Chapter 133

Erni opened her eyes and looked in Lin Shiya's direction, but the next moment her eyes widened.

A girl she couldn't describe as pretty, reached out and pinched Lin Shiya's wrist.

Lin Shiya already had fair skin and good looks, but she was nothing in front of that pretty girl, and her skin was not as fair as hers.

At this moment, Erni's eyes were glued to that pretty girl, completely ignoring that there was a familiar person beside her.

"Let go of you, yes, no problem."

The familiar voice reached Erni's ears, and she had some faces in her mind.

The next moment, I saw the girl dragging Lin Shiya, walking in front of her, holding her hand, and slamming it hard on Lin Shiya's well-maintained face.

This slap was harder than the one Lin Shiya slapped, that girl slapped her very hard.

After putting down her hands, Erni felt her palms were slightly numb.

But, I feel so comfortable.

"You, you dare to hit me!" Lin Shiya screamed.

Even though it was Erni herself who beat her, everyone knew that the woman in front of her was the one who beat her with Erni's hands.

Lin Luo crossed her arms and looked quite disdainful.

"I hit you as soon as I hit you. Even if you get hit, you ask for it. Why didn't you say it when you hit Erni? Let me tell you, no one is allowed to move anyone under Lin Luo's cover! If you dare to hit her, I will I dare to hit you!"

Lin Luo?

The three women of the Lin family were all dumbfounded. The outstanding woman in front of her was Lin Luo!
How is it possible, it is impossible for Lin Luo to grow up like this!

Lin Xiangyao subconsciously cast her eyes on Lin Huanyue aside, but she saw that Lin Huanyue's body was trembling slightly and lost her composure.

"Huanyue, you don't think she's Lin Luo, do you?"

Lin Huanyue bit her lip, "Why, maybe."

For a long time, Lin Huanyue felt that she had the best appearance, and Lin Xiangyao was not as good as her, not to mention that her talent was better than Lin Xiangyao, and she was the only one in the Lin family in Qingzhou.

Seeing Lin Luo like this now, Lin Huanyue's nails sank into the palm of her hand, and traces of blood faintly flowed out, but she couldn't feel the pain.

She looks better than her, and she's already so attractive before she's fully grown.

If a few years later, how can she be so beautiful?

For a moment, Lin Huanyue's anger shot straight up.

"Yes, I also think it's impossible. Why is Lin Luo so beautiful all of a sudden!" Lin Xiangyao gritted her teeth, but she had to admit, "But her facial features are indeed similar to Lin Luo's, not to mention that my third uncle is handsome. , Tang Yuan was also born beautiful, it seems that she looks so good-looking. I remember Lin Luo when I was a child, she seemed pretty good-looking, but she became ugly when she went to Songjiagou. And the eldest brother, isn’t he also good-looking? ?”

Lin Xiangyao and Lin Huanyue were reluctant to admit it, but they knew in their hearts that she was Lin Luo.

Listening to Lin Xiangyao's words, Lin Shiya was so angry that she almost went to heaven.

"What do you care if she is Lin Luo? Didn't you see that she hit me!" Lin Shiya yelled.

Hearing that, before Lin Xiangyao and Lin Huanyue spoke, Lin Zimo couldn't sit still.

"Third Sister, it was you who beat Erni first, so it's no wonder that Luo Luo beat you. Besides, looking at you like this, I guess you're going to find Erni's trouble, and you want to beat someone. I'm a little bit on your behalf." Blushing." Lin Zimo complained unceremoniously.

Lin Shiya glared at Lin Zimo viciously, her face was so gloomy that it was about to drip water.

"Lin Zimo, whose side are you on? I'm your third sister, and you're actually on the side of outsiders. If you go back and let your elder brother know, see how he will deal with you!"

"I thought I was a child, and I used my big brother to suppress me. Third sister, you have to figure it out, you are wrong in this matter, and you are wrong in whatever you say. What's more, Luoluo is not an outsider, she is our Lin family The person who is our sister is also our sister, and the third sister is like this, it is too chilling." Lin Zimo snorted coldly.

In his opinion, Lin Shiya was pampered to the point of lawlessness, and even bullied others.

They are indeed the only children of the Lin family, but there are quite a few children in the next room who also belong to the same family.

Lin Shiya is doing this to discredit them.

"Lin Zimo! Believe it or not, I'll beat you up together!" Lin Shiya was furious, and turned to cover her face and look at Lin Luo, who had already moved to Erni's side to look at her face, "Lin Luo, do you dare?" Follow me to the stage of life and death to fight to the death!"

Probably because she was so angry that Lin Shiya actually proposed to go on the stage of life and death.

"Don't dare? Why don't I dare? If you want to go to the stage of life and death, then I will accompany you, just go, don't talk nonsense." Lin Luo's face sank like water.

Just thinking that Erni was being bullied by these people in the inner court because of her relationship made Lin Luo very angry.

Lin Shiya was a little surprised to hear that Lin Luo agreed so readily.

Could it be that Lin Luo felt that she was a mere Yiyinfu master who could beat so many spirit weapons on her body and was she in the late consecration period?

After the stage of life and death, one party must be seriously injured or dead to be released. Before entering the stage, a contract must be signed. Life and death have nothing to do with the other party, and have nothing to do with Xunxianzong.

Xunxianzong usually does not allow disciples to fight privately, but allows disciples to resolve their hatred.

It is precisely because many people have backgrounds that Xunxianzong specially set up the stage of life and death.

It has been several years since the platform of life and death has not been opened. After all, everyone did not have such a big hatred in the past that needs to be resolved with life and death.

Even Lin Shiya only said it on a whim.

After saying it, she regretted it a little.

Lin Luo looked so different, maybe she really had the capital to fight her, otherwise she wouldn't have agreed so readily.

Not to mention Lin Shiya, the others were also taken aback.

Lin Huanyue remained silent, while Lin Xiangyao smiled.

However, Lin Zimo's face changed, and his brows were full of melancholy.

What he was worried about was not Lin Luo's death, but Lin Shiya.

Lin Luo is now a master of two seals. Although he has never seen Lin Luo do it, but the two masters can fight against the monks in the fusion period, which means that Lin Shiya cannot be Lin Luo's opponent.

In any case, Lin Shiya is her cousin, who belongs to the main family, if she dies here, there will definitely be conflicts between the Lin family's main family and Lin Luo.

"Okay, third sister, this matter is far from being on the stage of life and death. What's more, everyone's surname is Lin, do you want other families to see our Lin family's jokes?"

After Lin Zimo finished speaking, he walked up to Lin Shiya and whispered something in Lin Shiya's ear.

Afterwards, Lin Shiya's complexion changed drastically, she gave Lin Luo a vicious look, and turned to leave.

Lin Xiangyao and Lin Huanyue were puzzled, but seeing Lin Shiya leave, they could only follow her.

Lin Zimo walked up to Lin Luo and sighed.

"Luo Luo, you are too impulsive."

(End of this chapter)

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