A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 120 So poor that only money is left

Chapter 120 So poor that only money is left

Zhu Feng's expression was slightly cold, and he finally remembered where Lin Luo and Er Ni had met.

Not only Zhu Feng, but Tian Liangcai also remembered.

"So it's you two ugly bumpkins!" Tian Liang shouted without thinking.

As soon as these words came out, Lin Zimo's face completely darkened.

"It seems that the disciples of Yujianzong are nothing more than that, they can't even speak." Lin Zimo snorted coldly, "Returning the bumpkins, the two of them are much more talented than you, I don't know what you are so proud of. Forget it Don't talk to this kind of guy who sees people as low as dogs, so as not to lower my status. Luoluo, Erni, don't talk too much with them, you will become stupid if you talk too much, let's go after buying something. "

After finishing speaking, Lin Zimo took Lin Luo with one hand and Erni with the other to walk inside.

Lin Luo didn't say anything. People like the two of them are not in the minority. They just looked down on people and didn't do anything. Comparing with them is a waste of time.

Looking at the back of Lin Zimo and the three leaving, Zhu Feng's eyes flashed a chill, and his face was also slightly displeased.

"Brother, should we still buy it now? Those people seem to have an unusual relationship with Jubaolou, and I don't know if they will wear small shoes for us then." Tian Liangcai said worriedly.

Zhu Feng has restrained his expression, and now there is no displeasure on his face.

"Don't worry, Jubao Building is open for business. We are disciples of Yujianzong, so we won't sell it to us."

Tian Liang thought about it, and it was the same reason.

Not long after, the two were invited in, and they went to the area where the weapons were located.

It was probably a coincidence that just after they entered, they saw the three of Lin Zimo again.

Lin Zimo had already learned from Erni along the way what happened between the two Yujianzong disciples and them. Although it was not a big deal, at most it could be said that Lin Luo and Erni were ugly, but Lin Zimo just didn't like it. My sister was said to be ugly.

Although, it cannot be said anyway.

The younger sister is only black, but her facial features are still okay, not so ugly!

"Fellow Daoist, what a coincidence, are you here to choose weapons too?" Zhu Feng asked gently.

Lin Zimo rolled his eyes, "Didn't you see it all? If I don't choose a weapon, what am I still doing here, looking at the scenery?"

Hearing this, the smile on Zhu Feng's face was a little stiff, and there was a gloomy look in his eyes.

The person in front of him really didn't give him face. Ordinary monks knew that they were members of Yujianzong and would be polite, but he didn't give him face at all.

Tian Liangcai originally wanted to scold back, but Zhu Feng had told him to keep a low profile just now, so he shut his mouth. Although he didn't speak, he still looked at Lin Zimo with fiery eyes.

Lin Luo couldn't help but hooked her lips into a smile. Lin Zimo really didn't give Zhu Feng and Tian Liangcai face, but he almost didn't say that he was blind. It could be seen that Lin Zimo was really protecting her.

Of course, as long as he doesn't really fight, he is still a very good brother, and he also defends her very much with Elder Hu.

Seeing this scene, the steward of Jubao Building hurried over.

"A few of you are here to see the weapons, why don't we look at them first, try them out, and then buy them if you think there is no problem." The steward laughed.

Lin Zimo didn't want to pay attention to the two of them anymore, and after saying a few words, he felt at ease.

"Erni, take a quick look, what kind of weapon do you like, I'll buy it for you."

"No, no need."

Erni shook her head subconsciously. These weapons looked quite expensive, and they were casually marked with thousands of spirit stones, so she couldn't afford so many.

Even if Lin Luo or Lin Zimo wanted to help, she didn't really want such an expensive thing.

When she came in, Erni had already thought about it, just buy a few dozens of spirit stones. She received three sect missions and got [-] spirit stones, and there are still [-] spirit stones after the mission is completed.

If she directly chooses a few thousand spirit stones, Erni thinks it's not worth it. She wants to save some spirit stones and buy food and clothes for Lin Luo.

All along, she spent Lin Luo's spirit stones, and now that she was finally able to earn money, she also wanted to give Lin Luo flowers.

Lin Luo didn't know what Erni was thinking, but simply thought that Erni was embarrassed.

"It's okay, Erni, Zimo made a fortune, let's give him some blood, didn't we agree before? Just look around, if you see something you like, just let Zimo pay for it. He used me to make a lot of money." One sum." Lin Luo laughed.

Regarding the matter of defrauding Lin Zimo, Lin Luo was not lenient at all.This guy is very rich, and it doesn't hurt to use her as a bet, and spend a little money.

Lin Zimo also laughed, "Yeah, Erni, you didn't hear what Luo Luo said, I'm so poor that I only have money left, please help me spend some money."

It could be seen that Erni was uncomfortable, Lin Zimo also joked to tell her not to be so uncomfortable.

Erni still wanted to refuse, but this time Lin Luo directly started to choose.

The weapons in Jubao Building are all placed on shelves. There are seven shelves in total. Lin Luo looked at them one by one, but couldn't find anything suitable.

Naturally, the weapons here are not spirit weapons. Spirit weapons are much more expensive, and there will not be so many of them.

Although there are no spiritual weapons here, many of these weapons have runes carved by a talisman master. Even if it is just a rune carved by a talisman master, the price will be several times higher.

Lin Luo didn't intend to choose a weapon with runes, she could engrave Erni by herself, and she believed in herself more than other Yiyin runes.

Immediately, Lin Luo picked up a dagger.

This sword looks very simple. The blade is bronze in color and has no complicated patterns. The whole sword is about one palm shorter than ordinary long swords.

Considering that Erni is a powerful monk, the power of a short sword must be greater than that of a long sword, which is suitable for melee combat.

"Erni, look, this sword doesn't have engraved runes, but it's okay, do you like it?"

While talking, Lin Luo picked up the sword and handed it to Erni.

Erni took it with both hands, and she fell in love with the sword immediately, and waved it a few times, liking it even more.

However, the price is not low, it costs six thousand spirit stones.

"Luo Luo, forget it."

Just as Lin Luo was about to speak, she heard a strange voice behind her.

"Oh, brother, I thought some people were rich, so I chose a weapon without engraved runes. Let me just say, how can a bumpkin who looks so poor be able to afford such an expensive sword. "Tian Liangcai's voice sounded.

The position where Lin Luo was standing just blocked the price of the sword. Just now Tian Liang heard Lin Luo say that there were no seal-carved runes, so he would subconsciously feel that the sword is not expensive.

Zhu Feng didn't speak, but smiled gently at the side, but there was some hidden disdain between his brows.

If you can't even afford a sword with runes engraved on it, how rich can you be?

"Okay, junior brother, stop talking nonsense."

Even if he looked down on him in his heart, Zhu Feng would still habitually put on a show to cover up his disdain.

 I'm sorry, it's too late at this point, because it's on the shelves today, so I can't release it regularly, I'm too sleepy, so I can only use my mobile phone to upload, please bear with me if there are typos.The saved manuscripts have been sent out, a full 16 chapters, please support~

(End of this chapter)

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