A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 138 It takes as many as one claw

Chapter 138
The sky, the clouds, the mountains and the water are all a piece of leisurely blue color.

The dense fog in the distance covers the green hills like eyebrows, and the birds and insects are singing nearby, and the faint fragrance of the leaves is carried into the cave little by little.

Lin Luo in the cave didn't know that people would see her because of her outstanding appearance. After all, there were more than 3000 people in total, so no one would stare at her as soon as she came.

I met a little beast before, not a monster, but it was hostile to Lin Luo, but it was pitifully weak.

Therefore, Lin Luo took action to drive him away.

Unexpectedly, a Seven Star Grass was discovered by accident.

Seven Star Grass is helpful to her cultivation as a talisman teacher. It can make the runes of her real name more solid, and her spiritual power can also be broadened, but the medicinal power of itself is lost very quickly.

Within a quarter of an hour after picking, the medicinal power will evaporate, even if it is placed in the storage ring.

Lin Luo has phoenix wings, but she doesn't know whether the medicinal effect of the seven-star grass will also evaporate in the phoenix wings. It is because of this that Lin Luo quickly swallowed the seven-star grass.

An hour passed quickly, and Lin Luo slowly opened his eyes.

Suddenly, a white shadow flashed, and the fur ball sat on Lin Luo's shoulder.

"Maoqiu, you're out of the test too? So what's your cultivation level now?" Lin Luo asked amusedly.

I was thinking of picking some spirit herbs for Fuqiu, but now that it has woken up by itself, there is no need to prepare for it, it can be taken directly here, the effect of taking spirit herbs right after picking them is the best of.

"Luo Luo, I'm in the middle stage of foundation establishment now." Mao Qiu was quite proud.

Fortunately, Maoqiu is a monster, and it doesn't understand the beauty and ugliness of human beings at all. In addition, it signed a soul contract with Lin Luo. Otherwise, if Lin Luo changed his appearance at this moment, he would have exploded. I feel like my master has been changed.

Hearing this, Lin Luo was naturally very happy for it. She didn't expect the hairball to cultivate so fast.

Under normal circumstances, the cultivation speed of monsters is very slow, the more powerful the monsters are, the slower the cultivation speed is, but Mao Qiu is not slow.

Lin Luo knew very well that Maoqiu was not an ordinary monster, it was stronger than imagined.

"Furball is really powerful, but you can't come out. There are many Xuanguang mirrors in Yunwu Mountain. I can't completely protect you now. There are people from Yujianzong in this competition of the five major sects. You start from Yujian Zong escaped, I was worried that someone would recognize you. So, you still have to stay in the contract space, and if you need any spiritual herbs, please let me know." Lin Luo whispered.

Even in the cave, she was still cautious and careful as usual.

Mao Qiu felt aggrieved, "But Luo Luo, I haven't eaten candied haws for a long time, and I've been in the contract space for a long time, so I want to come out."

Lin Luo also felt sorry for it. After all, Maoqiu was originally a monster. When he was in Songjiagou, he could be raised as a puppy and have fun outside.

But when he arrived at Xunxianzong, Lin Luo didn't dare to let it out because he was worried that it would be recognized.

"Fur Qiu, I'll let you out when I get back, and I'll buy you candied haws. But now that there are people from Yu Jianzong outside, I'm still worried, and I have to wrong you for another month, okay?" Lin Luo sighed.

Maoqiu was probably unhappy, and had a little emotion, turned his face away, and pointed his little butt at Lin Luo, obviously it was getting angry with Lin Luo.

Lin Luo laughed, stretched out her hand and poked its little butt, smiling heartily.

"Oh, our fur ball is still angry, how can I coax it?" Lin Luo poked the fur ball's little butt again as he spoke.

The furball turned around and raised its little paw.

"I need so many candied haws to be good."

After finishing speaking, he stayed away arrogantly.

Earlier, Lin Luo and the others bought three bunches of candied haws on the way to Xunxianzong. She and Erni each got a bunch. Lin Wenxuan didn't like to eat them, so he gave that bunch to Maoqiu.

In this way, Mao Qiu completely fell in love with the sweet and sour taste of candied haws, and was captured by candied haws.

The next two trips to the sect, Maoqiu also ate the candied haws that he had been thinking about.

Now angry that he can't go outside with Lin Luo, Maoqiu thought of the candied haws he loved so much. If Lin Luo didn't let him come out, he would buy it as many paws as candied haws.

Lin Luo laughed, "Okay, I will definitely buy candied haws for you then."

After all, the fur ball returned to the contract space.

Lin Luo had already adjusted her breath at this time, and took some food from the storage ring before leaving the cave.

It's a pity that none of the elders are guarding Xuanguangjing, and no one has seen that Lin Luo has come out.

Leaving the cave, Lin Luo searched for the trace of Longxin Jiuyezhi while walking, and also looked for Lin Zimo and Erni by the way.

Compared to Lin Wenxuan, she must be more worried about them.

But even though he was looking for it, Lin Luo also understood that it was not easy to find the Dragon Heart Nine Yeats, and whether he could find it or not depended on whether he was destined for it.

I don't know how long it will take, Lin Luo plans to find a place to rest.

What a surprise, I didn't expect that there are more than 3000 people participating in the Zongmen Competition this time, but she has not met one until now. It seems that Yunwu Mountain is bigger than imagined. No wonder the time limit of the task is one month .

For Lin Luo, it doesn't matter if she can't find the Dragon Heart Nine Yezhi in the end, she has already got the Seven Star Grass.

After resting for a while, Lin Luo got up and started searching again.

At the same time, Erni and Lin Zimo have met, and they also started looking for Lin Luo.

Probably Lin Zimo's luck was better. After he teleported to Yunwu Mountain, he was not far from Erni.

Lin Zimo himself was a very lazy person, and he didn't intend to seriously look for the dragon's blood Jiu Yezhi at all, but wanted to find Lin Luo and Erni, so he walked on the road.

The two chatted as they walked, it didn't seem like they were here for a competition, but rather for an outing.

"Erni, where do you think Luo Luo is? How can we find her?" Lin Zimo gnawed on the corn cob while walking.

Erni also took a piece of corn in her hand and shook her head.

"I don't know either. Luo Luo is very powerful. If we can't find her, she can find us." Erni replied.

Lin Zimo thought to himself, it seems to be the same.

After the two finished eating the corn, they realized that it seemed that one had accidentally walked to a relatively remote place, and there was a cliff in front of them.

There is a small corner on the edge of the cliff that is blocked by a boulder. The stone is tightly attached to the mountain wall next to it, leaving only a narrow gap that only allows one person to pass through.

The gap is covered by vines and branches, so it is difficult to find without careful observation.

If you cut through the vegetation and look through the gap, the other side is just a very narrow open space.

Lin Zimo wasn't interested. He just wanted to tell Erni to go, but saw Erni walking straight towards the gap in front, with a curious expression on her face.

Just when Lin Zimo was about to call Erni, the Erni in front spoke.

"Zimo, what do you think this is?"

 Today is five more, asking for tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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