Chapter 427 This Summer (25)

Chu Yin was even satisfied with Fang Liwan's reaction.

Her purpose has been achieved.

It provoked the imbalance in Fang Liwan's heart, and this imbalance will become bigger and bigger.

Because Ge Fu is used to selfishness, it is impossible to change.

It is very difficult for a person to change from a selfish person who uses her husband as a tool for making money to a gentle and pleasant wife who is cold and warm.

In the future, Fang Liwan will not have a good time, let him be tortured by Ge Fu.

Let's see how long he can resist.

Especially when he made trouble at home and bullied Ge Fu's mother and daughter like this, after he left, Ge Fu's anger would continue to find Fang Liwan.

Chu Yin went out to eat, and the chicken was still delicious.

"That matter can't be solved." Fang Liwan shook his head.

Grandpa looked at Fang Liwan silently.

This kind of politeness comes from Fang Liwan's belief that the child's grandfather can act as a middleman to mediate the relationship between him and his biological daughter.

"I'll tell you later."

Chu Yin told her grandfather more than once that she would find a way by herself, but in her grandfather's heart, Chu Yin was still a child, so he was inevitably worried, and there was no way to let it go just because of Chu Yin's words.

Moreover, Ge Fu felt unhappy and uncomfortable for Fanghua to study. It was inevitable to quarrel every day, and he himself did not have a good life.

Chu Yin looked at Ge Fu: "Aren't you going to live to be old?"

Grandpa and Fang Liwan spoke in a relatively low voice, deliberately lowering the volume.

Then his family will be broken up.

Fang Liwan said that he was unable to repay the loan even after taking out the loan. He also had a son, and he was under a lot of pressure.

Grandpa said, now you can still get a loan or something.

The old man could only shake his head and sigh over and over again.

"Boy, come quickly, give me a hug from grandpa." Since Ge Fu came in, he treated his grandparents badly and quarreled with them many times. Grandpa is no longer willing to take the initiative to talk to Ge Fu's mother and daughter.

Even now Fang Hua has bullied everyone at home, but she can't force her to study.

When you need money, you can start with the child's grandpa and let the child's grandpa speak.

"Take some medicine, it will always relieve you." The old man said.

The mother and daughter sat down to eat with Chu Yin, and they were frightened. They were afraid that they would provoke Chu Yin again, and they would suffer from the boss again. They hadn't reasoned and no one would help them.

Fang Liwan fell silent when he heard this.

Chu Yin: "Okay."

The grandfather also said that the two of them could help take care of their little grandson, Fang Liwan and Ge Fu both went to work, so that the family would have an extra income.

If she is willing to work, it will not be like this.

"You really need to solve the problem of children's reading." Grandpa said: "When the time comes, I will sell you part of the money owed by Xiao Hua for studying."

The reason why Chu Yin asked Grandpa to eat more was because when he went to deliver pineapple cakes, Grandpa and the others had already prepared dinner, so they must have eaten it.

"It won't smell like an old man."

Grandpa shook his head helplessly.

Let the child's grandfather persuade the child, the child may still care about him from the bottom of his heart.

"Going to a big hospital is very expensive, and going to a small clinic can't solve any problems. The small clinic in this town is useless to take medicine."

I don't want to cause trouble for myself.

After hearing this, Grandpa was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to say.

"Your waist looks very serious, do you want to go and have a look?" the old man asked.

But it is also true that the granddaughter is strong now, because if she is not strong, she is still being bullied.

What a crime.

Such a good and good granddaughter beat her every time, and now she got her retribution.

Fang Liwan also told the child's grandfather what Chu Yin did at home. The old man was dubious and felt that Fang Liwan's words were exaggerated and made up.

Ge Fu pursed his lips, didn't speak, and didn't let his son go to get close to the old man, instead he pulled his son to his side.

Grandpa said: "I've already eaten, I'm not going to eat anymore, I just thought of something and came here to tell you."

But the little grandson is so small, although they are relatively skinny, considering their small size, they are still rare.

So Grandpa didn't say anything about not letting Ge Jinpan study.

Chu Yin: "I dodged to hit my waist, and now I can't move while lying down."

If he supports two college students at once, the life of Ge Fu and his son will be more difficult, and he will be more tired. He doesn't want to see his younger son suffer, and he can't bear so much suffering.

If you read books, you should read them all, and you can't stop people from reading just because you are a stepdaughter.

Chu Yin felt that grandpa's point was quite reasonable. Anyway, from Fang Liwan's point of view, both his biological daughter and stepdaughter were daughters.

"Let Brother Lin Zi drive you there, you can call me." The brother Lin Zi the old man was talking about was Fang Liwan's cousin.

"Xiao Hua..." Someone knocked on the door suddenly, Chu Yin heard the voice was Grandpa, and immediately got up to open the door.

Fang Liwan: "Forget it, I can't even walk to the town like this."

But after a long time, Ge Fu would definitely not be able to bear it if he was bullied all the time, and he decided to take the child back to his mother's house.

For example, Ge Jinpan is afraid to touch the delicious parts now, and it depends on Chu Yin's face to choose a piece of meat.

"Grandpa, come in quickly, let's have some more food." It was dark outside, and Grandpa came here with a flashlight.

"I'll go take a look." Grandpa walked over, Chu Yin wanted to follow, Grandpa said: "You guys continue to eat, I will talk to your dad."

Fang Liwan said that he couldn't borrow money.

The so-called nonsense.

"No, mother said that grandpa smells bad, has old people's disease, and smells like an old man." The child didn't think so much when he spoke.

Grandpa persuaded Fang Liwan to borrow money so that both daughters could study.

Fang Liwan was very polite to his grandfather this time.

Although his son's attitude has improved a lot this time, things still haven't changed in any way. Xiao Hua's problem with reading is the biggest problem.

Fang Liwan shook his head: "Forget it."

"She said she still wants to raise her own son, just such a son, and besides, you are getting old, so I don't want to burden you." Fang Liwan said.

Ge Fu has been idle for these years, and he doesn't want to go to work at all.

He wished that Xiao Hua would leave as soon as possible, because she was domineering at home now, and her time was short, so Ge ​​Fu could tolerate a few complaints and curses after suffering a little bit.

"Forget it, what about Liwan?" Grandpa asked.

Although Ge Fu and the others couldn't hear clearly, Chu Yin could still hear clearly with his ears open.

Fang Liwan also talked about his own difficulties, saying that if his child insisted on reading this book, his family would be destroyed.

There is a motorcycle.

"It's too troublesome." Fang Liwan actually took a sigh of relief in his heart. Since Ge Fu and the others didn't want to go to the doctor by themselves, they didn't go to see the doctor themselves, and just stayed at home.

This kind of suffering has passed, and he doesn't want to bother others. If he wants to see a doctor, Ge Fu has to go with him, and when he walks on the road, he will complain to himself all the time, it's embarrassing.

No matter how little a small clinic costs, it still costs money.

(End of this chapter)

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