Chapter 315

The fur ball jumped on the top of Heijiao's head, and Lin Luo couldn't help but sweat for it.

However, Mao Qiu didn't care at all, and even tilted his head close to the black flood dragon.

"Luo Luo, it will be my little brother from now on, named Xiao Hei, I named it. Don't worry that it has something to do with that person from the Valley of the Thousand Demons, they have nothing to do with them. The person from the Valley of the Thousand Demons wants to let him Xiao Hei recognizes the master, but Xiao Hei is not willing at all. It ate a lot of spiritual herbs and elixir from that person, but it did not let go. It just promised to help him in danger. Xiao Hei said that the people in Wan Yao Valley have There is a special way to communicate with monsters, they can communicate well with monsters. But now that it has become my little brother, the people in Ten Thousand Monsters Valley have nothing to do with it."

After hearing Mao Qiu's words, Lin Luo didn't know whether to be happy or guarded.

Xiao Hei is also considered to be capable of fighting. If he joins them, it will definitely be an advantage for them.

But can it really be trusted?
Probably seeing that Lin Luo hesitated now, the fur ball suddenly stretched out its claws, and a golden pattern appeared on the palm.

The pattern fell between Xiao Hei's eyebrows and quickly disappeared.

"Maoqiu, what are you doing?" Lin Luo asked curiously.

I haven't seen Fuqiu doing this before, so I don't know what it is for.

Mao Qiu explained, "This is a kind of imprisonment unique to the dragon clan. It will be under my control from now on. It is my little brother. I will teach him how to transform into a smaller body. Luoluo, don't worry, it He didn’t have any opinion on us before, and now he doesn’t dare to have any. Just let it follow us, I will restrain it well, it is my little brother.”

Now that Mao Qiu has talked about this, of course Lin Luo will not refuse.

The small tower can't wake up now, probably because it consumes too much energy, and now it needs to sleep to recover.

Forget it, after Xiaota wakes up and ask it about the situation of the black flood dragon, it seems that it should be considered trustworthy now.

"Okay, come with us, I'll go back to Zongmen to have a look."

Xiao Hei seemed very happy, shaking his head and spit out the letter to Lin Luo, as if conveying some news.

Lin Luo couldn't communicate with it and could only look at the hairball.

"Luo Luo, Xiao Hei let you ride on it, and it can take you back as soon as possible."

Seeing Xiao Hei's flattering appearance, Lin Luo frowned, but still chose to refuse.

For nothing else, she is really afraid of this mollusc invertebrate, and she would rather walk if she had to sit on it.

Hearing this, Xiao Hei looked a little disappointed, but he didn't force himself.

Lin Luo pretended not to understand Xiao Hei's mood. She really didn't like this kind of mollusk, she didn't like anything, and she didn't want to wrong herself.

It didn't take long for Lin Luo to return to the sect of Xunxianzong.

The disciples of Jiusha Temple and Wanyao Valley have disappeared, but the sect is now in a mess.

There are ruins everywhere, corpses are everywhere, and there are few places that can be burned.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Lin Luo trembled slightly.

The majestic Xunxianzong in the past has become like this now. The big tree that Lin Luo used to use when he was in Songjiagou collapsed in an instant.

Lin Luo's eyes turned red, looking at the corpses of the same sect around her, she felt extremely sad.

There were also some people that Lin Luo was familiar with, including the two sisters of the Shen family, as well as Zhong Min and Zeng Tingting.

These senior sisters from the same sect have turned into corpses at this time.

With a heavy heart, Lin Luo walked inside step by step and found Liu Yi's avatar.

Probably because the strength in his body was exhausted, Liu Yi's avatar stood in place without any reaction.

If the Tenth Elder hadn't been able to destroy Liu Yi's avatar, he would have destroyed it long ago and would never have left it. This is enough to show that the avatar's cultivation is not bad.

Not knowing the condition of the ten elders in the Hall of Nine Demons, Lin Luo swung Liu Yi's avatar into the phoenix wings with a wave of his right hand.

Feng Yi couldn't take away other living things, but the avatar didn't breathe, so it wasn't a living thing, so there was no problem.

After accepting Liu Yi's avatar, Lin Luo continued to walk inside.

However, not far away, there is Si Jing's body.

The moment Lin Luo saw Si Jing's body, Lin Luo finally couldn't help crying.

The driver's saber was still on the spot, but it was already broken. The high-quality middle-grade spirit weapon was broken into two halves at this time. One can imagine how tragic the battle was at that time.

Lin Luo put away Si Jing's broken sword and stood up again.

It was still very tragic along the way, most of them were the corpses of the disciples of Xunxianzong, and there were relatively fewer corpses in Jiusha Temple and Wanyao Valley.

In terms of strength, the disciples of Jiusha Temple and Wanyao Valley are much stronger than the disciples of Xunxianzong. To be able to fight with them to this extent, the disciples of Xunxianzong have tried their best.

Lin Luo felt uncomfortable in every possible way, but could only continue walking inside.

Whether it is the outer courtyard, the inner courtyard, or the elite courtyard, the situation in all places is similar, all of them are the corpses of the disciples of Xunxianzong.

Thinking that there was an important place that she hadn't seen, Lin Luo took a deep breath and walked towards that place.

Not long after, she came to the Buddha Pagoda.

Looking at Xiao Hei and Mao Qiu who followed not far behind, Lin Luo spoke lightly.

"Maoqiu, you and Xiao Hei are going outside to sort out the relics of our Xunxianzong disciples. I will keep them until the sect is re-opened."

"Understood, Luoluo." Fuqiu replied.

The Stupa doesn't seem to have changed in any way, it's still the same as before.

Thinking of the way the disciples of Jiusha Temple and Ten Thousand Monsters Valley behaved, Lin Luo was also quite puzzled, always feeling that they shouldn't be like this.

Those people robbed all the resources and destroyed all the residences, so there is no reason to let the pagoda alone, right?

The tears on Lin Luo's face had been dried, she took a few steps forward, and walked towards the Buddha Pagoda step by step.

As soon as she reached the entrance, she took out her jade pendant and walked into the pagoda smoothly.

No one was inside, and the disciples who were in charge of guarding the pagoda had disappeared, and they probably died outside. After all, there were corpses everywhere outside the pagoda.

Seeing that the Buddha Pagoda was still in good condition, Lin Luo was relieved.

I don't know why the people from Wanyao Valley and Jiusha Temple failed to destroy the Buddha Pagoda, but Lin Luo felt a little bit of comfort in his heart. At least the Buddha Pagoda was still in good condition. Get involved.

The black flood dragon couldn't get in, so he could only stay outside, sweeping outside with the fur ball.

Although the disciples are all dead, there will always be something left behind.

Just when Lin Luo was sure that the pagoda was intact and was about to turn around and leave, she suddenly heard an old voice.

"Child, you are here."

Hearing this voice, it should be an old senior, or a female old senior.

(End of this chapter)

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