Chapter 365 Funeral
A blue light glowed from Xiaota's body, shaking in Lin Luo's palm.

"You're right. If that's the case, his Nascent Soul Stage cultivation is not the Nascent Soul Stage he cultivated in Qingxuan Continent. He should have been suppressed. As you said, he is probably He comes from the Lanchuan Continent, so after his cultivation is suppressed, he is also a top existence at the same Nascent Soul stage." Xiaota replied.

Hearing this, a somewhat crazy idea suddenly flashed in Lin Luo's mind, and then began to think in this direction.

"Xiaota, could it be that the master of the Nine Demon Palace led the Nine Demon Palace to do so many things and destroy so many sects? Also, the Whirling Tree and the like that entered the demon way before were all for the sake of thinking. Want to leave Qingxuan Continent and go to Canglan Continent?" Lin Luo said.

Lin Luo's words were a guess, but she had a vague feeling that this was the case. After all, the Temple of the Nine Demons made a big move, and it was obvious that there was some ulterior motive.

Before Lin Luo learned in Tianhan Valley that it was the people from Jiusha Temple who led Posuosu into the demon way, she didn't quite understand it, and she didn't know why they went to such lengths to do so.

But judging from the current situation, it is very likely to be the case.

The little tower was unusually silent, and it seemed to be thinking about Lin Luo's words.

"Luo Luo, you are right. This may be the purpose of the Hall of Nine Evils. If this is the case, then I may know what they plan to do. It is probably to use some evil formations or some evil things Come to break the restriction of Qingxuan Continent. You said that the whirling tree that has entered the demon way may be the formation or the materials needed, and the Nine Evil Palace really made a big move." Xiaota said.

"Since this is the case, then we have to tell the suzerain this news and ask him to tell the other four sects. It would be best for us to unite the four sects. We all have a common enemy. There is no one egg in the nest, and we will deal with it together. The Nine Evil Palace is the best choice." Lin Luo said seriously.

Now that I have guessed the thoughts and actions of Jiusha Temple, it is best for everyone to unite.

People from the Wanyao Valley joined the Nine Shades Hall, so they could easily deal with the Xunxianzong. If the four major sects met with the Nine Shades Hall alone, they might not be able to retreat unscathed.

So, it's still good to cooperate.

"I think your idea is very good, that is, everyone should work together." Xiaota agreed with this idea.

Lin Luo wanted to tell Fu Chen right away, but now Gao Yang's funeral is not over yet, maybe everyone's mood is not on this, and we should wait until Gao Yang's funeral is over.

As Lin Luo guessed, for the next few days, Lingyun Pavilion was shrouded in haze. After all, this is a sad thing.

Gao Yang's funeral was very simple, even if people from the sect came to worship, they didn't publicize it much.

People from the other three sects knew about Gao Yang's death, and each sect also arranged for representatives to attend Gao Yang's funeral.

All the disciples in Lingyun Pavilion put on white clothes to show their respect for Gao Yang.

As a master, Gao Yang is worthy of his disciples, and he has always cared most about his disciples' cultivation and situation.

Therefore, the saddest people were Gao Yangshou's apprentices.

As for his peers, Liu Yi was the one who suffered the most.

Now the relationship between the four major sects is very good, so the people sent by the other three major sects are all their best disciples.

The Hehuan Sect is naturally Pai's witty words, the Fulong Temple is Chen Xin, and the Yujian Sect is a disciple named Luo Song.

This Luo Song has the same status as Miao Yan and Chen Xin, he is the chief disciple of Yu Jianzong.

Of course, it is impossible for only one disciple to come.

Chen Xin brought two juniors, Miaoyan brought two younger sisters, and Luo Song brought Lin Wenxuan and Er Ni.

When Lin Luo arrived at Yunhai Peak, she saw a few of them.

If she had seen Erni in the past, Lin Luo would have run over to hug her with a smile, and then told her about the recent events.

But the situation is different now, it was at Gao Yang's funeral, of course it was impossible to laugh, and she really couldn't laugh, after all, she was still alive.

Erni also knew the relationship between Lin Luo and the master of Yunhai Peak, and knew that the other party died to protect her master, so she just winked at Lin Luo, planning to talk to her alone after the funeral.

Chen Xin doesn't have so many taboos, maybe people in the Buddhist sect take life and death relatively lightly.

After Chen Xin took the two juniors to offer a stick of incense to Gao Yang, he went straight to Lin Luo.

"Lin Luo, your nine-section whip."

Before leaving in Black Wind Valley, Lin Luo handed over the Nine-section Whip to Chen Xin to help refine it, mainly because he thought the thing looked really good, and if Chen Xin made a move, it would increase the value of the Nine-section Whip.

There are very few people who know how to refine weapons in the Qingxuan Continent, and it is almost impossible to see them now.

Lin Luo was also surprised that Chen Xin had such an ability.

Lin Luo took it with gratitude in his eyes.

It can be seen that Chen Xin has put a lot of thought into the nine-section whip, and it seems that some things have been added to it.

The current Nine-section Whip is silvery-white, with a faint cold light emitting from its whole body, it seems to be a normal spiritual weapon.

It's not a middle-grade spiritual weapon, but it's much better than a low-grade spiritual energy, it should be somewhere in between.

"Thank you, little monk, for your hard work."

Chen Xin smiled and shook her head, "It's not hard."

For Chen Xin, refining this nine-section whip was indeed not hard work, and he didn't know why there were so many news about the refining weapon in his mind.

It's just that the refining of one of the Taiyin black irons wasted a little time, otherwise it could be refined faster.

At this moment, Lin Wenxuan also came over, and he looked at Lin Luo.

"Luo Luo, take good care of yourself and your master."

Lin Wenxuan knew that Lin Luo cared about the people around him very much, so he mentioned this.

Liu Yi and Gao Yang have a good relationship, now Liu Yi must be in pain, just now he also saw Liu Yi sitting beside him with a dull and pale face.

It could be seen that Liu Yi didn't care about his injury at all.

As Lin Luo's master, he is in such pain, Lin Luo will not feel good in his heart.

Lin Luo could understand what Lin Wenxuan meant, so she nodded.

"Brother, don't worry, I will take good care of Master and me."

Lin Wenxuan also stopped talking, and walked to the side where the guests stood.

The funeral of a cultivator does not have as many steps as in the secular world. There is no tour of the city, no well patrolling, and no crying spirits. It is just that after everyone worships, the coffin is placed in the cemetery inside the sect.

Each sect will have their own cemetery, some sects are well repaired, and some sects are not so concerned.

As Lingyun Pavilion was the head of the five great sects, the cemetery of its own sect has naturally been repaired, at best it is not gorgeous.

There were only nine people carrying the coffin, all of whom were Gao Yang's first-generation disciples.

Nine is an odd number, and it symbolizes the unity of nine and nine, which is also meaningful to those who cultivate immortals.

(End of this chapter)

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