A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 121 It turns out that Talisman Masters also have such skills

Chapter 121 It turns out that Talisman Masters also have such skills
The steward of Jubaolou was about to say something, but was stopped by Lin Luo and did not ask him to explain.

"Weapons with seal-carved runes are indeed easier to use. It seems that the two of you should choose the ones with runes. They are indeed disciples from the great sect, rich people." Lin Luo paused, then sighed again, " It’s different for us, those who can’t afford seals and carved runes can only carve them themselves.”

Tian Liang just heard what Lin Luo said earlier, and his expression was so embarrassing and haughty.

But after hearing what she said later, it was a bit uncomfortable.

"What did you say? Carve it yourself? Is that girl a talisman teacher?" Tian Liangcai pointed at Erni with disdain.

Lin Luo looked slightly cold, "Of course she is not a talisman master, but I want to remind fellow daoists, if you don't want your hand anymore, then I can do it for you. Let me see the person you point at me again, otherwise I will be punished." Hurt, don't blame others."

"Hehe, this is really interesting. Senior brother, this ugly girl dares to threaten me." Tian Liangcai said with a smile.

"Don't let others see the joke, junior brother." Zhu Feng reminded without distraction.

Lin Zimo pursed his lips, took the sword from Erni's hand, and handed it to the steward beside him.

"Okay, we want this sword, and quickly take my spirit stone card to pay the bill. Isn't it just six thousand spirit stones? It's not too expensive, and it won't take so long. We just don't want weapons with seals and runes. Because we have our own talisman masters, the runes we carved out are much better than yours."

After finishing speaking, Lin Zimo handed the spirit stone card to the steward, and took a deep look at Tian Liangcai.

The steward smiled, took the Lingshi card from Lin Zimo, turned around and went to pay the bill.

"Yes, son." The steward took the Lingshi card and left.

Lin Luo had already shown the jade pendant of Jubaolou when he came here before, so Lin Zimo could also enjoy Lin Luo's discounted treatment for the money he paid.

Tian Liangcai was stunned in place, wondering if there was something wrong with his ears, and this broken sword, which didn't look good, actually cost a total of six thousand spirit stones!

Even, it was more expensive than the Xinyi sword he had just now by three thousand spirit stones!

What he looked at was the sword engraved with runes, which was not so expensive, half less than that short sword.

And what did they say, they have talisman masters?

No, definitely not.

These two ugly girls were not good-looking, and they didn't look like they came from a big sect or a big family. He also saw these two girls eating wild fruits on the mountain back then, but they were just village girls.

He understood, these people must have said it on purpose.

"Do you think the talisman master is just talking about it? Just the three of you, like a talisman master? Don't be kidding, you don't look like any of them! I think your sword will be wasted when you buy it back. There is no talisman master to cut the runes. Even if you buy a sword with [-] spirit stones, it doesn't make any sense." Tian Liangcai looked smug.

The man looked like a monk at first glance, and the other two little girls were so young, they couldn't be a talisman teacher, especially she said just now that the girl named Erni was not a talisman teacher.

Lin Luo laughed, "Well, if there is a talisman master among the three of us, can you help us pay for the sword and give us the six thousand spirit stones we spent just now?"

"I" Tian Liangcai couldn't get up or down.

"If there is no talisman master among the three of us, we will pay for your sword and give you the sword we bought just now. Of course, if you dare not, we will not say anything." Lin Luo smiled.

Are you kidding, six thousand spirit stones, that's not six spirit stones!

However, if you don't agree, it seems to be afraid of them again.

Zhu Feng didn't speak, but he had some bad premonitions in his heart. He always felt that things didn't seem so simple, and Tian Liangcai was hesitating, but he didn't remind him.

"Okay, I promise you!" Tian Liangcai gritted his teeth and said.

He didn't believe that among these three people, there would still be a talisman master.

Lin Luo nodded, "Very well, then take a closer look."

After the words fell, the talisman of life between Lin Luo's brows emerged.

There was obviously no breath fluctuation on Lin Luo's body just now, but at this moment the Yuanli that belonged to the talisman master radiated out.

"You, you are actually a talisman teacher!" Tian Liangcai was shocked.

How could there be such a young talisman master?
Zhu Feng also shrank his pupils. He didn't expect that Lin Luo would be a talisman master. It's fine if he didn't make friends with the talisman master.

It is impossible for such a young Yiyin talisman master to have no talisman master behind him, and the other party is at least a third-grade talisman master, so he can train such a young girl into a Yiyin talisman master.

But why did she work on the mountain at that time?
No matter how you look at it, she was just a village girl at the time, who would have thought that she would be a Yiyinfu teacher?
"I'm really sorry, I'm just a talisman master. I have written down what you said just now, but I am not such a stingy person. Forget about the money for this sword. You can buy one for my Erni." Just a storage ring." Lin Luo laughed.

The two of them didn't have a deadly enmity, so it wouldn't cost them so much.

Few of these sect disciples are very rich, at most they have eyes above their heads and speak harshly, looking down on people.

Just teach him a lesson and let him stop looking down on others in the future.

Tian Liangcai still couldn't react. He didn't expect that the ugly girl would be a Yiyinfu master. He was mistaken.

It turns out that Fushi also has such a thing.

At this moment, Tian Liangcai didn't feel any grievances in his heart.

"Okay, you guys choose, I'll pay."

The storage ring was indeed quite expensive, but it wasn't so expensive that he couldn't afford it.

Furthermore, it is not a good choice to offend the talisman master. Even if Tian Liangcai did not write it in black and white, he would not renege on it.

"Then thank you fellow daoist." Lin Luo turned around and went to look for the storage ring.

Soon, Lin Luo chose a storage ring, 800 yuan of Lingshi, Tian Liangcai gritted his teeth and paid for his sword, and he was extremely poor in an instant.

Tian Liangcai looked at Zhu Feng after watching the backs of Lin Luo and the three of them.

"Senior brother, I didn't expect that girl to be a talisman master at such a young age. I suddenly felt that it was normal for us not to be able to enter the inner sect this time. There are people outside the world and heaven beyond the sky."

"It seems that the younger brother has learned a lot. He has already bought the weapon. Let's go back." Zhu Feng said.

Tian Liangcai looked up at the sky, "Senior brother, the competition of the five major sects will be held soon, and we still have a chance to attack the inner sect, but if we hear that the sect is going to change the rules, we don't know if it is true or not. However, when the time comes, Xunxian The disciples of the Zongmen will also participate with us, and I must work hard. This time the Zongmen Competition is different, and we must treat it with caution."

Speaking of this, Zhu Feng clenched his fists.

The last time Zongmen Nebi failed to enter the inner sect, it was a thorn in his heart.

Next time, he must go in.

"Okay, let's go back."

The two left quickly, and they were indeed stimulated by Lin Luo today.

(End of this chapter)

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