Chapter 425 This Summer (23)

When the food was served, Ge Jinpan sat down cautiously.

Ge Fu also sat down and called his son over.

Both mother and daughter sat down after looking at Chu Yin's face, fearing that Chu Yin would not let them sit at the table again.

Chu Yin was very satisfied with this result. In the past, the client always had to look at his face when he went to the table to eat. Sometimes he could go to the table to eat, and sometimes he couldn't.

Such good dishes can never be placed on the client's side, they are all dishes that have been reheated several times and even have a bit of a strange smell.

The client didn't dare to pick up the good food. Ge Fu knocked off the chopsticks when he picked up the chopsticks before, and was beaten and scolded.

"Isn't there another person?" Chu Yin didn't like to be called Dad now, and he didn't deserve it anyway.

Ge Jinpan said, "His back hurts and he can't get up to eat."

"If you can't get up, don't you know how to bring him some past?" Chu Yin asked loudly.

Fang Liwan grinned his teeth in pain, seeing Ge Jinpan bring the food in a bowl, he resisted the pain and got up.

"Stop stirring up discord." Ge Fu came to his senses and looked at Chu Yin.

My heart turns cold.

To be honest, it's a lie that I don't feel sad.

"Dad, it's time to eat." Ge Jinpan held the rice bowl and chopsticks, and handed it to Fang Liwan.

"Give me a meal, why go to so many people?" Ge Fu still talked a lot.

Chu Yin didn't speak, just kept silent.

Chu Yin's eyes fell on the child. If you want to say how old the child is, he is also the most sensitive. When his parents and sister bullied the client, he followed suit.

"This is the retribution you deserve, you know?"

Very flexible.

"Shall I go to Dad to serve dinner now?" she asked.

"No need." Fang Liwan held the bowl, feeling even more aggrieved.

Fang Liwan: "...don't say any more."

Feeling aggrieved and sad, and hearing what Chu Yin said in the main room again, I feel that someone understands him and speaks for him, and the grievance in my heart is even heavier.

Holding a bowl and refusing to eat.

Ge Jinpan never cared about her, nor did his wife care about him.

How can I treat her badly these years, I am so tired for this family, so hard, don't I just hope that she will have a better life?

Chu Yin: "Why didn't you say it?"

Seeing Ge Jinpan pick and choose in the bowl, and finally picked a chicken head and some meatless chicken skeletons for Fang Liwan, she wanted to laugh.

Ge Jinpan wanted to take the bowl back from Fang Liwan: "Let me refill it for you."

Chu Yin was silent for two seconds, and Ge Fu got up quickly.

"Then did I serve him food?" Ge Jinpan asked tentatively again.

Thinking back to the past, their mother and daughter would eat delicious food first, but now it is taken for granted, and they are not worthy of eating delicious food.

He had only been lying down for a long time, not even two days, before he complained.

Because Chu Yin considered that he would not be able to stay at this house for a few days, so of course he had to eat all the delicious food before leaving.

Now that they were afraid, he was also afraid.

After walking two steps, seeing Ge Fu not moving, she turned her head and frowned: "You also follow."

People's selfishness is difficult to change. Many times when doing something, it is instinctive and subconsciously perfectly reflects her selfishness.

Because these are things that Ge Jinpan's mother and daughter don't like to eat. In the past, bones without meat could not be eaten by the client, but now they dare not let themselves eat them.

The voice was loud enough for Fang Liwan to hear.

In fact, even if you don't raise your voice, as long as you speak at a normal volume in the main room, Fang Liwan can still hear clearly from where he is currently lying.

Chu Yin said: "It seems that you don't like to eat these meatless bones."

It also nourishes the malnourished body.

Words can be as ugly as they are.

Ge Fu frowned, unable to guess what Chu Yin meant.

"It's a good thing you don't have any of these."

"But this is your life, eat it honestly, or you still expect to eat the delicious part?"

Like his job, he only earns one day's money if he works for one day. He said that he has no money to lie at home, and his children will be poor when they start school.

He was dumbfounded by what Ge Fu and Ge Jinpan said.

Fang Liwan took the bowl, and he heard what they said in the living room before.

Chu Yin said again: "Usually, what they give you are not good things. Now that you are sick and don't make money, you still expect to eat well?"

Chu Yin laughed.

Chu Yin didn't say anything, got up and followed Ge Jinpan.

He kept saying that he was a wimp, and asked him if he was pretending to be sick and wanted to team up with Fang Hua to bully their mother and daughter.

Ge Fu looked at Chu Yin, why did he suddenly miss her father again after a while?
"Sister, what exactly do you want?" Ge Jinpan said to each other, just to make life easier.

Chu Yin still didn't speak, Ge Jinpan pondered for a long time in his own mind, and finally put some rice in a bowl, and put some vegetables on it.

He also said that Ge Jinpan will start school soon, and he looks like lying at home every day.

Chu Yin gave a cold look, and Ge Fu successfully shut up.

Fear of Chu Yin has made her a habit in a short period of time.

Children of a few years old were also frightened by Chu Yin to the point of tears rolling in their eyes, but they didn't cry out.

But it's not that rare at all.

"Not to mention taking you to the hospital, or finding some herbal medicine to apply. Your wife complains about you all day long."

"Blame you for this, blame you for that, scold you for being useless, and hurt her."

Ge Jinpan didn't dare to act rashly, so he just sat there.

Fang Liwan pulled it into the bowl, and there was no meat in the bowl except for a chicken head and a bit of chicken bones.

Fang Liwan looked at Chu Yin.

He even complained that his waist had shrunk and he couldn't work, which made their mother and daughter so tired.

Ge Jinpan was speechless.

"I see it's really enjoyable. I'm relieved that they treat you badly. I'm really afraid that you will live well. There is a wife who knows the cold and the hot by your side, and a gentle and filial stepdaughter."

So tonight she asked to kill a chicken to eat.

Chu Yin said: "Look, you are sick, no one cares about you, you don't have a word of concern, and your beloved stepdaughter lives up and down without even giving you a look. If I didn't bring it up, they wouldn't even give you a cup of tea." You don't even have the heart to eat, you have to endure the pain yourself if you want to eat something, you have suffered it on behalf of your daughter."

He also complained that he was incompetent and couldn't control his daughter, and said that it was all his fault for having a daughter that made her suffer like this.

So I have been eating square miles.

"Isn't that the father who loves you and loves you? He has been lying down with back pain for so long, have you greeted him? Why don't you know how to serve tea and water?" Chu Yin looked at Ge Jinpan.

"I'm going." Ge Jinpan looked at Chu Yin.

Don't you miss her father?

"Let's eat." Ge Jinpan made it a habit to look at Chu Yin when he said and did everything.

"Don't say any more." Fang Liwan felt really uncomfortable when he heard it.

Only when something happens can you see something.

Ever since Fang Hua was rebellious, the family has changed. It used to be passable, and Ge Fu lived comfortably, so he didn't have much complaints about him.

It's so rough right now, that's all.

(End of this chapter)

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