Chapter 316
Hearing this, Lin Luo stopped, turned around, and looked around.

"Is it Senior Guardian Spirit?"

Of course, Lin Luo just guessed. In her heart, she felt that the preservation of the pagoda should be due to the guardian spirit whose consciousness had not completely dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

If it hadn't protected the Stupa, the Stupa would be a piece of ashes now.

"You actually know of my existence." The guardian spirit's voice sounded a little upbeat.

It could be seen that it was surprised that Lin Luo knew of its existence.

However, in other words, if the girl in front of her can know her guardian spirit, it means that her identity is not simple.

"Senior is the benefactor of Xunxianzong. The suzerain told Lin Luo yesterday." Lin Luo replied.

The guardian spirit sighed, "It turns out that your name is Lin Luo, and you are a good boy. That kid Si Jing seems to think highly of you, and he even told you all the secrets hidden by Xunxianzong. I am indeed the guardian spirit. Protecting the safety of Xunxianzong, but later the spiritual energy was thin, and the Qingxuan Continent could no longer support my spiritual power consumption, so I integrated my body into the Buddha Pagoda, which can be regarded as giving Xunxianzong a place to practice. Maybe It’s me from the sky. My consciousness hasn’t dissipated. It’s still condensed a little bit. Unfortunately, it’s still a drop in the bucket, and I can only sleep for a long time. The Xunxianzong suffered a disaster yesterday. When I woke up, none of the disciples stayed in the pagoda. Unfortunately, my The fusion of the body and the pagoda cannot help everyone."

Lin Luo could understand the situation of the guardian spirit, and after hearing what it said, she also knew that it was no less sad than herself.

She has been in Xunxianzong for a year, and she has such deep feelings for Xunxianzong, so the guardian spirit who guards the land of Xunxianzong has experienced such a long time and is used to the glory of the sect , wouldn't it be more painful now?
It even feels that it is sorry for the entrustment of the person who founded the sect of Xunxianzong.

"Senior, you don't need to be like this. We still have some disciples who have escaped from birth. The Xunxianzong will not decline. I will definitely regain its glory! One day, the Xunxianzong will reopen and settle down in the world of cultivating immortals. Bullied!" Lin Luo replied firmly.

The guardian spirit fell silent, and it took a long time to break the silence.

"You are a good boy, and I also believe that you can do it. This is our agreement. Your contribution to Xunxianzong is not free. I feel that you have a similar aura to me, and you should have some Artifact spirit, right?" the guardian spirit spoke gently.

Lin Luo was taken aback, "Senior was joking. Although I have only been in Xunxianzong for one year, I still regard myself as a disciple of Xunxianzong. This is what I should do and does not need any reward. As for me , there is indeed a weapon spirit, it is the tower spirit of the Talisman Tower."

After the words fell, Lin Luo suddenly felt a green light descending from the sky, with a soft breath.

The green light didn't alert Lin Luo, and she didn't feel any hostility.

Immediately afterwards, the green light merged into Lin Luo's neck, which was where the small tower was located.

Lin Luo was a little puzzled, but she didn't ask.

Soon, all the green light poured into the small tower until the last ray of light dissipated.

"Your tower spirit has been consumed too much. My spiritual power is accompanied by vitality. It can be regarded as healing for it. It will wake up soon. I just found out that it is actually much stronger than me, but it also consumes too much, so That’s why it’s so weak. As long as it doesn’t consume too much in the future, it won’t hurt its roots, and it will get better little by little. You are its master, and as long as you are strong, it can recover faster.” The voice of the guardian spirit sounded.

I don't know if it was Lin Luo's illusion, but she felt that the voice of the guardian spirit was much weaker.

Maybe it wasn't her illusion, it was the guardian spirit who used his power to help Xiaota.

"Senior, there is no need to do this. I am a member of the Xunxianzong. You have to take care of yourself." Lin Luo was quite worried.

The guardian spirit laughed a few times, "It's okay, I'm also very happy to be able to do something for you. Go back, I'll wait for you at the Buddha Pagoda, and wait for the day when you reopen the sect, I believe you can Do it. I'm going to fall into a deep sleep, next time you call me at the Stupa with good news, I should wake up again."

"Thank you, senior. Lin Luo will never forget your great kindness. Senior, please rest assured. The next time Lin Luo wakes up senior, it will be the time when Xunxianzong reopens." Lin Luo bowed respectfully.

"Okay, I'll wait for you." The voice of the guardian spirit gradually faded away.

Lin Luo turned around and walked out of the pagoda, and stood at the entrance of the pagoda, with strength in her heart.

Seeking Immortal Sect will not just disappear in the world of cultivating immortals, there are still some surviving disciples, and the guardian spirits are still fine.

One day, they will reopen the sect.

Lin Luo was about to go out, but suddenly heard some hurried footsteps.

Could it be that the disciples from the Hall of Nine Demons and the Valley of the Thousand Monsters left and returned?
Just when Lin Luo was about to hide and attack, he suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Xun Xianzong encountered a catastrophe this time. It would be too unexpected. We didn't hear any news before. It's just that there are so many disciples from Wanyao Valley around, which really surprised me. And I think many disciples of Xun Xianzong died. The wounds in the wounds were caused by monsters, I suspect that the extermination of Xunxianzong has something to do with Jiusha Temple and Wanyao Valley." The woman's voice sounded.

After the woman finished speaking, the man's voice also sounded.

"That's right, that's what I guessed too. No wonder I couldn't find any traces of the disciples from Wan Yao Valley before. They turned out to be in collusion with the people from the Nine Demons Palace! Damn it, they dared to take action against Xun Xianzong. They really didn't care about anything. Yes. Especially in the Valley of the Thousand Demons, it is even more shameless to the extreme, and it is as cruel and merciless as the Nine Evil Palace, and it is useless for human beings."

"That's right, the Xunxianzong is really miserable, I don't know where the little junior sister is." Another man's voice sounded.

Hearing these voices, Lin Luo suddenly called out.

"Brother, Senior Sister, Senior Brother, is it you?"

Shen Bingxin ran forward in surprise, "Junior Junior Sister, it's us, we are all worried about you!"

Ever since Qiushuang told Shen Bingxin about Lin Luo's hasty departure, Shen Bingxin was very worried about Lin Luo's safety.

Since something happened to Xunxianzong, it must be dangerous for her to come back.

When they were outside just now, they saw the corpses of many disciples and enemies of the Xunxianzong. Shen Bingxin was worried that she would see Lin Luo's existence, and she was afraid that Lin Luo would only leave one corpse for them.

Fortunately, Lin Luo is fine!
Not only Shen Bingxin, Lin Wenxuan was also worried after seeing so many dead bodies after returning to Xunxianzong.

As Shen Bing's words fell, everyone finally met face to face.

"Luo Luo, are there any other disciples of Xianxianzong?"

(End of this chapter)

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