Chapter 323

Tang Yuan was taken aback for a moment, thought for a while, and soon understood what Lin Luo wanted to ask.

If it was before, she would not have planned to tell Lin Luo about this at all.

But now, Tang Yuan felt that there was no need to hide Lin Luo. She had grown up and was no longer that little girl.

Lin Luo is still protecting her even now, without her protection, the Wu family sisters would not be able to live here with her.

"Luo Luo, you just want to know why mother was born with spiritual roots but didn't practice it?"

Lin Luo smiled slightly, "Mother is very smart, she knows what my daughter wants to ask."

Hearing this, Tang Yuan stretched out his hand and tapped Lin Luo's forehead lightly, with a smile still on his face, not at all unhappy.

"What are you thinking, girl? Could it be that Mother still doesn't know? Alright, Mother will tell you slowly, don't blame Mother for being too wordy." Tang Yuan sighed slightly.

"Don't worry, my daughter won't feel troublesome." Lin Luo replied.

Not long after, Tang Yuan slowly spoke about his affairs.

It turned out that Tang Yuan was born in a big family, and she was favored when she was a child. She was always happy and carefree at home.

Such days continued until Tang Yuan was 12 years old.

At the age of 12, she tested the spirit root and was tested. It was still a rare thunder spirit root, and it was also a top-grade spirit root.

If it's just a simple top-grade thunder spirit root, Tang Yuan can naturally cultivate it, and it won't have any impact.

The bad thing is that besides Lei Linggen, Tang Yuan also had a special physique discovered by her father when she was cultivating. What's more troublesome is that she is a daughter.

Tang Yuan's physique is also a rare one, which made everyone in the family dumbfounded.

It's not easy to meet a high-grade Lei Linggen in the family, and it turns out to be the body of a furnace!
The body of the cauldron is the body that forms a world of its own, the body is a cauldron like the heaven and the earth, which can accommodate anything in the world.

Can tolerate but cannot cultivate, otherwise it will be nothing but caught by someone.

However, both men and women have the body of the cauldron, and women may be more likely to appear, but there are not many such physiques in the Qingxuan Continent.

The family concealed the physique of Tang Yuan's Furnace Body, declaring to the public that Tang Yuan's natural spiritual veins were blocked and he was unable to practice.

In order to prevent Tang Yuan from becoming a dish for evil cultivators, she naturally does not know how to practice.

You know, if a man meets Tang Yuan, he can use her body's characteristics to harvest and cultivate, and he can also increase the speed of cultivation and break through bottlenecks.

It's just that those who can use this method of harvesting and nourishing to cultivate are generally evil cultivators.

Later, Tang Yuan grew up and got used to the fact that she couldn't cultivate. She also found out that the rest of the family didn't like her, but she couldn't say anything.

The family's gift of childbearing is really very important to her.

Meeting Lin Zhanhong by chance, Tang Yuan had the courage to resist everything, and she took Lin Zhanhong to meet her family.

The family objected, thinking that Lin Zhanhong was not worthy of a girl from her family. After all, Lin Zhanhong was not the young master of the main family, and more importantly, he could not protect her.

Tang Yuan insisted that Lin Zhanhong would not marry.

The family members had no choice but to give Tang Yuan an ultimatum to make her break with Lin Zhanhong.

If it wasn't Lin Zhanhong who didn't marry, then the family would treat her as if she didn't have her daughter in the future, and let her completely sever ties with the family. Even if she died, no one would collect her body, and the family would not help Lin Zhanhong.

After careful consideration, Tang Yuan chose to go with Lin Zhanhong.

Not only because she loves Lin Zhanhong deeply, but also because the family wants to marry her to someone she doesn't love, and the other party even proposes for her body, so Tang Yuan just followed Lin Zhanhong to the Lin family. .

In so many years, this was the first time Tang Yuan acted impulsively without considering the consequences.

Being impulsive is also beneficial, at least when Lin Zhanhong was by her side, she lived happily and happily every day.

Later, with the birth of two children, Lin Zhanhong still treated her as before, and Tang Yuan felt that she made the right choice.

Unfortunately, no one thought that Lin Zhanhong would completely disappear when he went to a secret place.

Knowing that the day Lin Zhanhong disappeared, Tang Yuan's world became gloomy. If it weren't for the two children, she would have been unable to think about it.

After quietly listening to what Tang Yuan said, Lin Luo's heart was not peaceful at all.

At the beginning, she asked Lin Wenxuan why Tang Yuan didn't practice because she had spiritual roots. Lin Wenxuan said she asked Tang Yuan, but she didn't say.

Now it seems that she may understand why Tang Yuan was unwilling to tell Lin Wenxuan at that time.

That's right, she is the body of a furnace, and it's not too nice to say it, especially to her son.

Lin Luo couldn't help sighing, it turned out that Tang Yuan had such a body, and fortunately he was born in a family.

"Mother, are you from the Tang family?" Lin Luo couldn't help asking.

Tang Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then laughed out loud.

"Our family Luoluo is very clever, but from the inference of the mother, I came to the conclusion that the mother is the Tang family. You are right, I am indeed the Tang family, but I have been expelled from the Tang family. Luoluo If you meet someone from the Tang family in the world of cultivating immortals, make friends with them as much as possible. Mother doesn't want you to have any grudges against the Tang family. The Tang family didn't feel sorry for me. On the contrary, I was sorry for the Tang family. They treated me well. Especially my brother, your uncle's family, he always speaks for me." Tang Yuan said gently.

Lin Luo has too much information in her mind at the moment, and she needs to sort it out slowly. She guessed that Tang Yuan was from a big family, but she didn't want to be the head of the four big families.

Since Tang Yuan said that her brother is still very good to her, it seems that the marriage must not be his plan.

Not knowing the current situation of the Tang family, Lin Luo decided to inquire about it later.

At this moment, a strange idea suddenly appeared in Lin Luo's mind.

"Mother, does uncle have a daughter?"

Tang Yuan's eyes widened, as if she didn't expect Lin Luo to ask this, she was a little surprised.

Could it be, where did she meet people from the Tang family?

"Your uncle does have a daughter named Tang Xiaoxiao, and that girl is also very pleasing. However, I haven't seen her for more than ten years, and I don't know how she is now. When something like that happened to the Lin family, I thought about going back The Tang family begged my parents for help. But I am in such a situation, and I have no face to face the two elders, every word they said back then is engraved in my heart." Tang Yuan looked quite lonely when he said this.

Lin Luo could know Tang Yuan's thoughts with just a little thought, but now she couldn't figure out the attitude of the Tang family, so she couldn't say anything.

Knowing that Tang Yuan remembered some sad things, Lin Luo planned to inquire about the situation of the Tang family by herself, and stopped asking Tang Yuan.

"Okay mother, don't think about the past, let me tell you about Tang Xiaoxiao."

Immediately, Lin Luo told Tang Yuan about Tang Xiaoxiao's situation.

(End of this chapter)

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