A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 364 Doubts in the Heart

Chapter 364 Doubts in the Heart

Everyone in the courtyard looked at the door of Liu Yi's room, with unbearable and sad expressions on their faces.

Lin Luo looked at the door with a very pale face, a trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, and Liu Yi, whose hair was disheveled, couldn't help but yelled.


Liu Yi looked at his beloved apprentice, not wanting to worry her, so he showed a smile uglier than crying.

"Girl, you're back. Your Fourth Master Uncle couldn't save me because I could live safely. At the beginning, I thought my cultivation was not bad, and I was very confident that I could be safe. Now I realize that I was too conceited and forgot to let others go. There are people."

When speaking, Liu Yi's voice was very soft, like a whisper.

Lin Luo had a sore nose. She had never seen Liu Yi like this, but she knew that he must be in pain right now, and the one who wished to die was herself.

"Master, if the fourth uncle knows you are like this, he will definitely feel uncomfortable. He gave you the hope of life, just hoping that you will be well, and really don't want to be like this. Moreover, the master must cheer up, the hatred of the fourth uncle We have to report, we will work hard." Lin Luo comforted.

It's not that Liu Yi didn't know what Lin Luo said was right, but his heart was still very painful.

"Don't worry, I will cheer up soon." Liu Yi responded.

Lin Luo didn't say much anymore, Liu Yi has lived for so many years, and his endurance is no worse than anyone else's.

Jin Xin raised his head suddenly and set his eyes on Liu Yi.

I don't know if he wanted to say something or felt a little uncomfortable, anyway, he just set his eyes on Liu Yi, but didn't speak.

Seeing this, Shen Bingxin also bit her lips and remained silent.

"Brother." Lin Luo called out.

Jin Xin, who was originally looking at Liu Yi, turned his gaze to Lin Luo again, "Don't worry, Junior Sister, I have no other intentions, I just want to take Master away and send him back to Yunhai Peak. I don't blame Junior Martial Uncle for this matter at all. If Master doesn't do this, maybe neither of them can come back, I can understand."

When Jin Xin was speaking, Lin Luo kept staring at him, wanting to confirm the truth of what he said.

But seeing that his expression didn't seem to be fake, even though he was very sad, he didn't mean to blame Liu Yi. Lin Luo was also relieved, worried that he would have a grudge in his heart.

It can be seen that Jin Xin was well educated by Gao Yang, at least he knew right from wrong.

Indeed, as he said, if Gao Yang didn't sacrifice himself, I'm afraid Liu Yi would not be spared like him. If he did so, he could still leave a peak master for Lingyun Pavilion, and what he did was really admirable.

"Brother, if you need any help, just come to me." Lin Luo said.

Jin Xin nodded, "Okay, I will definitely come to my junior sister for help if I need it."

After finishing speaking, Jin Xin looked at Liu Yi who was standing at the door again.

Everyone understood what Jin Xin meant, that is, he hoped that Liu Yi would agree to take Gao Yang's body away.

Liu Yi turned sideways to reveal the location of the door, "Come in, all of you, Fourth Senior Brother is the peak master of Yunhai Peak, and he should indeed return to Yunhai Peak."

"Yes, little uncle."

Jin Xin's voice was very hoarse, but he was the first to walk into Liu Yi's room after answering.

The others followed closely and also walked into Liu Yi's room, and saw a person lying on the bed.

The man was dressed in white, and his face was completely covered by a white silk handkerchief.

Immortal cultivators don't have any requirements for the shroud of the body, and it is impossible for monks in the Nascent Soul stage to prepare a shroud like that of the secular world, so as long as it is white, it will do.

Now Gao Yang is wearing that white dress, which is Liu Yi's favorite new suit, and it was given to him by the previous pavilion master.

Jin Xin had suppressed his emotions for a long time, but at this moment he could not suppress them at all. He knelt in front of Gao Yang's body, tears kept falling from his eyes and hit the ground.

Seeing this, the people around also wept.

Even Lin Luo, who had been in Lingyun Pavilion for the shortest time, shed tears silently.

The next moment, Jin Xin stood up tremblingly, walked to the window, stretched out his hand, and hugged Gao Yang's body.

Except for Liu Yi, everyone else knelt on the ground the moment Jin Xin picked up Gao Yang.

Even if Gao Yang was not the master of Shen Bingxin and Lin Luo, one of them was raised by Gao Yang, and the other saved her master. Both knelt down and watched Gao Yang leave.

Liu Yi walked up to Gao Yang and handed him the storage ring in his palm.

"This is left to you by your master. He said that you can become the peak master now, and you will practice hard in the future. All his things are left to you alone. It is a pity that you cannot become the peak master of Yunhai Peak."

Jin Xin took it, "I understand, thank you little uncle."

Gao Yang's disciples followed behind Jin Xin, and the group left Jingsi Peak step by step and walked towards Yunhai Peak.

Originally, Liu Yi wanted to let the monster send Jin Xin back to Yunhai Peak, but he disagreed. He wanted to take Master with him, and said that this was the last journey of Gao Yang's life. After listening to it, Liu Yi didn't force it.

Only Liu Yi, Shen Bingxin, Tang Xiaoxiao and Lin Luo were left in the yard.

Qiu Shuang didn't know where she went, maybe it was arranged by Liu Yi to report the funeral.

"Senior sisters, go back and rest too," Lin Luo said.

Liu Yi needs time to be quiet, it's better to leave him alone.

Tang Xiaoxiao came here because of Gao Yang's serious injury, and Du Feiyu was in retreat, so she was the only one who came to see Gao Yang's injury.

It's a pity that when she came over, Gao Yang had already breathed in too much and was out of breath, so there was no way to save her.

Even if Du Feiyu or the Hall Master of Wuji Hall came, they couldn't save Gao Yang.

At that time, Gao Yang's tendons were severed, and there was no vitality in his body. He was able to survive to Jingsi Peak because of Liu Yi's continuous transmission of spiritual power.

However, in the end, Gao Yang couldn't even get spiritual power into his body, and the medicine stone was useless.

"Okay, when my master leaves the customs, I will tell her about the Fourth Master Uncle." Tang Xiaoxiao replied.

Lin Luo originally wanted to talk to Tang Xiaoxiao alone for a while and tell her about Tang Yuan, but now is not a good time, and we should wait until after Gao Yang's funeral.

Shen Bingxin also nodded, "My master has probably gone to Yunhai Peak, I'll go back to Lingyun Peak first to deal with things."

Tang Xiaoxiao and Shen Bingxin returned to their respective peaks, and now only Liu Yi and Lin Luo were left on Jingsi Peak.

"Girl, I want to be quiet for a while. You should practice hard these few days."

After Liu Yi finished speaking, he turned and went back to the house.

Lin Luo sighed, knowing that Liu Yi couldn't listen to anything now, and couldn't even say words to heal his wounds, so she had to leave the space for him.

After returning to the room, Lin Luo summoned a fur ball and held it in her arms, then took off the little tower and put it in the palm of her hand. She still had some doubts in her heart and wanted to ask the little tower.

"Little Pagoda, the master of the Nine Demons seems to have a very high level of cultivation, but the highest level of cultivation in this Qingxuan Continent is the Nascent Soul stage. Do you think it is possible that the master of the Nine Demons is also the same as Senior Yan Qingxuan, From the Lanchuan Continent?"

(End of this chapter)

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