Chapter 117
After Lin Zimo's figure completely disappeared, Lin Luo had no choice but to turn his head.

"Brother, don't be angry, you have the heart to protect me, and I also have the heart to protect you." Lin Luo pursed her lips and continued to whisper, "I know brother has been cultivating very hard, Otherwise, the current cultivation base will not reach the heartbeat stage, and I know that you are working so hard for me and my mother, as well as the missing father. But brother, we are a family, not just you alone, I, as your sister , I also want to support the sky. This incident was caused by myself. I know that Hu Linger has a backer, but I still want to fight for Erni. When I saw Elder Hu, I I already know that I can’t be kind, but I won’t back down. Brother, you have to believe in me, even if I face him, I will protect myself. I am also a cultivator, and I cannot live under your wings forever. "

Lin Wenxuan was silent for a moment, and finally heaved a sigh.

"Luo Luo, when my mother was pregnant with you, she told me to protect you, no matter if you were a younger brother or a younger sister, so I always thought so. But what you said just now is indeed very reasonable. I want to be forever Protecting you, but there are always times when we are separated. I am angry, but I am also very grateful. My sister is brave. But you have to promise me that you will not do such a thing in the future. Don’t make me worry. Think about it Still waiting for our mother at home." Lin Wenxuan said softly.

After speaking, he stretched out his hand to gently touch Lin Luo's head.

One day, my sister will grow up.

Thinking of his younger sister's talent, Lin Wenxuan felt that he should let her go and let her grow up on her own. In the future, he might fall behind her and not be able to catch up.

"Okay." Lin Luo obediently agreed.

Lin Wenxuan sent Lin Luo back to the yard, but Lin Luo didn't let him go in a hurry. Instead, he sorted out his storage rings. Except for the few spiritual grasses that Zong Lin sent to break through the two talisman masters and Erni, the others All the spiritual herbs were given to Lin Wenxuan.

Originally, Lin Wenxuan didn't want it. As an older brother, how could he want his younger sister's spiritual grass, not to mention Lin Luo's demand for spiritual grass was much greater than him.

Lin Luo also had her own considerations. She went to Qiansheng Linhai to find a lot of spiritual herbs, many of which are useless to her now, so it is better to give them to Lin Wenxuan first.

"Brother, my cultivation is not as good as yours for the time being. You should use these spirit herbs first, and strive to break through the Golden Core stage as soon as possible. In this way, no one will dare to bully me. Also, if you reach the Golden Core stage, Then I don't worry about the spirit grass anymore, can't you find the spirit grass without you?"

"This..." Lin Wenxuan frowned.

According to Lin Luo's words, it seems that there is indeed no problem.

However, asking him to take his sister's spiritual herb still had a lump in his heart.

"Okay, brother, that's the decision. Take it quickly. I will keep everything I need now. Don't worry. I'll pick up Erni right away. When she recovers from her injuries, we will go on missions together." , this time I will see clearly the yellow-level missions, and will not mess around. You quickly take the spirit grass and go to the Buddha Pagoda to practice, and break through your cultivation as soon as possible. Soon there will be a competition of the five major sects, and those second-rate forces will come to choose apprentices, big brother If you want to go to Yujianzong, then work hard to get in. At that time, I will have face if you are inside, hehehe."

In the end, Lin Wenxuan still listened to Lin Luo's words, and he knew very well in his heart that if he wanted to become Lin Luo's solid backing, he had to improve his cultivation and join the Imperial Sword Sect.

After Lin Wenxuan went back, Lin Luo was also going to go out to pick up Erni. Xunxianzong had its own medical clinic, which was located behind the cabinet, not too far away.


The voice of the fur ball rang in Lin Luo's mind, and she realized what she had done before.

When Elder Hu made a move on Lin Luo, Mao Qiu wanted to jump out of the contract space, but Lin Luo refused.

Lin Luo has her own ideas, and she is worried that the identity of the fur ball will be uncertain, which will cause unnecessary trouble.

Originally, Maoqiu escaped from Yujianzong. There are teachers and elders here. She was worried that someone would recognize Maoqiu as a monster.

Although Lin Luo doesn't know now, she still feels that the hairball is unusual.

For this reason, Lin Luo was unwilling to let the hairball come out.

And it's useless when it comes out, and the hairball's cultivation base is not high, she doesn't want the hairball to defend her against attacks again.

At that time, it was indeed for the safety of the fur ball, but now hearing the sound of the fur ball, Lin Luo knew that it must be angry.


The fur ball jumped out, glaring at Lin Luo with round eyes.

"Maoqiu, don't be angry, I didn't mean not to let you out." Lin Luo smiled, "I'm fine, look, I'm not fine now, or I just got hurt."

"Stinky Luoluo, I can help you."

The fur ball is a bit hairy. It has a contractual relationship with Lin Luo. It usually cultivates in the contract space. It will only want to come out when Lin Luo is in danger.

However, when it came out, it was discovered that Lin Luo had blocked the contract space to prevent it from coming out.

Even if it can't help much, I want to bear it with Lin Luo in my heart.

As a result, Lin Luo didn't even give it a chance!

"Okay, if you want to help me, just practice hard, and you will always be able to help me in the future. Don't worry, I will be fine, and I will be fine." Lin Luo smiled and hugged the fur ball tightly.

The fur ball stretched out its paws to cover its face, and arched back and forth in Lin Luo's arms, with its little butt facing Lin Luo.

"I didn't, so I didn't worry about you! Even if I accidentally signed the wrong contract, I'm afraid that if you die, I will die too." Maoqiu said awkwardly.

Lin Luo didn't pierce it, but reached out and poked Maoqiu's buttocks.

"Yes, yes, you are definitely not worried about me, but I will take good care of myself. Alright, let's go see Erni, my injury has been brought under control. When Erni recovers, we will do the task and leave the sect. If it wasn't for fear of running out of time, I'd like to go there to see how my mother is doing. Forget it, a month of back and forth has passed, and the task will not be completed by then. Since it is inconvenient to go back, I just give Master wrote a letter asking him to send someone to take care of my mother, I am always worried that people from the Lin family will bully her."

Hearing Lin Luo's words, Mao Qiu twisted his buttocks and did not speak.

Lin Luo talked for a while, and assured the hairball that he would not leave it to face danger alone in the future, and then the little guy returned to the contract space.

Not long after, Lin Luo brought Er Ni back, and Lin Zimo was also with her.

After all, Lin Zimo was a man. Even though he was not too old, he still knew how to avoid suspicion. After sending Erni and Lin Luo back, he also left.

Erni's injuries have been brought under control, and she has come to her senses.

"Luo Luo, there is something I want to tell you."

(End of this chapter)

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