Chapter 325
The Lin family in Kyoto is very ornately built, which can be considered unique in a place like Kyoto where high-ranking officials are everywhere.

From a distance, the Lin family looked like a garden.

From the outside, on the majestic gate, a red lacquered plaque hangs high, and the two gold-plated characters of "Lin Fu" on it make the Lin family majestic and domineering.

Inside, the entire garden is divided into three parts, with the pool as the center and flower beds at the north and south ends.

Today's Lin family looks very lively. There are 15 large round tables that can accommodate [-] people in the front yard, and red silk is fluttering in the wind.

It seems that the Lin family has some happy event.

In the courtyard of the backyard, there are horse racing tracks, pools, flower beds, rivers, rockeries, pavilions and pavilions. It can be seen that the people who designed the Lin family put a lot of thought into it.

Since it is a cultivating family, it is natural to believe in some plans such as Feng Shui. Naturally, there are mountains and waters in the mansion.

Even, the river was a real river, but the Lin family built their mansion on it.

Entering the house with running water is exactly Feng Shui.

The backyard is divided into four directions, east, west, north, and each direction has many yards. The east yard is the yard of the owner, the south yard is the yard of the uncles of the Lin family, the west yard is the yard of the young masters, and the north yard belongs to the ladies.

At this time, there is a courtyard in the North Courtyard that is very different from the other courtyards in the North Courtyard. Relatively speaking, it is the best courtyard in the North Courtyard.

Not to mention the precious flowers and trees in the entire courtyard, walking inside, the front hall is extraordinarily luxurious.

White marble pillars stand at the four corners of the front hall, and the surrounding walls are all carved from white stone bricks. Gold carved orchids bloom coquettishly between the white stones, and the blue gauze curtains flutter with the wind.

With a yellow and green glazed eaves, it is not difficult to see what status the owner of this courtyard has in the Lin family.

There was movement in the bedroom, and after a while, a woman in white came out.

The woman walked lightly into the courtyard with lotus steps, holding a book in her hand.

At this moment, another woman walked into the entrance of the yard.

"Second sister, I'm finally here."

Lin Shiya sat on the stone bench in the yard without looking, and immediately lay down on the stone table.

"Xunxianzong was almost wiped out by the Nine Sharks Palace. Fortunately, you returned home safely, otherwise the third uncle would send a white-haired person to a black-haired person." Lin Qingyan said gently.

The head of the Lin family is the eldest son of the Lin family, and now the eldest son and second lady of the Lin family are from the elder family.

The third room belongs to Lin Shiya's family, and she is the only daughter.

The fourth room belongs to Lin Zimo's family. He has an older brother, but he has died, and now only Lin Zimo is left.

As for the second younger sister of the head of the Lin family, she married into the Yin family, so the Lin family has no second wife, only the eldest, third, and fourth bedrooms.

Surprisingly, the Lin family has always had a small population. Some people speculate that it may be related to the blood they mentioned before. Anyway, the main line of the Lin family has very few people, and there are also few branches.

If the Lin family hadn't controlled half of the auction sites in the Qingxuan Continent, it is estimated that the Lin family would have been squeezed out of the four major families long ago, and they would be far behind the other three major families just by having one descendant.

Generations of Patriarchs of the Lin family have tried every means to have more descendants, but they have always ended in failure.

Of course, some people would laugh secretly, saying that the men of the Lin family were not good enough.

Lin Shiya propped herself up, her eyes filled with fear.

"Second Sister, you don't know how terrifying the people in the Hall of Nine Evils are. They kill people like hemp. If I hadn't fled with the Great Elder and them, I would have died at the hands of people in the Hall of Nine Evils. It's okay. Second sister, you are not looking for Xianzong, otherwise it would be very dangerous. Thousands of our disciples died. It is also an accident. At the beginning, second sister, you were going to Yujianzong, and I wanted to send you off. By the way Go to see what Yu Jianzong is like. As a result, we walked halfway and met the elders of Bingyu. Second sister, you are really amazing, and you were actually admired by the elders of Bingyu. I am so envious. "When Lin Shiya said this, her eyes were full of envy.

Lin Qingyan smiled gently, put the book in her hand on the stone table, and sat opposite Lin Shiya herself.

Although she tried her best to hide her expression, she still showed some complacency.

Being selected by Bingyu is a very good thing for the entire Lin family.

You know, no one from the other three major families has ever been selected into the ice domain, so the Lin family can feel proud this time.

Moreover, what Lin Jiaming held was a family meeting on the surface, but in fact it still had a certain relationship with Lin Qingyan.

At the family meeting, no matter what, the fact that Lin Qingyan had entered the ice region had to be announced.

What's more, the Lin family invited people from the other three major families to watch the ceremony, anyway, they just wanted to be proud.

"What are you talking about? It's just a coincidence. Don't talk nonsense, lest people see it as a joke." After all, the corners of Lin Qingyan's mouth did not press down.

Lin Shiya didn't seem to see Lin Qingyan's complacency, she approached Lin Qingyan again, and spoke in a low voice.

"Second sister, this time I heard that Lin Luo and Lin Wenxuan are going to attend our family meeting, and I don't know if they will really come? Tell me, why did the ancestor let them come? Did he move? Do you want to write them into the family tree?" Lin Shiya looked puzzled.

Lin Qingyan, who was still smiling at the corner of her mouth, immediately restrained her smile. She looked rather displeased, but quickly hid her interest.

No way, she really hated Lin Wenxuan and Lin Luo, brothers and sisters, and felt that their surname should not be Lin, and she was very disturbed by their outstanding talents.

"I don't know about this, but the ancestor should not appear at the clan meeting. The ancestor passed the position of Patriarch to the great-grandfather, and the great-grandfather passed it down gradually, so he rarely interfered in the affairs of the clan. I personally notified my father to send invitation letters to Lin Luo and Lin Wenxuan this time, and I don't know why." Lin Qingyan replied lightly.

"The old ancestor's exit has nothing to do with Lin Luo and Lin Wenxuan. He came out because of the acceptance of disciples in the ice field. Although the old ancestor is at the Yuanying stage, the Yuanying stage monks in the Qingxuan Continent are still There is a little bit. The ancestor knew that he could not improve his cultivation, so he naturally placed his hope on the younger generation in the clan. Second sister, in my opinion, the ancestor left the customs because of you. After all, he was the first to leave the customs. The first thing is to summon you." Lin Shiya said with a smile.

After being told by Lin Shiya, Lin Qingyan's mood really improved a lot. Even if she knew that Lin Wenxuan and Lin Luo might come, she was not so hard to accept.

What's more, it doesn't matter if they come. They will definitely be envious when they hear the news that she is about to enter the ice domain.

Not to mention that Lin Wenxuan is a man, Bingyu will not accept him.

As for Lin Luo, it's because they don't have ice spirit roots, so both of them can only be envious.

As long as she thought of this, Lin Qingyan felt a little complacent.

No matter how powerful the two brothers and sisters of the Lin family in Qingzhou are, they will never be able to compare with her.

(End of this chapter)

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