A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 321 What's That Man's Name?

Chapter 321 What's That Man's Name?
Hall of Nine Sharks

The ten elders bowed and stood on the main hall, beside him was Zou Jie, the owner of Wan Yao Valley.

The faces of both of them were not very good-looking, and they didn't know if they were injured, or they felt too embarrassed for not completing the task.

The ghost face stood beside the Lord of the Nine Demons Hall, looking coldly at the two people below.

"A mere Xunxianzong, you can't figure it out. You didn't watch those disciples in the sect, and more than 100 disciples escaped. Even our own team lost two, and there was no one alive. Is it the mission you completed? Since Xunxianzong has already died several elders, and there is still a suzerain, why do you still let those people escape? If you add the disciples who did not come back after completing the mission, there are at least 200 people. The most important point is that you didn't find what you were looking for, a bunch of trash!"

It can be said that the ghost face's words are merciless, but the tenth elder and Zou Jie dare not say anything.

Admitting your mistakes is the only thing you can do.

"I beg the lord to spare this subordinate. It's not that the subordinates didn't complete the task seriously, but that Si Jing's mouth was too strict to pry it open. After his death, the subordinates also turned the entire Xunxianzong upside down." Come here, but still haven't found that thing." The ten elders said in fear.

No matter how arrogant and powerful he was outside, he would not dare in front of the master of the Nine Shades and the Elder Ghost Face.

Zou Jie also knew that this mission was not well completed, and it was his first mission. Even losing his son's life because of this mission, he felt more and more painful.

But now is not the time to think about these things, it is necessary to let the Lord of the Nine Demons calm down.

"Reporting to the Palace Master, the subordinates and the ten elders were all fighting, but unexpectedly a little girl came and messed up all our plans. Not only a little girl, but also a brat who knows formations, he It is also not mentioned in the mission information." Zou Jie was furious when he thought of Lin Luo.

The Lord of the Nine Demons Palace still turned his back to the crowd, and he raised his left hand leisurely, cleaning his clean fingernails.

"Oh? A little girl, a brat, can escape from your joint hands? It's really a bit unexpected that the kid knows formations. It's understandable that none of you know formations, but what about that little girl? "The voice of the Lord of the Nine Demons Hall sounded.

Even a voice as calm as water can make the Tenth Elder and Zou Jie feel a sense of depression.

It can be seen that the Lord of the Nine Demons Palace is still very popular.

If they don't tell the reason, I'm afraid they will be the ones who will be punished by then.

Zou Jie hurriedly opened his mouth before the tenth elder could speak, "Reporting to the lord, that girl is a bit evil, and my subordinates originally summoned the black flood dragon to take her down, but who knew that the black flood dragon was actually controlled. It became a soft-legged shrimp, lying on the ground all the time. Even now, it doesn’t come back, and it probably follows that girl. She is a three-seal talisman master, and even has spiritual power, and her spiritual power is already in the stage of excitement. That girl looks less than 15 years old, but she has such a talent, it really delayed my subordinates for a long time."

"One more thing, that girl's exercises are also extremely weird. I have never seen such exercises before. I'm afraid those big sects can't come up with them." The ten elders then added, "By the way, there is a monster beside her. The beast looks like a sheep, and that thing is also powerful. It is not easy to deal with the monsters of the disciples of Wan Yao Valley. As long as they are weaker, they will eat one by one. Because it was trembling, obediently waiting to be beheaded, we really don't know what's going on."

Upon hearing what the two said, the Lord of the Hall of Nine Demons froze suddenly, with some doubts.

"You mean, that girl is less than 15 years old, she has spiritual power and spiritual power, and she is accompanied by a monster?"

The Tenth Elder and Zou Jie looked at each other and replied at the same time, "Yes, Palace Master."

The two of them didn't quite understand why the Lord of the Nine Demons was interested in a little girl, but they honestly told the Lord of the Nine Demons everything they knew.

"What's that girl's name?" The Lord of the Nine Shades asked again.

Hearing this, the two of them were a little dumbfounded, they never asked her at all, and they didn't pay attention to whether others called her.

You know, a little girl is not enough for them to focus all their attention on her.

The Nine Demon Lord, who was originally calm, suddenly sat up straight, and his voice contained some anger.

"You know everything, what's the use of you!"

The ghost face immediately understood where the anger of the master of Jiusha came from at this moment, he immediately took a step forward, and looked coldly at the two people standing bowed below.

"Hurry up and investigate and bring this little girl back!"

Hearing what the ghost face said, the tenth elder and Zou Jie quickly nodded to express their understanding.

After the two left, the master of the Nine Demons Palace spoke in a cold voice.

"These two people seem unreliable. You should arrange two elders to find her, and seize the opportunity to capture that little girl. However, one thing must be remembered, you must not hurt the little girl's life, and you must not Hurt her." The Lord of the Nine Demons ordered lightly.

Ghost Mian was full of doubts, but he knew that these things were not what he should ask, so naturally he didn't dare to say more.

"Yes, my subordinate understands."

After receiving the ghost face's reply, the master of the Nine Demons nodded slightly.

He moved his body slightly and thought of another thing, which was also considered to be a very important thing.

"As for the thing from Xunxianzong, Suqin still hasn't found it, where is she?" the master of the Nine Demons Palace asked lazily.

"Reporting to the Palace Master, according to the news from Suqin, she is now with the disciples sent out from the formation. If there is no accident, she must be among the dozens of disciples sent by the formation. Among them. I don’t know if the palace master needs to let Suqin reveal his identity, and directly disintegrate the remaining Xunxianzong disciples from the inside?” Guimian asked doubtfully.

Hearing this, the Lord of the Nine Demons Palace was silent for a moment, probably thinking in his heart what to do best.

After thinking for a while, he shook his head.

"Don't do this, let Suqin stay and continue to be the internal response. There is no need to contact her. She will send back the news. The status of the daughter of the family that she now occupies is more useful to us. The current people of Xunxianzong There will be no troubles. No matter who it is, Suqin's real identity will be a member of our Nine Evil Palace."

"Hall Master is wise." Ghost Mian flattered him without any pressure.

In fact, it's not considered a flattery, because the master of the Nine evil spirits is really a very outstanding person.

He has a high cultivation base, is smart, and has courage, which is indeed amazing!
(End of this chapter)

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