Bringing good things, Chu Yin and Yin Aiting set off.

"I think this summer vacation is really rich." Yin Aiting said with emotion.

"You don't even know how interested I am in these things."

Chu Yin looked at him amusedly: "Why, could it be that your childhood was not happy?"

"No, it's just that the studies are heavy, and these things are very new to me."

Chu Yin nodded: "In your heart, it's like traveling in mountains and rivers."

Yin Aiting said: "That's why I admire you very much."

"You don't even know that in order to get into this university, I'm not allowed to do anything at home, except for reading every day."

"And you passed the exam easily, so it can be seen that you are much smarter than me."

Chu Yin just smiled.

And he had bluffed before, saying that it was impossible for her to pull him, right?

I agreed to come and take care of Fang Hua, a girl, and give her a hand when something happens?

"It seems to be near here." Chu Yin came to the place that grandpa described, and the trees here were similar to what grandpa said.

It was very difficult for Yin Aiting to walk in it, he was swaying here and there, and Chu Yin had to look after him from time to time.

His words are not without some truth.

But Yin Aiting didn't realize that what he said was too early.

As a result, girls pull themselves.

That's why she has been on high alert to react so quickly.

If he really returned empty-handed, grandpa must be even more disappointed than them, because he provided the news, and if he didn't get anything, he would feel very sorry and blame himself.

"The quality is not bad, and it should be able to sell for a higher price." Chu Yin said with a smile.

Yin Aiting nodded, looked around, and said, "It's been a long time since anyone came to such a deep forest."

Although the quality is high, the quantity is small, and it is not cost-effective to come from such a long distance.

The most hateful thing is him, he is more selfish than Gefu, and he is more disgusting than Gefu.

"There are really a few." Chu Yin was a little happy. Although there were only a few, it proved to be rewarding.

Thinking of Fang Liwan made me sick.

But she was still admitted to such a good school.

"Grab my hand." Even if Yin Aiting is allowed to roll down, at most he will be scratched by plants and knocked by stones a few times, because this hurdle is not too high.

Grandpa will not be disappointed if there is something to bring back.

"It saves time."

It's a pity that there are too few, Chu Yin secretly thought in his heart.

But grandpa was kind, and if something happened to a girl entering such a deep woodland, someone would take care of her.

Yin Aiting walked very carefully afterwards, for fear that she would be taken care of by Chu Yin again.

"Sorry." Yin Aiting really felt embarrassed.

"It's uneven. If the soles of your feet slip, you might roll down the hillside." Chu Yin looked at Yin Aiting.

She still wanted to look for others. In such a deep mountain forest, not only wild Gastrodia elata, but also other wild medicinal materials.

"Take a break and eat something, drink some water." Now that they are all in the place, Chu Yin is not in a hurry, regardless of whether there is wild Gastrodia elata, the most important thing is to eat and drink enough.

After eating and drinking enough, Chu Yin clapped his hands and said, "Work has started."

"It's just bad luck." In order to save Yin Aiting's face, Chu Yin talked about some embarrassing things that happened to the previous client in the woodland due to the bad terrain.

Like Chu Yin, Yin Aiting felt unwilling and suggested to Chu Yin: "Let's look for it again."

Because the road here is rugged and difficult to walk, so I didn't bring a bicycle, and I relied on walking.

There are several varieties of trees in this woodland that Grandpa mentioned.

The frustration is gone too.

Especially things like Gastrodia elata, she was very familiar with and understood, so she began to search for them.

There is a high probability that she is taking care of Yin Aiting by herself.

After being pulled up by Chu Yin, Yin Aiting's face turned red.

This time, Chu Yin stopped asking. It stands to reason that the client can't understand the quality of Gastrodia elata, and it is already good enough to recognize Gastrodia elata.

The client was entangled in so many chores, and the education he received was much worse than Yin Aiting's.

Very sorry.

The study time and study environment are not as good as Yin Aiting.

Yin Aiting nodded: "I have learned."

To be honest, after seeing Yin Aiting early in the morning and knowing that it was her grandfather who asked her to come with her, she had already expected this.

Chu Yin handed him water: "Drink some water."

This made Yin Aiting very frustrated. Seeing that he was in a bad mood, Chu Yin comforted him: "I just got acquainted in this mountain."

"You don't need to cut it so seriously, just deal with it to the point where we can go." Chu Yin demonstrated for Yin Aiting.

As a result, people really pull themselves.

As a result, the deeper the terrain, the more unpredictable it became, and Chu Yin took care of him several times.

It proved that the talent for reading is really high, but Fang Liwan, as his father, never paid much attention to such a high talent.

Then Chu Yin discovered that Yin Aiting was chopping very seriously, and seriousness meant that the speed was very slow.

"Let's go, let's dig it out." Chu Yin took Yin Aiting to dig out some wild Gastrodia elata.

And there was a crashing sound, Chu Yin's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he grabbed Yin Aiting who was about to roll down the hurdle.

Yin Aiting patted his chest: "Don't worry, I will pay attention."

"Your grandpa called me here to let me take care of you. I'm afraid that no one will help you if you fall off the ridge. I can't roll down the ridge by myself and let you pull me."

Yin Aiting looked curious and asked, "How do you judge the quality?"

They went out early in the daylight, and after walking for more than an hour, they finally reached the outside of the woodland.

He is a city resident himself, and he is not familiar with many things in the countryside. He has never been in such a deep forest, and he does not understand the real terrain in this dense forest.

But Chu Yin still wanted to pull him up, why let Yin Aiting suffer this.

People are here to help.

Chu Yin didn't say anything.

"There should be no road inside." Chu Yin shook the sickle in his hand, and had to use the sickle to remove all obstacles on the road, and forced a way out.

This is not something that cannot be said, Chu Yin taught Yin Aiting directly.

"Chop and chop." Seeing the grass as tall as a human being, Chu Yin felt a headache.

Chu Yin didn't say anything.

Chu Yin's humor can be regarded as making Yin Aiting feel a little better.

"Then your luck is not very good today, it is probably because of my bad luck that I married you."

"Okay." Chu Yin smiled, she just wanted to look for it again, and she was afraid that Yin Aiting would be too tired.

The two searched for several hours and split up. Chu Yin dug up some medicinal materials from the mountains and estimated that they could be worth some money.

But Yin Aiting didn't know medicinal materials, only wild Gastrodia elata, so Yin Aiting didn't find anything.

But he has been looking for it seriously, and even as time goes by, his patience remains the same as before.

"This, is this it?" Chu Yin was still digging for a less valuable medicinal material when he heard a slightly distant voice, which belonged to Yin Aiting.

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