Chapter 320

When Fu Chen questioned Liu Yi, Lin Luo naturally had no room to speak, so she could only listen quietly.

Liu Yi opened his mouth with a serious face, "It is said that the Nine Sharks Palace has been moving now, and it is very likely that it is related to the prohibition of the Qingxuan Continent. They may even have discovered the existence of the Qingxuan Secret Realm and want to do something. The Qingxuan Secret Realm is We don't know anything about the most mysterious secret realm in Qingxuan Continent. However, what we can know is that if people from Jiusha Temple enter, their overall strength will be improved. It's bad news."

Hearing this, Fu Chen's expression also changed.

"Since they may have found the Qingxuan Secret Realm, we can also use their information to find it. It doesn't matter who can go in first. However, since everyone in the Nine Evil Palace already knows about it, it makes no sense that people in the palace would not I know, I believe the Nine Sage Kings also know about it. Maybe Xuanyue Guoshi has already told the Nine Sage Kings, and even started to prepare." Fu Chen looked at Liu Yi, "Why don't you go to the capital in a few days, Discuss this matter with the Nine Sage Kings. If you really find it, everyone can go to the Qingxuan Secret Realm together."

Lin Luo didn't quite understand it. It was obviously a matter of the Cultivation Sect, so why did it involve the royal family?
As we all know, matters in the world of cultivating immortals generally have nothing to do with the royal family.

Although Lin Luo had great doubts in her heart, she didn't ask any more questions.

"Brother, I think we can make two-handed preparations. Don't ignore the progress at the Nine Evil Palace, and then communicate with the royal family." Liu Yi said frankly.

Fu Chen thought for a while, nodded, and agreed.

When Lin Luo heard this, a strange thought flashed through his mind.

I still remember that Xiaota once told her that this is the Qingxuan Continent constructed by Yan Qingxuan, and it is also the cage where Yan Qingxuan was exiled from the Lanchuan Continent.

That being the case, is it possible that the people in the Nine Evil Palace also know that they are doing so many things now to break out of this cage and go to the Lanchuan Continent?

If you look at it this way, wouldn't it be that the lord of the Hall of Nine Demons is also related to the Lanchuan Continent, or has learned about the Lanchuan Continent?

There is also the whirling tree after Tianhan Valley was enchanted before, it seems that it can also be used as a sharp weapon for formation or attack.

Even Yan Qingxuan was unable to break through this cage, and finally sacrificed himself to the Qingxuan Continent.

If Jiushadian really wanted to leave this place, then they would definitely need more things, which could even include more people, even blood.

Thinking of this, Lin Luo couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

However, she couldn't say anything about Yan Qingxuan.

How can this be good?

"Girl, what's wrong with you? I've called you a few times, why are you in a daze?" Liu Yi waved his hand in front of Lin Luo.

Lin Luo recovered with embarrassment on her face.

"I'm sorry, Master, I was thinking about something just now, what did you ask me?"

"You girl, why are you in a daze when we talk. Just now your uncle asked you, what do you think about the alliance between Jiusha Temple and Wanyao Valley, do you have any thoughts?" Liu Yi repeated again. if.

After hearing this, Lin Luo shook her head.

The Hall of Nine Evils and the Valley of the Thousand Monsters worked together and turned into the dark at the same time. For them, it was the enemy who was in the dark and we were the only ones, so it was hard to guess what their situation was like.

"Master, I don't have any opinion. I only know that the Hall of Nine Demons is very powerful now. Maybe the next target will be the Four Great Sects." Lin Luo told the truth.

Regarding Lin Luo's guess, Fu Chen nodded in relief.

Indeed, he thought so too,
"That's right, so this seat hopes that the disciples will separate directly and not stay in Lingyun Pavilion at all. By the way, this seat will also write letters to the other three major sects, asking them to disperse the disciples directly, and let the disciples leave the sect Each of them hides their identities." Fu Chen said with a smile.

"You mean, Da Yin lives in the city?" Lin Luo raised her eyebrows and asked.

Fu Chen's eyes were full of admiration, "That's right, as you said, the Great Hermit hides in the city. No matter how many people there are in the Nine Evil Palace, they can't be able to find out every disciple. After the Xunxianzong incident, This seat still feels that the disciples may be safer outside. If something like Xunxianzong happened, the Lingyun Pavilion would not lose most of the disciples in their hands. The current strength of the Jiusha Palace, we simply don’t know I don't know, so I decided to write a letter to Master Xuanyue to see if I can form an alliance with him."

Liu Yi has been very quiet all this time, now that he heard Fu Chen's words, he already had some ideas in his mind.

"Senior brother, what do you mean, our four major sects are all in the same spirit, but to be on the safe side, we should form an alliance with Xuanyue Guoshi? As the backing of the Lin family, Xuanyue Guoshi actually let the Lin family head go It may be easier to speak. I believe that the safety of the Qingxuan Continent is at stake, and Xuanyue Guoshi will not refuse." Liu Yi said.

"That's right, let's do it." Fu Chen nodded.

Lin Luo was a little disturbed when she heard this, and always felt that the current situation was really not good, and it seemed that the Qingxuan Continent had already begun to be in chaos.

For a moment, Lin Luo also felt a little flustered.

She hasn't gone to Lin's house yet, hasn't asked about Lin Zhanhong's whereabouts, and hasn't cleaned up the Dongfang family and Qingzhou Lin's family, yet the entire Qingxuan Continent is in chaos.

"Okay, girl, pack up, bring the resources you need for cultivation, and go down the mountain." Liu Yi urged.

Lin Luo naturally responded to Liu Yi's words. Since the current situation is unclear, it is indeed better for them to separate separately.

It just so happened that she was also going to attend the family meeting of Patriarch Lin's family, so she must ask them about Lin Zhanhong at that time.

Not only Lin Luo took action, but also other disciples of Lingyun Pavilion.

Fu Chen had a request, that is, the disciples should not be accompanied by more than three people, and they had to change clothes when they left the sect, and they could not wear the clothes of Lingyun Pavilion disciples.

Another point is that after going down the mountain, you have to change your clothes and dress up before you go to a place.

As for the disciples of Lingyun Pavilion's outer sect, they don't have such high requirements, and it doesn't matter if they stay at the foot of the mountain.

Everyone knew very well that if the disciples of the Hall of Nine Demons wanted to attack Lingyun Pavilion, they would not attack the disciples of the outer sect at the foot of the mountain.

Those outer disciples could only be regarded as non-staff members of Lingyun Pavilion, most of them still wore the clothes worn by their own sect, and they didn't even get the clothes of Lingyun Pavilion disciples.

Moreover, their cultivation bases are also relatively weak, and the Jiusha Palace is just a waste of time to deal with them, and it will not shake the foundation of Lingyun Pavilion.

Lin Luo was on her way to Qingzhou. She planned to go back to visit Tangyuan, and hand over some things that were suitable for the cultivation of Fu masters to the two sisters of the Wu family that had been sorted out at Jingsi Peak.

Then, I went to the head of the Lin family to attend the family meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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