A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 324 If You Are Difficult, Help If You Can

Chapter 324 If You Are Difficult, Help If You Can

After listening to Lin Luo's words, Tang Yuan had mixed feelings in his heart.

It turns out that this world can be very big. For more than ten years, Tang Yuan has never met anyone from the Tang family, nor does he know how the Tang family is doing.

It's small and small, after all, Lin Luo will meet her brother's daughter, who is also Lin Luo's cousin.

For a moment, Tang Yuan thought of everything in the past, but also had mixed feelings.

"Anyway, Luo Luo, Tang Xiaoxiao is your cousin, and also your senior sister, you should get along well." Tang Yuan warned worriedly.

There was no way, after all, the cousins ​​of the Lin family didn't treat Lin Luo well at all, and Tang Yuan was quite worried.

Probably thinking of Tang Yuan's thoughts, Lin Luo smiled slightly.

"Mother, don't worry, I have a good relationship with her, and we went to Tianhan Valley to practice together. I didn't think of this at the time. Some people said that my eyebrows resembled hers, and she also said that I looked like her aunt It's a bit similar, I didn't expect her surname to be Tang. You know, surnames in the world of cultivating immortals are too common, and I didn't associate you with the Tang family. If I could have known this earlier, our relationship might be closer. " Lin Luo replied.

Tang Yuan also put on a smile. She didn't expect that her daughter and her brother's daughter were in the same school. Knowing that Tang Xiaoxiao was doing well now, Tang Yuan was also relieved.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. I will make two sets of clothes, and you will bring them back to Lingyun Pavilion when you return to Lingyun Pavilion. Although the Tang family does not have a daughter like me, I still hope that after so many years, I can be with my brother." Get along well as a family." Tang Yuan said.

From here, Lin Luo heard a message.

Tang Yuan kept saying that her brother was very kind to her, but never mentioned her parents.

From this point of view, her parents may not be very kind to her, of course, it may not be the case, or they may be stricter.

"Mother, let's talk slowly when we have time. I will often come back to accompany you in the future. But, mother, do you want to return to the Tang family?" Lin Luo asked.

It seems that the situation of the Tang family is not as good as expected, so I'd better ask Tang Xiaoxiao first.

Tang Yuan's attitude determines her approach, and she must focus on Tang Yuan's ideas.

Hearing this, Tang Yuan looked rather lonely.

"It's impossible to go home, and they won't let me go back. Because I didn't marry the young master of the Xiao family, I couldn't help them make friends with the Xiao family. It almost fell out. Speaking of it, it was my fault, and I was sorry for the kindness of the Tang family. Luo Luo, if the Tang family needs it in the future, you can help."

"I understand, mother." Lin Luo nodded.

After the mother and daughter talked for a while, the Wu family sisters came to ask them to eat.

The four of them had a very happy meal, Tang Yuan's mood improved, and she took Lin Luo to measure her body.

Although Lin Luo didn't come back here for a long time, every time she came back, she would leave a large part of Lingshi for Tang Yuan.

Today's Lin Luo is not short of spirit stones at all, after all, the background of Jingsi Peak is here.

Tang Yuan's living standard is very high now, and it was Lin Luo who asked the Wu family sisters to take care of her when she left, so that Tang Yuan could take care of her health.

With spare money, Tang Yuan will now buy some needlework and do it at home. Now that life is better, she doesn't have to work as hard as before. At most, she can grow some vegetables to eat when she has nothing to do.

Lin Wenxuan and Lin Luo's clothes were made by Tang Yuan, as well as her own and the Wu family's sisters.

As night came, Tang Yuan no longer needed to stay up late to do needlework, but went to bed earlier.

On the contrary, Lin Luo, who learned about Tang Yuan's situation today, couldn't sleep. She can now slowly figure out the things that she couldn't figure out before, but she still feels a little complicated.

I don't know whether to say Tang Yuan is stupid or brave.

The four major families and the five major sects are considered to be on an equal footing, but of course they are not as good as the three top powers.

As the head of the four major families, the Tang family is similar to the Lingyun Pavilion of the five major sects. Knowing that Tang Yuan is the body of the furnace, the Tang family also protected her very well, at least they did not let outsiders know the news.

As for why the Xiao family asked to marry Tang Yuan, I don't know where they heard the news.

It was not mentioned later, probably because the Tang family said that Tang Yuan was dead, which caused the Xiao family to give up their marriage with the Tang family.

So, the relationship between the Tang family and the Xiao family is not so good now?
Lin Luo sat alone in the yard and put a recliner beside the well. While she was thinking about things, she was also looking at the stars in the sky.

After a whole night passed, Lin Luo didn't feel sleepy or practiced.

Fortunately, her current cultivation base is here, even if she doesn't sleep, it doesn't matter.

After staying at home for a while, Lin Luo not only chatted with Tang Yuan when she had nothing to do, but also guided the Wu family sisters to practice as a talisman master.

The sisters of the Wu family can be regarded as relatively diligent and hardworking. They are very serious about the cultivation of talisman masters, but their qualifications are still a bit poor.

Originally, Lin Luo was thinking about letting them try to cultivate spiritual power, but the two told her that the two of them did not have spiritual roots, and their spiritual power was not very strong. If Zong Lin hadn't used many methods to help them, they would Even becoming a talisman master is difficult.

But since he can become a talisman master, no matter how poor his aptitude is, he should be able to become a two-seal talisman master.

During the time at home, Lin Luo talked a lot to the Wu family sisters, and gave them the resources to cultivate their spiritual power. The two sisters have indeed improved.

I don't know if they can become three seal talisman masters, Lin Luo didn't say it out, and didn't want to put pressure on them.

During this period, Lin Luo also received letters from Zong Lin and Liu Yi.

Zong Lin mentioned his current situation. He has successfully entered the Wuyinfu master, and now he can speak in Yinshen Valley. Because of Lin Luo's previous relationship, he became the elder of Yinshen Valley.

The owner of the Yinshen Valley was held by a previous owner of the Fushi Pavilion, and Xiong Yonghong became the deputy owner.

As for Lengqing, he became the master of Shaogu under the joint recommendation of the tower master and the pavilion master.

Today's Yinshen Valley has been twisted into one rope, and everyone has abandoned the past grievances, which can be regarded as an integration of the forces of Yinshen Valley.

Lin Luo also replied a letter, mentioning the recent situation in the outside world, the Nine Demons Palace and Wan Yao Valley formed an alliance to deal with Xunxianzong. Even if the hidden god valley may receive the news, it is definitely not as detailed as what Lin Luo experienced personally. .

This time, the Nine Evil Palace's move is so big, it's hard to guarantee that they won't attack the three major sects, so we still have to be careful.

Liu Yi's letter needs to be more routine, and it is about the current situation of Lingyun Pavilion, so she doesn't have to worry about it.

Lingyun Pavilion was very quiet, and no one from the Nine Evil Palace attacked it, including the disciples who left the sect. Everyone was relatively safe.

Lin Luo also replied a letter, telling her about her recent situation.

After a while, Lin Luo got up and set off to the Lin family's home.

(End of this chapter)

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