A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 132 Let People Who Think You Are Ugly Take a Good Look

Chapter 132 Let People Who Think You Are Ugly Take a Good Look

Lin Luo looked at Lin Zimo strangely, wondering why he had such an idea.

"Zimo, on the third day after I entered the Buddha Pagoda, I had already become a master of two seal symbols." Lin Luo told the truth.

Hearing Lin Luo's words, Lin Zimo stretched out his little finger and dug his ears, wondering if he had heard it wrong.

"You mean, you have already been a master of two seals?" Lin Zimo was dumbfounded.

"Yeah, I didn't lie to you."

As he said that, Lin Luo revealed the two natal talismans between his eyebrows, so that Lin Zimo could see clearly, so that he wouldn't think he was joking.

Lin Zimo didn't know what to say anymore, his whole body was not well, and he thought it was a very exciting thing to improve his cultivation base, but compared with Lin Luo, it was a little far behind.

Envious, really envious.

God is too unfair, Lin Luo is only 13 years old, how did he become a master of two seals?
At this rate, wouldn't she be able to reach the Three Seals at the age of 14 or 15?
However, some people are still two seal talisman masters when they are hundreds of years old!
Fortunately, Lin Zimo didn't know that Lin Luo's spiritual cultivation was already in the middle of the consecration period, otherwise he would doubt life.

Lin Luo also cultivated step by step in the cultivation of Futu Pagoda, and did not practice through Fengyi.

It's not that I don't want to, but the gravity of Fengyi and Futu Pagoda are incompatible. If I enter Fengyi, I won't feel the gravity, so I can only choose the same.

With the idea of ​​not taking advantage of the bastard, Lin Luo must first practice in the gravity circle in the pagoda. After all, he won it by himself and did not spend a penny.

Feng Yi can go in at any time, it is naturally much more convenient for her own things, but the Buddha Pagoda is only free for half a year.

It is already obvious which is more important.

"Luoluo, let's go, let's go for a walk and let those who look down on you and think you are ugly have a good look. They used to keep talking about you, but now you are so beautiful." Lin Zimo hastily tugged Follow Lin Luo to move forward.

Before Lin Luo could react, she was dragged away by Lin Zimo, and the breeze made her ears itch.

Yes, she is finally not ugly now, so people who look down on her should take a good look at her.

Before the Inner Court and the Elite Academy, there were also Classes A, B, C, and D, but after Lin Wenxuan and his disciples went to the Elite Academy, the division of classes was cancelled, and thus became a big class.

In addition, the previous walls of the four classes A, B, C, and D in the inner courtyard were also opened up, and now all of them are in class together.

Now that school is over, the teacher has already left.

Due to the large number of people, the entrances and exits were crowded. Erni habitually waited for everyone to leave before going out.

In the past six months, Erni has also undergone some changes.

Probably due to the blessing of high-grade spiritual roots, Erni's cultivation is now in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and her cultivation speed is definitely fast among her peers.

However, the lowest cultivation level of the disciples in the inner courtyard is the consecration period, and the highest is the fusion period. Erni is not outstanding here.

However, although it is not brilliant, there will be people who miss it.

Just when Erni got up, a pile of dirty and disgusting filth was immediately thrown on the table.

"Oh, Erni, you smell so bad, why did you come to our inner courtyard, you should go to the outer courtyard. How can a bumpkin like you be like us in the inner courtyard, it really lowers our grade. " Lin Shiya sneered.

Standing beside Lin Shiya were Lin Huanyue and Lin Xiangyao who had just arrived, and the three women stared at Erni with malicious expressions on their faces.

Erni pursed her lips and said nothing, she knew that she was not the other party's opponent, and the academy did not allow her to do it without permission.

Furthermore, don't cause trouble for Lin Luo.

Under the eyes of the three of them, Erni stood up, picked up the filth on the table, and was about to turn around and leave.

It's just some dirty garbage, she just throws it away, it's not a big deal.

When she was in Songjiagou before, she had tried to be thrown feces, let alone some household garbage.

"Hey, besides being a six-fingered monster, are you still dumb? Why didn't you answer us when we were talking to you?" Lin Xiangyao also spoke.

She already hated Lin Luo, and since Erni was Lin Luo's friend, she deserved it.

Lin Huanyue stood where she was and didn't speak, nor did she help.

Lin Wenzhe came to see her twice before, and both times he said that he wanted to have a good relationship with Lin Luo, that she would not stay in the outer court for long, and Lin Huanyue also promised well, just like at home.

However, she didn't have the slightest idea, and she didn't intend to be with Lin Luo at all. She looked down on Lin Luo from the bottom of her heart.

So now that Erni is being bullied by Lin Xiangyao and Lin Shiya, she is already cooperating if she doesn't get into trouble, and it is impossible for her to help.

Pain flashed in Erni's eyes, she gritted her teeth and continued walking, not intending to argue with them.

There are also people who can't see the past, but they just can't see the past, and they can't do anything.

The Lin family was very powerful, no one dared to touch Lin Shiya's fate.

Not to mention, Lin Shiya's older sister, Lin Qingyan, was still in the Elite Academy, and she would occasionally visit her sister in the inner courtyard.

Lin Shiya and Lin Luo didn't have any conflicts, it was just that she was upset when she saw Lin Luo and Lin Wenxuan walking together on the first day, and Lin Xiangyao kept saying bad things about Lin Luo in her ear, which made her feel uncomfortable. I hate Lin Luo.

He hated Lin Luo and had no chance to trouble her, so he could only vent his anger on Er Ni.

Besides, didn't Lin Wenxuan say that Erni was also his sister?

Then, since he won Lin Qingyan's debt, he can get it back from Erni, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Thinking of this, Lin Shiya raised her foot and dodged to stand in front of Erni.

Erni walked forward with something in her hand, and bumped into Lin Shiya without paying attention.


Lin Shiya slapped Erni hard on the face, leaving a bright red slap mark on her face.

Erni bit her lip, knowing that Lin Luo was from the Lin family, and she also knew that Lin Shiya was from the head of the Lin family, so she could only swallow her anger again.

"You don't have eyes! You bumped into me every step of the way. If you don't have eyes, I'll kill you." Lin Shiya yelled for strength first.

Lin Xiangyao's face was extremely comfortable, and she was obviously very happy to see Erni being beaten.

As for Lin Huanyue, she still looked calm and didn't respond.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Erni whispered.

It's not my fault, but I still have to apologize.

Lin Shiya has done this several times, so she didn't care about Erni, she raised her hand high, and wanted to greet Erni's face again.

Erni closed her eyes, knowing that today she would be slapped a few more times to solve the problem, so she just accepted her fate.

No, the slap didn't fall, but Lin Shiya's scream was heard.

"Who? Let me go!"

(End of this chapter)

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