A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 118 I want to go to the inner courtyard

Chapter 118 I want to go to the inner courtyard

Lin Luo supported Erni to lie down, sat on the edge of the bed, let out the fur ball, and then nodded slightly.

"Erni, what's the matter, tell me."

Erni was silent for a moment, finally bit her pale lips, and spoke slowly.

"In this competition, Luo Luo became the chief of the outer court. I am very happy. But Luo Luo, I want to go to the inner court, and I don't want to stay in the outer court."

"Go to the inner courtyard? Why do you suddenly want to go to the inner courtyard?" Lin Luo didn't quite understand.

Could it be because Erni was injured this time that he wanted to go to the inner courtyard?

Erni opened her mouth, not knowing how to explain, she didn't want Lin Luo to know that she went to the inner courtyard for Lin Luo.

Being by Lin Luo's side, she felt very happy every day, but she knew that she was being protected by Lin Luo. Lin Zimo also told her what Lin Luo did after she fainted.

Erni never thought that Lin Luo would even disregard her own life and death in order to vent her anger on her. Such a friendship was something she never dared to imagine.

Lin Luo was able to do this for her, and while Erni was moved, she also blamed herself.

If it wasn't that she was too late and too stupid to build the foundation, how could Lin Luo do this?

Therefore, Erni wanted to go to the inner courtyard to practice.

Although it will take more time and more pressure to practice, she still wants to improve her strength, not to hinder Lin Luo, and even wants to help Lin Luo.

It's just that, she didn't want to tell Lin Luo.

"Luo Luo, the teachers said that I can go to the inner courtyard with my aptitude. The resources in the inner courtyard are very good. I just got started with Broken Rock and Broken Wind. I choose a better exercise. I'm sorry, Luoluo, I don't want to stay in the outer courtyard, I want to go to the inner courtyard." Erni replied.

Lin Luo didn't mind. Erni's going to the inner courtyard would also help her practice. The only thing she was worried about was that Erni would be bullied. With her temperament, she might not be tough enough.

"Erni, if you want to go to the inner courtyard, you can go. Teacher Zhou and Elder Xiao will both agree. If you have anything to do, please tell me, and I will come to help you in the outer courtyard." Lin Luo replied with a smile .

It's fine for Erni to go to the inner courtyard, but it's more dangerous to follow her.

The person Elder Hu hates the most should be her. The reason why the Second Elder asked her to take Lin Zimo and Erni to do the mission was because he was worried that Elder Hu would plot against her secretly.

If Erni went to the inner courtyard, she would not have to worry about her safety, since the inner courtyard would be much safer.

"Luo Luo, aren't you angry? I left you and went to the inner courtyard alone." Er Ni worried.

Lin Luo smiled lightly, reaching out to hold Erni's hand.

"Why are you angry? It's a good thing for you to be self-motivated. I certainly hope that you can get better and better. Staying with me in the outer courtyard will hinder your development. Don't worry, I won't be angry. We are just divided into two It’s not that the two sects are separated in the courtyard. However, since you’re going to the inner courtyard, you’d better complete the three tasks stipulated by the outer courtyard before going. I’ll accompany you to receive the mission after you recover.”

"Okay." Erni nodded, and then looked at Lin Luo's face, "Luo Luo, you also suffered internal injuries. Let's heal your injuries together in the past few days. When the injuries are healed, we will go to pick up the mission."

Lin Luo also responded, "No problem, that boy Lin Zimo will probably go out with us then."

Thinking of going out with Lin Zimo, Lin Luo was also quite helpless. Many times, she felt that she took Lin Luo out as if she was taking her younger brother out. That kid was really troublesome.

"That's great, Zimo is with us." Erni also laughed.

The two talked for a while, and soon fell asleep.

In Elder Hu's yard, Hu Ling'er's hysterical shouts pierced the silent night sky.

"Grandpa, I hurt so much! I hate it too!"

Hu Ling'er was lying on the bed, her eyes were bloodshot, her face was pale, and there was a frenzy flashing on her face, and her whole body was a little bit broken.

Elder Hu, who was sitting by the bed, was naturally very distressed when he saw his granddaughter's appearance like this.

"Linger is good, grandpa will definitely avenge you, and will never let Lin Luo go. Now that she is protected by the second elder, grandpa can't do anything on the bright side. After a while, I will find ways to vent your anger on you , the second elder will not protect her forever." Elder Hu coaxed Hu Linger.

"Grandpa, I want to make Lin Luo's life worse than death. I want to deal with her with my own hands. Can you help me?"

Hu Ling'er restrained her madness, and instantly became weak and deceitful. Coupled with Hu Ling'er's pale face and bruised appearance, it is indeed lovable and distressing.

Elder Hu has only one son and only one granddaughter. Both his son and his daughter-in-law died early, leaving Hu Ling'er as a lonely old man with him.

Therefore, for Hu Linger, he spoiled her endlessly. Even if he knew that Hu Linger had done something wrong, he would not correct her, but let her continue to make mistakes.

Even if Hu Linger cleans up the mess, it doesn't matter.

"Don't worry, Grandpa will definitely help you." Elder Hu's eyes flashed a trace of coldness.

So what if the second elder protects him?
His granddaughter has never been bullied!
"Grandpa, I must make Lin Luo pay the due price, and Erni won't compete with me." Hu Ling'er said coldly.

"Okay, whatever Linger wants to do, grandpa will help you do it,"

Little did they know, a shadow quickly flashed across the locust tree outside the yard, and listened to both the grandpa and grandson's words.

However, this shadow did not go into the sect, but left the sect directly, and the figure was quickly submerged in the night.

Half a month passed quickly, Lin Luo and Er Ni's injuries were completely healed, and they went to receive the task with Lin Zimo.

This time, Lin Luo carefully checked Erni's three missions, and one of her and Lin Zimo's missions, and made sure that everyone was indeed a yellow-level mission before registering them.

Xu Wu was punished with spirit stones and corporal punishment for Lin Luo's mission at the prefecture level last time. Seeing Lin Luo now, he couldn't help being a little worried, and carefully checked her mission.

Fortunately, these three people are all yellow-level missions, so there is no problem.

Walking out of the cabinet, Lin Luo carefully checked the tasks of the three of them.

"Among our missions, only Erni has a slightly more difficult mission, and the others are relatively simple. Zimo and I are both tasked to kill evil monsters, and neither is too difficult. Erni's Among the three tasks, two are to find the spirit grass, and the most troublesome one is to deal with the disappearance of the girl in Jiangzhou. In fact, I think this task is considered a mystery-level task, but it turned out to be a yellow-level task. Fortunately, If the three of us go together, we should be able to handle it."

"Then shall we finish the most difficult one first, or deal with the easy one first?" Lin Zimo asked.

Lin Luo thought for a while, and discussed with the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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