A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 137 Chen Xin meets Miao Yan

Chapter 137 Chen Xin meets Miao Yan
The disciples participating in the competition have all been randomly sent to various locations in Yunwu Mountain. The elders from several sects who came along sat around in front of several mysterious mirrors, watching the images inside all the time. In the past, I was more optimistic about the disciples.

At this moment, the mirror in the center projects two opposing figures.

A good-looking young monk, and a charming and charming woman.

Seeing this picture, several elders all looked over.

The elder who came to Fulong Temple this time is the abbot's younger brother and one of the masters of Fulong Temple, Master Chang Jing. In his early teens, the same as Si Jing.

After the elders looked at the picture in the Xuanguang mirror, they subconsciously looked at Master Chang Jing.

"Master Chang Jing, here, Chen Xin met with Miao Yan, the chief disciple of the Hehuan Sect, are you not worried?" the elder of Wan Yao Valley said.

He asked other people's words, and now everyone was staring at Master Chang Jing intently.

Well, the Buddhist genius of Fulong Temple met the enchantress of the Hehuan Sect, and she was the most seductive one. I don't know if the little monk can keep his heart?

What's more, these two people obviously don't need to participate in the Five Great Sect Competition, so why did they appear here?
And with such good luck, they were teleported together just now.

In such a short period of time, none of the elders forgot to put on airs, and they appeared indifferent on the surface, but in fact the fire of gossip was burning in their hearts.

"Amitabha, everyone just looks at it." Master Chang Jing clasped his hands together.

Everyone's eyes shifted to the Xuanguang mirror again, carefully watching Chen Xin and Miao Yan.

I saw Miaoyan moving her lotus steps lightly, and the corners of her mouth curled into a seductive arc.

"Little monk, what a coincidence, you and your sister are destined to meet again here. My sister is very grateful to you for what happened last time, but there are more things to do when I go back, and I have to heal my wounds, otherwise my sister would have come to see you a long time ago. .”

While speaking, Miao Yan had already moved close to Chen Xin, and even moved closer to her on purpose, even winking at her.

Chen Xin's expression did not change, and she did not have any mood swings.

"The almsgiver is polite, and the monks are merciful. It's just a matter of raising your hands. Besides, I'm not the only one who saved the almsgiver. I don't need to thank you." Chen Xin clasped his hands together.

"Oh, little monk, don't be so boring. Since we are so lucky to meet here, we must go together. You see, there are many monsters here, and my sister's strength is low. Naturally, I want to follow you for protection Yes, little monk, don't abandon your sister." Miao Yan stretched out her hand towards Chen Xin.

Chen Xin calmly pushed back a step, avoiding Miao Yan's hand.

"Little monk still has a task to do, so let's take my leave first."

After finishing speaking, Chen Xin turned and left the place without hesitation.

Miao Yan naturally refused to give up, and walked with Chen Xin, she naturally knew what Chen Xin's mission was, and she also had this mission.

However, this task requires confidentiality, and she will not say it out loud, in case other people hear it, it will be troublesome.

The two walked one by one, one kept talking, and the other occasionally replied. The scene in front of them made the elders look rather strange, and they all looked at Master Chang Jing next to them.

In the end, he remained calm, as if he had already guessed that this would happen, anyway, no matter how tempting the disciples of the Hehuan Sect, Chen Xin would not be moved.

The elders suddenly felt bored, and looked casually at the other Xuanguang mirrors.

Although there are many monsters in Yunwu Mountain who will attack humans indiscriminately, in the final analysis, they are just to defend their territory and expel intruders.

For them, the monk who suddenly appeared was the unreasonable side.

The reason why the venue of the competition was chosen in Yunwu Mountain is also because the resources here are very rich. If the powerful monster was not driven away, the major sects would not dare to choose the venue here.

Anyway, there is also a teleportation array to protect, so the major sects are not so worried.

On the porch mirror, the elders looked around unconsciously, and suddenly heard an elder's exclamation, and he pointed to one of the Xuanguang mirrors.

"This disciple's appearance is outstanding, and he is even comparable to that wonderful words."

No matter how old the elders are, they still can't change their liking to look at beauties. This is a common problem among men.

Men are the most dedicated, whether they are young or old, they all like to see beauties.

Everyone looked over and found that it was Xunxianzong's clothes.

The Great Elder smiled slightly, "This disciple is the number one beauty in our Xunxianzong. He is known as Fairy Bailian, and his name is Lin Qingyan. He is a good seedling with top-grade ice spirit roots."

After hearing the top-grade ice spirit root, everyone's expressions were a little strange.

As we all know, the top-grade ice spirit root means that it is very likely to be selected and taken away by Bingyu. Even if there are no people from Bingyu participating in the five major sect competitions, there may not be no people from Bingyu in the dark.

As long as they think of Bingyu, even if the five sects have any ideas, they dare not say it.

"No, let me say, do you think Lin Qingyan and Miaoyan are the most beautiful? No, I have a different opinion. I met a disciple who is even more beautiful than the two of them. Moreover, she looks older than Miaoyan and Lin Qingyan. Small, it will be even more serious when it grows." An elder of Lingyun Pavilion said.

There was no obsession in this elder's eyes, only appreciation, which was different from the other elders who saw Lin Qingyan just now.

"Oh? Elder Liu Yi, where are you?" the elder of Wan Yao Valley asked.

Liu Yi smiled slightly, "It's a little girl, wearing the clothes of Xunxianzong, but now she got into a cave and didn't come out. I just saw that she seemed to be lucky. She found a spiritual herb and probably took it. gone."

"This little girl, why are you in such a hurry, the sect won't want the spirit grass they got. Even if they want it, they will buy it at the outside price. Why are you so anxious today?" Elder Xiao said with a smile .

"Elder Xiao knows this disciple?" Liu Yi asked.

Elder Xiao nodded, "This girl is a talisman master. She practiced very hard. She just came out of the Futu Pagoda a few days ago and stayed there for half a year. She just entered our sect this year. When she came, she was a stinky girl. Go I went to the Buddha Pagoda, and after I came out, I changed a lot, presumably because of taking the marrow washing pill."

"So that's the case, is that girl a talisman master?" Liu Yi suddenly asked again.

Hearing this, Elder Xiao smiled and nodded.

Hearing the conversation between the two, the other elders looked over one after another, staring at the Xuanguang mirror that Liu Yi had just looked at.

It's a pity that the little girl who entered the cave never came out.

(End of this chapter)

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