He slowly sat up and looked at Chu Yin.

"Xiaohua, is it okay for us father and daughter to speak our minds?" He motioned Chu Yin to sit down.

Chu Yin shook her head: "I don't want to tell you more."

Today, it means that I have the upper hand, so it is not easy to talk about the truth, the difficulties, and his difficulties.

But in the plot, when did he have compassion.

"You are worse than Ge Fu. She is a vicious woman. I was not born by her. At least she knows how to be good to her own child, but you don't." Chu Yin snorted.

Fang Liwan's face trembled: "You are so old, you can still stand out after a while..."

Chu Yin felt extremely ironic, kicked Fang Liwan's bed leg, turned and left.

Back in the room, Chu Yin locked the door and let Chu Qing out.

"Baby, keep your voice down." Chu Yin greeted Chu Qing in advance.

Chu Yin asked Chu Qing to come out to play and sleep with her at night.

In order to cover up Chu Qing's voice, Chu Yin also deliberately moved the big head TV to this room, so that others would think it was the TV sound when they heard the sound in this room.

But it's best to keep your voice as low as possible so that no one else can hear it.

"Yinyin, I will!" Chu Qing agreed, and her voice also decreased. She leaned in Chu Yin's arms and told Chu Yin that she was studying in the system space.

Studying with the electronic tablet that Chuyin bought.

She can speak, and can control those tablets with voice, which is very convenient, and the electronic products exchanged in the mall itself are very high-tech.

Chu Yin asked her about her academic achievements, and she said that she had already learned to write a character, a phonetic character.

Hearing this, 3308 couldn't help but said: "That's right, after you took her to play in the forest last time, she learned this word when she went back, and then she learned it now."

Although he also likes this Tengyang very much, he is so delicate and cute.

But he was also a little surprised by this Tengyang's IQ, and couldn't help but want to complain.

The efficiency of this study cannot be said to be very high, it can only be said to be inefficient.

Chu Yin: "Wow, my baby is so good, how long has it been, and I have learned such complicated words."

Chu Yin's words were both a reply to 3308 and a compliment to Chu Qing.

She really thinks so.

"I'm going to learn Chu characters next." Chu Qing told Chu Yin very seriously.

Chu Yin didn't feel sleepy now, and said, "Then let me teach you, okay?"

"Okay!" Chu Qing clapped her hands happily.

With Chu Yin's disdainful efforts, her eyes became dull, and she finally taught Chu Qing how to write a small part of Chu characters.

"Guaibao is great, but Guaibao, we have to combine work and rest, let's go to sleep." Chu Yin couldn't bear it anymore, and slowly closed her eyes.

Woke up too early in the morning, and supervised them for another day, which was exhausting.

"Okay, Yinyin is going to sleep." Because of his race, Chu Qing was very energetic, and didn't feel sleepy at all.

But when she saw her Yinyin falling asleep in seconds, she also snuggled up to Chuyin's chest obediently...

She didn't realize how heavy her weight was on Chu Yin's chest.

But Chu Yin was too sleepy, even though she was sleeping with weight, she couldn't wake her up.

"Yinyin, are you awake?" Chu Qing scratched Chuyin's neck with his hand.

Chu Yin opened her eyes, seeing that Guaibao was so cute and cute, she couldn't feel any discomfort.

He raised his hand and glanced at his watch, only to sleep for less than two hours.

"I am a human race now. Ordinary human races need sleep every day. Two hours is not enough. Let's sleep more." Chu Yin felt chest tightness and shortness of breath.

Trying to move Chu Qing to the side.

But seeing the reluctance in Chu Qing's clear eyes, it seemed that she liked to stay like this, Chu Yin let out a long sigh of relief, the sweet burden was not unbearable.

If you want to sleep and can't accompany her, then follow her and lie down wherever you want.

Chu Yin knew clearly, in Chu Qing's consciousness, she definitely couldn't realize that this would make her feel uncomfortable.

She is still so young, so I will tell her about it later, Chu Yue wants to pamper her.

"Yinyin, have you slept well?" Two hours later, Chu Yin was woken up again.

It's a bit dumbfounding, it's really like bringing a child, the child will cry and make noise in the middle of the night, and won't let people sleep.

Chu Qing doesn't have a deep understanding of the concept of time, and currently doesn't understand the importance of sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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