When they arrived at grandpa's house, Chu Yin put down his things.

"What are these?" Grandpa looked at some medicinal materials and didn't recognize them.

Chu Yin said: "These are also some things with medicinal value, and they can be exchanged for some money. I was taught by others, so I dug them up and tried them."

"Okay, okay." Grandpa was very pleased.

Turning back to Yin Aiting, he said: "This time I really trouble you."

"Grandpa Fang, don't bother me. I'm happy to do it. I think it's very interesting." Facing the elders, Yin Aiting smiled shyly.

"Your grandma cooked, you can eat here." After grandpa finished speaking, grandma brought out some dishes.

A few dishes are already very rich for the living habits and conditions of grandparents, and they are for entertaining guests.

"Let's eat here." Now that everything was ready, Chu Yin gave up his plan to go back to eat.

The main thing is that if he doesn't eat here, Yin Aiting will definitely be ashamed to stay.

But if Yin Aiting doesn't stay for dinner, grandparents will be lost.

Although going back can torment Ge Fu's mother and daughter, the grandparents can't live up to their hearts.

"I... I'd better go back and eat." Yin Aiting wanted to decline, feeling very embarrassed.

It didn't help much, and even asked the two old people to work on the table dishes.

But it was obvious that Chu Yin and his grandparents were very enthusiastic.

Yin Aiting couldn't refuse, so he could only sit down and eat.

After dinner, Chu Yin and Yin Aiting finished processing today's harvest, and waited to go to the county town to sell it tomorrow.

"It's so late, let me take you back." Chu Yin said to Yin Aiting.

It is indeed a little late, and I don't know if Yin Aiting is afraid of walking so late at night.

Yin Aiting: "...you are so tired, go back and rest early."

"You are much more tired than me." Yin Aiting added.

Chu Yin waved his hand: "It doesn't matter."

"I send you."

Sending Yin Aiting back, Chu Yin checked the time, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

It's getting late.

When he got home, Ge Jinpan asked Chu Yin, "What's for dinner tonight?"

Chu Yin: "It's already ten o'clock, you haven't eaten?"

"Who would dare to eat if you haven't come back?" Ge Jinpan didn't feel hungry anymore, and responded to Chu Yin in a low voice.

How to eat it, if you don't wait for her to come back after cooking, she will bump into it when she comes back, and she will go crazy again.

At that time, it is estimated that no one will eat that meal.

Chu Yin nodded in satisfaction, yes, the fear of her is already very deep.

I dare not eat until I come back.

"Whatever you want, I've eaten." Chu Yin was too tired, and it was already ten o'clock, so he didn't bother to bother them.

I went around the house and did everything I asked them to do.

Fang Liwan was still lying on the bed.

"Did you not go to see it today?" Chu Yin asked him.

Didn't grandpa send Fang Liwan to see a doctor?

"I didn't go, it was too troublesome, I feel better this afternoon." Fang Liwanzhi rubbed his face.

The inner taste is very complicated.

In the end, Fang Hua came to care about him.

"You can lie down for the rest of your life." Chu Yin sneered, turned and left.

Fang Liwan seemed to be messing around.

Grandpa made a special trip to ask him to see it, and he was in too much pain. In this case, if someone asked him to see it, he would probably go to see it.

But not now.

It must be bad for Ge Fu's mother and daughter to see.

Because Ge Fu's mother and daughter haven't asked Fang Liwan to see a doctor yet.

So Fang Liwan held his breath in his heart, and he didn't want to go to the doctor, so he just lay down and boiled at home.

Didn't Fang Liwan understand?Go get some medicine, it will definitely improve a little bit, and get better.

Once he was done, he could go to work to earn money, but Fang Liwan just lay there, just not in a hurry to go to work.

It's a gamble with Ge Fu's mother and daughter.

But it was obvious that Ge Fu might not have realized what Fang Liwan was thinking in his heart, nor did he know that he was holding a breath in his heart.

In Ge Fu's mind, lying down is better than going to the hospital and spending money.

Deep in Ge Fu's heart, Fang Liwan was also extremely complaining. Under such complaints, Ge Fu also thought that Fang Liwan was even more unworthy of her concern.

"Mom, has cousin come back yet?" Ge Jinpan asked Ge Fu before going to bed.

Ge Fu breathed a sigh of relief: "It is said that he has already arrived home. If I remind him, he should be able to come here tomorrow."

"What's the matter with him? Why don't you come over today." Ge Jinpan especially looked forward to the arrival of this cousin.

When they come, they can be taken away by that lunatic, and their life will be free, and they will not suffer from this crime.

At least her life is relieved, without the lunatic, those jobs would not be her turn.

As for who would end up with the inevitable tedious and tiring housework, that was beyond Ge Jinpan's consideration.

Seeing Ge Jinpan's anticipation, Ge Fu knew what Ge Jinpan was thinking.

She was restless in her heart, Fang Hua was crazy, she couldn't arrange for Fang Hua to go out and work, and all the work in the countryside would eventually fall to her.

The more I think about it, the more annoying it is, it's better to be in the past.

In the past few years, all the dirty and hard work at home can be piled up and waited for Fanghua to come back to do it on the weekend, and no one will do it after piled up.

Since living with Fang Liwan, Ge Fu has never been entangled in these tasks, and his life is easier than many people.

"Your cousin said that he came back after a long time, and he looked very busy to see some old classmates, old friends or something." Ge Fu curled his lips and said, "It's deliberately showing off."

"It's mainly because I called him a few times before to urge him. He felt that I was anxious. It's true that he came back early. He came back to show me off."

Ge Jinpan was puzzled: "What are you doing for the show?"

"Oh, you want me to give you some favors. I said, he will come as soon as possible. I will pay for the travel expenses. On the way to work, I will bring him some specialties to eat on the way."

Ge Jinpan snorted: "Isn't this cousin very young? Why is he so fond of taking advantage?"

"Not too young, an old bachelor who can't find a wife in his 30s." Ge Fu said: "I am much younger than him, and we don't have much contact."

"Then why are you looking for him?" Ge Jinpan pouted.

Ge Fu said: "He can earn money outside, and it seems that he has saved a lot of money in his hands. If the lunatic follows him, he will definitely find a high salary."

"The salary is high, and money is used everywhere in the family." Ge Jinpan still has the same plan as Ge Fu.

Ge Jinpan asked again: "Then when will you come, Mom?"

Ge Fu said, "Nobody gave me an accurate answer. How would I know? I'll call tomorrow morning and ask."

"I don't know what Fang Hua and Yin Aiting did when they went out so early in the morning and came back so late."

"Stop mentioning it, I'm going to be pissed off when I mention it." Ge Jinpan was full of jealousy.

"What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that she will marry better than you?" Ge Fu snorted coldly: "Don't worry, I have to decide on her marriage."

Ge Jinpan: "..."

"You're too optimistic. I believed you when you said you could make the decision before, but now I don't even believe it."

Ge Fu did not respond to Ge Jinpan.

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