Chu Yin quickly dug out the not very valuable medicinal materials in his hand, and ran to Yin Aiting.

"Wow, so many." Chu Yin was surprised.

There is a dense patch here.

Yin Aiting was also very happy: "Yes, there should be dozens of them."

"This time I can gain a lot."

"It still has to be you. It depends on you. If you hadn't followed me, I wouldn't have found so many." Chu Yin said.

Yin Aiting waved his hand: "Don't make me happy."

"Even if I don't come, I believe you will not give up looking for this side, it's just a matter of time."

What Yin Aiting said is true, if Chu Yin came here alone, he would not let go of looking for it.

People from all over the world have come here, so you must look for more.

Now Yin Aiting is beside her, so she can't put it in, so she can only carry it back by force.

"Mostly." Chu Yin replied.

How could Chu Yin let the old man carry such a heavy thing at such an age? He firmly disagreed.

Chu Yin expressed his understanding.

"I'm a boy, and I'm stronger than you." Yin Aiting felt that boys should have the courage to stand up and take on more things.

He walked quickly towards Chu Yin, seeing how heavy Chu Yin's back was, a gleam of joy flashed across his brows: "All of them?"

Chu Yin nodded, and the two began to dig.

"Actually, carrying things is also about skill and endurance. I do a little more work and have been trained." Chu Yin was afraid that Yin Aiting would be too embarrassing.

Probably because of the habit of using the system space, things that were not easy to carry in the past were placed in the system space.

Chu Yin nodded: "I think it can be sold at a higher price in the county."

"It's so fun, it's not a burden, I wish this area was full of good things, and then we dig here for a month, so that you can have tuition fees when you start school."

"Grandpa?" Chu Yin looked from a distance, and saw that Grandpa was waiting for them on the only way they had to go back.

Yin Aiting shook his head.

The heart is more than enough.

It should be called Gastrodia elata planting base.

After putting her back on her back, Yin Aiting gritted her teeth and walked forward silently.

On the way, Yin Aiting strongly asked Chu Yin to stop and take a breath, and Chu Yin took a break, but Yin Aiting insisted on switching backs with Chu Yin.

After digging, I looked at the time, and it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon.

Yin Aiting wanted to compete with Chu Yin for the back.

But these two full plastic bags were also grabbed by Yin Aiting.

"Thank you." Chu Yin put away the note from Yin Aiting.

When it was five o'clock, Chu Yin didn't delay much, and immediately told Yin Aiting to leave.

At this time, in Chu Yin's heart, Yin Aiting is a young boy who wants to be strong.

If we go back now, we won't have time to sell it, only tomorrow.

Really hearty.

"Going to the county seat?" Yin Aiting asked.

"I knew I would have to carry an extra basket, and each of us would carry half of it." Yin Aiting was very regretful on the way.

Explain to Yin Aiting that these are common medicinal materials in rural areas, they are not very valuable, but they can be sold for money, so they can be easily poached.

I thought it was just asking him to help, and I didn't expect the money to go up at all.

But the reality is, can it still be called wild Tianma?

Don't say that Yin Aiting didn't think about it, even Chu Yin didn't think about it, it really didn't think about it.

Although a road has already been opened when you come in, going out will not be as difficult as when you came in, but the way back will still be very long.

The road is really long.

"Fang Hua, you are so good at studying, you are very promising, and you are a talent that society needs. If you can't study, society will have one less talent like you, which is a loss to society." Yin Aiting said: "If you really come In the end, I didn’t think of a way, so you can find me and contact me.”

It's not that Yin Aiting doesn't want to recite it, it's that Yin Aiting really doesn't know how to recite it, and he really doesn't have the stamina to endure this hardship and can't bear it.

Chu Yin chuckled: "Just thinking about it makes me happy."

It can be regarded as helping Chu Yin lose some weight and make her feel more relaxed.

He also spoke to comfort Yin Aiting.

"I'll do it." Seeing Yin Aiting really couldn't stand it, Chu Yin secretly laughed in his heart, but of course, he was also trying to hold back his laughter.

"Tomorrow, you can go to the county town with me to sell this." Since the woods were all covered by Yin Aiting, Yin Aiting came in with him.

Because of Chu Yin's determination, Yin Aiting could not overcome Chu Yin in the end.

"It's your credit for finding it first." Chu Yin said with a smile.

This time it was replaced by Chu Yinqiang who was no match for Yin Aiting.

This teenage boy.

"I'll come, I'll come." Grandpa wanted to grab the back basket.

Yin Aiting gestured and fantasized.

Chu Yin looked at Yin Aiting: "That's fine."

Yin Aiting also gave Chu Yin his home address and phone number, which he had already written on a note.

Under Chu Yin's strong request, the thing returned to Chu Yin's back.

Grandpa let out a cry.

Because he had to go back to his home in the provincial capital to stay for a while before school started, fearing that Chu Yin would not find him.

"Tired you."

However, Chu Yin felt that Yin Aiting should be tired, so he hesitated to go back first. Anyway, he had gained so much, so don't be too greedy.

Grandpa heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the two of them.

And the road is not easy to walk, if Yin Aiting falls because of this, things will roll everywhere, it will be troublesome.

They continued to search and found five points, and found some things in the middle, which could also be exchanged for some money.

"The main reason is that I didn't expect to gain so much. I'm not afraid of being tired, but I'm afraid of not gaining anything." Chu Yin said happily.

I came here with a very large backpack, and now the backpack is already filled with a large part, and it is very heavy to carry.

Yin Aiting is very simple, and still doesn't realize Chu Yin's thoughts.

Maybe it will be dark if you walk slowly.

"Quickly dig." Yin Aiting couldn't wait.

"Find five o'clock, I don't want to go back now, I'm not tired."

Yin Aiting: "Okay."

Grandpa suddenly had a flash of inspiration, pulled out two plastic bags from his body, took some from the back basket, filled the two plastic bags and carried them.

How could this make Yin Aiting carry it on his back? If he carried it back, his shoulders would bleed.


Then take him with you when it's sold, and let him know how much it sold, and then half of each person will be there.

Because he really didn't have the energy to speak.

But it's too early to go back now.

The thing was so heavy that Chu Yin felt that his shoulders were really being ground and bleeding.

Yin Aiting said: "It's too early to go back now, it's okay, we came from a long way, let's look for it again."

"Don't grab me." Chu Yin waved his hand.

"I've been worried all day, and I'm afraid that something will happen to you." Grandpa said.

He really regretted it, what if something happened.

Although there are some more ferocious animals in the woodland now than decades ago, the terrain is not good, and it is troublesome to fall and get injured.

Moreover, Yin Aiting was a child of someone else's family. At that time, he felt that he was a well-behaved child, and the two children could play together and take care of each other.

Fortunately, the two children came back safely, and they didn't seem to be injured. With so much harvest, the hanging heart finally fell.

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