Chapter 322

Ghost Mian spent the longest time with the Lord of the Nine Demons, much longer than the time that other disciples in the Nine Demons Palace followed the Lord of the Nine Demons.

In the past, the Hall of Nine Evils was very small. I don't know if it was severely injured or because of other reasons. Anyway, when the ghost face came, the Hall of Nine Evils was not very strong.

But with the leadership of the Lord of the Nine Evil Palace, the Nine Evil Palace has developed little by little.

Unfortunately, those former disciples died after all.

Some people died while doing missions, and some were killed by the Lord of the Nine Demons Palace because of mission failures.

After coming and going, Ghost Mian became the oldest one with seniority, and naturally became an elder under the Lord of Nine Demons. His status was higher than that of the ten elders, and above all the disciples and elders.

If it is said that ghosts respect the Lord of the Nine Demons Hall, that is also engraved in their bones.

Even though he understood that the other party only regarded him as a pawn, he was still willing to give everything for the Nine Evil Palace, even his life.

Another reason is that he also wanted to leave Qingxuan Continent.

As for the pawn Suqin, no one would have thought that she would have such an identity.

"Okay, you have to worry about the things in the palace, I won't appear in the short term."

As soon as the Lord of the Nine Demons Palace finished speaking, his figure disappeared in place.

Guimian bowed to the chair where the Lord of the Nine Demons was sitting just now, and said, "I will send you off to the Lord, and everything will be strictly obeyed by the Lord."

In the following time, the Hall of Nine Demons began to investigate and search for Lin Luo.

However, they searched all over the outer sect of Xunxianzong, but they couldn't find Lin Luo. Finally, they learned about Lin Luo's situation from the disciples led by the Great Elder. Unfortunately, Lin Luo no longer knew where he had gone. Did not stay in Lingyun Pavilion.

The disciples of the Hall of Nine Demons returned without success, and each of them would naturally be punished, but Ghost Face asked them to continue looking for Lin Luo's trace.

No one knew that Lin Luo had already returned to Qingzhou at this time, and went home to see Tang Yuan.

Unlike the last time she went home, the small yard of her house looked much better this time than before, probably because it was redesigned by the Wu family sisters and Tang Yuan.

When Lin Luo arrived, Tang Yuan was rubbing corn in the yard with the Wu family sisters, with a faint smile on her face.

On the whole, Tang Yuan seemed to be in good condition, and her complexion was also rosy.

"Mother, two sisters, I'm back."

Lin Luo's voice sounded, and the three of them stopped their movements at the same time. Looking at Lin Luo now, all three of them had joy on their faces.

"Luo Luo, you're back!" Tang Yuan's joy was beyond words.

After another few months without seeing her daughter, Tang Yuan naturally missed her.

Compared to Lin Wenxuan, Tang Yuan was naturally more worried about his daughter.

It's not that she prefers her daughter, it's because Lin Wenxuan is a man, and he got used to it after staying outside for a long time.

So when it was Lin Luo's turn to go outside, Tang Yuan always felt a little worried. In the dead of night, he couldn't help feeling a little worried, wondering if Lin Luo was doing well outside.

Now seeing her daughter come back well, she is relieved and very happy.

"Sister." The Wu family sisters also called Lin Luo.

Lin Luo greeted the two of them with a smile, and now she moved to Tang Yuan's side, pulling her arm to stick against her.

"Mom, I've been doing well these past few months. Don't worry about me. Don't I write to you occasionally? Just think of me as studying abroad. Look, I've only been here for a few months. I just came back, not like my elder brother." Lin Luo sold her elder brother without any politeness.

Tang Yuan covered her mouth and laughed, reaching out to pat Lin Luo's arm.

Seeing that her daughter came back intact, Tang Yuan's heart that had been hanging for a long time was relieved.

"What happened during this period of time, please tell your mother carefully." Tang Yuan pulled Lin Luo and walked into the house.

Wu Huan and Wu Le didn't follow in. This was the time when the mother and daughter spent time alone. The two sisters also put the corn in their hands and went into the kitchen instead.

It was rare for Lin Luo to come back, and they always wanted to make up for her.

Back in the room, Lin Luo told Tang Yuan what happened during this period, but she still ignored those dangerous things.

But when he heard that the Xunxianzong was almost wiped out by the Nine Demons Palace, Tang Yuan still couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat.

"Luo Luo, I didn't expect you to go through so much. But since the Qingxuan Continent is already in chaos, or else you stay at home and don't go out, call your brother back, mother will worry about your safety. I have lost you Father, I can't lose you again, if we die, we will die together." Tang Yuanhong said with eyes wide open.

Lin Luo stretched out her hand and patted Tang Yuan, "Mother, don't be so pessimistic. The Hall of Nine Demons has the final say in the world of cultivating immortals. I'm just worried about you. I'm afraid that something will happen to you. You must protect yourself. If possible, how about Go directly to the Hidden God Valley, my master is there, I believe he can protect you well."

"No need, it's not good for me to go to Yinshen Valley, but it doesn't matter here, Songjiagou is still very safe, and in the past, people who cultivated immortals could hardly see it." Tang Yuan directly refused without thinking.

Since Tang Yuan was so persistent, Lin Luo couldn't say anything.

Lin Luo thought about the matter of Patriarch Lin's house, and felt that it was necessary to talk to Tang Yuan, lest Tang Yuan would worry about her.

Whether it is going to the lord's house to participate in the family meeting, it is better to tell Tang Yuan.

"Mother, in the next few days, I will go to the Lord's house to attend the family meeting. Then I will ask about my father's news. Originally, my plan was not like this. Messed up my plan, so I'd better go ask dad about it first."

If the Qingxuan Continent is going to be chaotic, he must want to know the news about Lin Zhanhong, and the source of this news must be the head of the Lin family.

Tang Yuan was slightly stunned and fell into a daze.

It took a long time before she calmed down, with a forced smile hanging on the corner of her mouth.

"Luo Luo, mother believes that you can find your father, but it's just me and him. Don't talk about this, mother can support you in whatever decision you make. But you should also pay attention, mother will worry about you, no matter what happens, Protect yourself first, do you understand what mother means?" Tang Yuan looked at Lin Luo tenderly and said.

Lin Luo's heart warmed up, of course she understood what Tang Yuan meant.

"Mother, don't worry, I know you are waiting for me at home, and my father is also waiting for me to rescue, and I will definitely protect myself." Lin Luo threw herself into Tang Yuan's arms after speaking.

"It's good that you know." Tang Yuan stretched out his hand and patted his daughter's back.

This was the first time seeing Lin Luo acting like a baby to her, and Tang Yuan was very happy.

Suddenly, a thought flashed in her mind, and she looked at Tang Yuan seriously.

"There is a question that has been on my mind for a long time, can mother tell me?"

(End of this chapter)

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