Chapter 429 This Summer (27)

Isn't it a joke that this grandfather has such a body, and the weather is hot, with such a toss?
Grandpa said again: "When the time comes, you will share some of the money with Yin Aiting. We don't owe him any favors."

"If I don't find one, I'll give him one of the chickens you sent over in the refrigerator. It's always a good thing."

"Even if people know that there is wild Gastrodia elata in that place, they won't talk nonsense, and they probably won't dig it themselves in the future. Yin Aiting's own family has money, and his grandparents are also old, and they also have money in their hands, so they won't think about it. Go do the tiring work."

Chu Yin couldn't hold back his grandfather, so he could only agree: "Okay."

But I wondered in my heart if I could sneak away by myself tomorrow, since I knew the direction anyway.

She understands grandpa's mood.

But she can really do it alone.

Early the next morning, Chu Yin just called Ge Fu and the others to arrange things for them. There are actually many things in the countryside.

Even if you finish it, you can find a lot of tedious things to do.

This Yin Aiting won't look at the girl pictured above, is that appropriate?

"I feel very honored!"

Hearing Ge Jinpan's voice, Chu Yin thought of a few words: Jiaziyin.

This is a contest of charm and dignity between girls.

Chu Yin ate the noodles silently, whatever the idiot Ge Jinpan wanted to do to embarrass him.

"Why are you here?" Chu Yin stood up holding the bowl, and asked politely, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Why are you crying?" Although Ge Jinpan didn't care about Fang Liwan, nor did he ever get up and help Fang Liwan walk, Fang Liwan still cared about her.

"But why do you only want to be friends with that lunatic Fang Hua and despise me? I'm not convinced!" Ge Jinpan was furious.

The equipment is very good.

In the opinion of the old people in the village, it is perfectly normal to ask the young people in the village for a favor.

After speaking, Ge Jinpan turned around aggressively and left.

It is specified that grandpa cannot produce this chicken.

Just after making arrangements, Chu Yin was eating egg noodles in the yard, and Yin Aiting was here before dawn.

There are many people younger than her in the village who got married early without studying.

Yin Aiting felt that Ge Jinpan looked at him strangely, which made him feel a little uncomfortable, because he knew what Ge Jinpan had done in the past, and he didn't like it very much.

But I can also understand the old man's heart. In the old man's heart, Yin Aiting is young.

Came last night and came this morning.

How to make a very familiar look.

Now that everyone is here, he can't be driven away. Chu Yin moved a bench for him and asked him to wait until he finished eating the noodles, and then set off with some small tools, some dry food and water.

Having reached this point, and being rejected by Yin Aiting's righteous words, Ge Jinpan couldn't hold back no matter how thick-skinned he was, and left quickly.

Didn't Yin Aiting tell Yin Aiting that this girl is a lunatic and she can't have it? Doesn't Yin Aiting believe it?
Chu Yin ignored Ge Fu, if Yin Aiting had come to find Ge Jinpan, Ge Fu would have laughed.

Fang Liwan: "If you refuse, you will refuse. You are still so young, the world will be vast in the future, and you will have friends."

"So we should be friends too."

Fang Liwan was speechless, why did he lose his temper at him because of such a trivial matter?

Ge Jinpan's embarrassing expression froze on the spot, and he hesitated and said, "Aren't you good friends with my sister?"

Just when Fang Liwan got up to get something and leaned against the wall in pain, Ge Jinpan just raised his head and gave him a cold look before continuing to cry.

"I'll cook egg noodles for you."

In Fang Liwan's mind, isn't this just a matter of two sentences?
"Help me down, I'll go find something." Not only did Fang Liwan not comfort the angry Ge Jinpan, he also offered to ask Ge Jinpan to help him.

It's a pity that he came to find her, so he couldn't make her jealous.

"It's familiar." She lowered her head and whispered.

There is freedom to make friends.

Wearing sportswear, a sun hat, and a pair of sneakers looked expensive.

"Student, no need." Yin Aiting refused.

"Good morning, Yin Aiting." Hearing Yin Aiting's voice, Ge Jinpan ran out excitedly and greeted Yin Aiting.

Fang Liwan asked, "Just because of this?"

"The old man thinks that I am strong and strong, a good young man, and willing to help others, so he specially asked me to come and help."

Ge Jinpan was humiliated, and he felt very complicated in his heart.

If there is no harvest, give Yin Aiting a thank you gift. Chu Yin thinks that the chickens in this family will be almost killed by her, but there are still two, and she will kill one for Yin Aiting when the time comes.

"You did it on purpose, you were reluctant to ask your own daughter to do things, let her get along with Yin Aiting outside, and dragged me, afraid that I would go out and ruin her business?"

Very sad, worse than being bullied by Fang Hua and beaten by Fang Hua.

Chu Yin was not worried about not having a job to arrange for them.

They obviously haven't talked much, and they haven't come and gone.

Find a place to cry.

Ge Fu came out and saw Yin Aiting, very puzzled.

His tone was sour and his face was jealous.

He angered Ge Jinpan by thinking that this matter was as small as a sesame seed. In her heart at present, this is a big deal.

Yin Aiting felt very strange hearing this familiar tone.

Even if she is close to Yin Aiting, but now the folk customs are open, the village will not gossip.

Chu Yin: "..."

She lost so thoroughly!
Ge Jinpan was very angry: "Isn't it sad enough? I don't want to lose face?"

They are all adults, soon to be college students.

"What are you going to do again..." she muttered.

Furious, Ge Jinpan snorted, "Let your own daughter help you, so I won't help you."

In order to avoid facing such strange eyes in the future, he said, "It doesn't count, classmate, we are not familiar with it."

"I wanted to make friends with him, but he didn't want to, as if he rejected me."

If they really succeeded, wouldn't this girl fly up to a branch and become a phoenix?

It seems that the old man made a special trip to find Yin Aiting last night.

This is so embarrassing, such a hard work troubles others.

"Yin Aiting is outside, he only makes friends with Fang Hua, so I just say hello to him, he is not polite to me."

"No, I've already eaten. I came here early on purpose to go to the forest with you." Yin Aiting put his hands behind his back: "I was entrusted by someone."

"It's a trivial matter in your heart, right? You can't empathize with me at all, and you don't really care about me at all."

What's so familiar, and he doesn't want to be friends with this kind of misbehaving girl.

Chu Yin only prayed in her heart that there would be something to gain this time, otherwise she would take Yin Ai Tingbai for a walk, how embarrassing it would be.

"Are we familiar?" He looked at Ge Jinpan suspiciously.

Fang Liwan stayed where he was, feeling like he couldn't understand anything.

Why did Ge Jinpan say these words?
I feel like I understand something.

It seems that this daughter has been spoiled.

She refused to help her up.

(End of this chapter)

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