Chapter 426 This Summer (24)

Seeing Fang Liwan's very uncomfortable expression, Chu Yin found it very interesting.

If he hadn't told the story and hadn't pierced the window paper, Fang Liwan could still fool himself in a daze.

I won't feel so wronged anymore.

But now that he said it out by himself, and magnified the grievance in Fang Liwan's heart, he could no longer ignore Ge Fu and Ge Jinpan's attitude towards him.

Fang Liwan was really kind to the mother and daughter.

And this mother and daughter, Li Wan, really ignored each other.

Really normal to him.

"Doesn't your father blame you for being like this? If it weren't for you, would his waist have shrunk?" Ge Fu whispered.

Chu Yin laughed: "Why is your waist flashing?"

He has to wear the worst clothes. Ge Fu told him that he is not willing to buy clothes that are a little more expensive.

With meat, he eats the worst part.

very funny.

Ge Fu looked at Fang Liwan disdainfully: "I said you've changed so fast, but I said that your father and daughter are working together to punish our mother and daughter."

Fang Liwan: "That means you really don't have money. If you have money, can I not let you go to school?"

Ge Jinpan was speechless after being questioned repeatedly by Chu Yin, so he could only wait in silence.

"Is it worth a thousand?" Ge Jinpan asked.

"You don't want to suffer in college, do you?"

She knew her daughter very well, and she definitely didn't want to suffer in college, but there was no need to say such things.

"Isn't it to hit me? Doesn't that deserve it? You go out and reason yourself, does it make sense?"

Probably because this leg is very weak and wobbly, the more it wobbles, the more Chu Yin wants to kick.

"I'm going to die of pain." Seeing their attitude, Fang Liwan felt angry, and put the bowl aside angrily, not knowing who he was getting angry with.

Fearing that Ge Fu and Ge Jinpan would not be able to count on him in the future, and he was helpless, he wanted to coax Chu Yin to bring back the money, and wanted to turn his long-abuseed daughter into a dutiful son.

He also felt that perhaps it was better for his daughter to be his own, so that his own would really care about him, and he wanted to use these words to ease the relationship between father and daughter.

To be honest, no matter what, his own daughter understood him.

"The school I was admitted to was better than her by many times. Why can she go but I can't."

"It's all because of your disobedience, you caused it." Ge Fu looked at Chu Yin: "He is your father after all. After a while, you will go out to work and pay your wages, so hurry up and call back. Dad go and see."

Why wait for him to really fall into the root cause of the disease, he will have back pain from time to time in the future, and he will not be able to do too much physical work before talking about it.

Chu Yin smiled: "For a situation like his, maybe two thousand would not be enough in a big hospital, but going to the hospital is the most expensive now."

After being analyzed by Chu Yin, Ge Fu also realized the seriousness of the matter.

And kicked more than once.

Chu Yin saw through Fang Liwan's thoughts, kicked Fang Liwan's bed leg, and sneered: "There are many tricks."

Chu Yin asked a question that choked Ge Jinpan.

"You have to know that some problems cannot be delayed. Waiting for me to go out to work to earn money and come back to see a doctor, maybe your waist has no cure."

Unlike that guy who even said he was faking it.

"Then what should I do? Are you going to let your dad's waist hurt like this?" Ge Fu silently moved away from Chu Yin when he spoke.

"If you suffer others, you can't suffer yourself, right?"

Chu Yin laughed: "Your abacus is so loud."

But he didn't say anything.

The family's savings are not much in the first place, if it is spent, her daughter's living expenses will have to be reduced a lot when she goes to college, and the life will be more difficult and the children will lose face.

Fang Liwan's thoughts were mixed.

"I don't want to hide it now, let's show it off, right?"

Fang Liwan argued: "The money is only enough for one person to read."

Chu Yin wrapped her arms around and looked at Ge Jinpan: "You don't want to spend money, do you?"

"You have to know that a hard-working person like him is also very resistant to pain. He can't bear it anymore. You can imagine how painful he is and how serious the situation is."

There was a touch of emotion on the old face.

"I don't have a penny more, but if I have more money, can I not go to the doctor?" Fang Liwan insisted.

Chu Yin sneered again and again: "Yes, since you support her, then count on her."

If you want him to go, you will seriously ask him to go to the hospital, but it doesn't happen.

"You still expect me to send money?"

I was really afraid that Chu Yin would have a sudden attack.

"You still care about me. You have a knife mouth and a bean curd heart. You can't bear to see me lying at home like this." Fang Liwan looked at Chu Yin and said.

Chu Yin didn't know why Fang Liwan was suddenly moved.

Fang Liwan looked at Ge Fu with a little helplessness.

At least until now, the mother and daughter have not said that they want to take him to see a doctor.

"Okay, I won't eat this meal, you all stay away, let me be quiet and quiet."

Fang Liwan felt extremely wronged. He earned all the money, but he seemed to be the person least qualified to spend it.

I'm really speechless, but she's so serious about sowing discord!
"Xiao Hua, you work hard outside, and after earning money, give me some money. I have money to see a doctor when I have a lot of money. You can also see that they don't care about me." Then Fang Liwan added another sentence.

Fang Liwan sighed.

Still caring about him?Knife mouth tofu heart?
If you really cared about him, you would have reminded him to go see it.

"Don't count on me, you don't even give me money to study, and you still expect me to give you money to see a doctor." Chu Yin clearly refused.

Chu Yin pointed at Ge Jinpan: "Then why can she go?"

Although faced with Chu Yin's questioning and instigation step by step, Ge Fu and Ge Jinpan didn't say anything too outrageous.

Chu Yin looked at Fang Liwan: "I don't believe this family has no savings."

"Ge Jinpan, let me ask you, are you willing to spend 1000 yuan from your living expenses after school starts to let him see a doctor?"

"I have money, can I lie at home and suffer this?"

She was not worried about her husband's health, but about money.

"You start to curry favor with her, you want to rely on your daughter, and think we are unreliable."

"Stop sowing discord." Ge Fu didn't want Ge Jinpan to make any choice.

Now what else can this child do except coax her, coax her to come back with money in the future, seeing how pitiful she is, she will always be moved.

Suddenly became worried.

Maybe it was my wife's angry words, but no matter how I thought about it, I felt chilling.

It can be seen that he does not want him to go to the doctor, for fear that he will spend money.

What I wear every day is ugly and rustic, even an 80-year-old man would hate it.

For the snacks at home, most of the time he can only see the residue when he comes back, and he rarely eats a piece of candy.

Ge Fu had candy in his mouth and melon seeds in his hand, and told him that it was enough for the children to eat, and adults didn't need to eat them.

Fang Liwan didn't think about these things in the past, but now that he thinks about it, he is full of grievances and feels worthless for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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