A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 380 Seven Profound Banners

Chapter 380 Seven Profound Banners

Sure enough, Cao Rong was so angry that his chest heaved violently, as if he was going to faint from the anger.

"Uncle, please pay attention to your body, don't care about those ignorant boys." Wu Xianjun hurriedly spoke to comfort him.

Lin Luo chuckled, "I don't think there's anything wrong with Zimo's words. Talent can't be made up for by age. Some people may work hard for a lifetime, but it's not as effective as others' months."

It can be said that Lin Luo and Lin Zimo really didn't give Cao Rong face at all.

Lin Zimo didn't care, he earned his own face, and a senior like Cao Rong didn't deserve to be given him face.

"Okay, I want to see what skills you have. Since you believe so much in your talent, you might as well compete with me to see who can open the formation, how about it?" Cao Rong looked at Lin Zimo coldly Open your mouth.

"Senior, since it's a competition, how about a lottery?" Lin Wenxuan said suddenly.

From just now until now, Lin Wenxuan has kept a low profile and did not speak. He only opened his mouth when Cao Rong opened his mouth to compete with Lin Zimo.

Everyone turned their attention to Lin Wenxuan, as if they didn't quite understand what the meaning of his first prize was.

"That's right, since senior wants to compete with Zimo, he must come up with something good. If Zimo loses, of course he must show something, otherwise why is there a competition?" Shen Bingxin also followed by a nod.

Someone has already recognized Shen Bingxin, but no one has discovered that she is not because of Shen Bingxin's low reputation, it is because most people's eyes were on Miaoyan just now.

And Shen Bingxin came after Lin Wenxuan, so naturally not so many people noticed.

Unexpectedly, she would also speak for Lin Zimo.

Cao Rong couldn't get up or down at one breath. According to what these people said, he would lose in the competition with Lin Zimo?
Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, he absolutely cannot swallow this breath!
"There must be a lottery head, otherwise I will have the disgust of bullying the younger generation." Said, Cao Rong took out a stone from the storage ring, "This is the Tianxin Stone, which can be used to arrange formations, and it can be recycled It can be used as an auxiliary stone, and it is relatively rare. It is not easy to get a Tianxin stone the size of a thumb, let alone a Tianxin stone as big as a palm. If you can break through the formation, I will take this Tianxin stone How about handing over the stone to you?"

Lin Zimo is a formation master, so he naturally knows the importance of the Tianxin Stone.

With the Tianxin Stone, the formation formed can also play a stabilizing role. It is indeed a rare good thing that can be encountered but not sought after, and it can exert a different effect, let alone it is as big as a slap.

Ordinary Tianxin Stone is indeed only the size of a thumb, and Lin Zimo has one in his hand.

It's a pity, because it's too small, and he had arranged the formation to help so many disciples of Xunxianzong escape, so his Tianxin stone has almost been used up.

Seeing such a fight now, Lin Zimo's eyes glowed green.

"Since the seniors are so forthright, the kid naturally can't let the seniors suffer." Lin Zimo also took out one of his own things.

A brocade box appeared in Lin Zimo's hand. He opened the brocade box, and golden light radiated from the brocade box.

Cao Rong didn't take Lin Zimo seriously and didn't think he could come up with anything good, but when he saw the brocade box, he was dumbfounded.

If he read correctly, there was a small golden flag inside.

Even if Cao Rong stood a little far away, he knew that the little flag in the brocade box was not ordinary, especially the radiance on the little flag was overflowing.

"This is the formation flag!" Cao Rong said.

Lin Zimo nodded with a smile, "That's right, Senior Huiyan, this is indeed a formation flag. After my father knew that I knew how to form formations, he specially used special materials to build it. It took dozens of people a month to build it." Seven flags were produced and named Qixuan flag. After the construction was completed, my father also invited a friend of the four-seal talisman master to engrave runes on it for me. It would be perfect as an array flag. Shi, that kid will naturally have to take out the Qixuan Banner, and he can't be worthy of the senior if it is worth less than what the senior put out."

Cao Rong was already stunned, he didn't know Lin Zimo's identity, but now it seems that the other party is not simple, if he is not a disciple of some sect, then he must be the son of an aristocratic family.

"Your Qixuan Banner is really good, comparable to my Tianxin Stone." Cao Rong said.

Lin Zimo couldn't help but rolled his eyes, this man really regarded himself as a dish, obviously the value of Tianxin Stone is not as good as Qixuanqi, a little bit worse, he still has the nerve to say that the value is comparable, it is really shameless of.

However, Lin Zimo didn't say much, but nodded.

"Senior is right, then let's get started." Lin Zimo took a step forward, "Senior should do it first, if senior starts to open the formation, then this junior has nothing to say, and the Qixuan flag is presented with both hands .”

Before Cao Rong could speak, Lin Luo spoke.

"Wait a minute, Zimo, it's not enough to compare directly like this. It's not respectful enough for seniors. You need to set up a rule. After all, the two of you are formation masters now, and no other formation masters are here. If Senior Cao Rong fails to open the formation , he gave up, you go to break the formation, and then you are lucky to open the formation, some people say that you can only break the formation because he broke half of it first, so what about that?" Lin Luo looked at Cao Cao with a smile on his face. Rong.

Those who are familiar with Lin Luo will know that Lin Luo is smiling on the surface, but there is no smile in his eyes.

The reason why Lin Luo said this on purpose was to cut off Cao Rong's retreat ahead of time.

Judging by Cao Rong's appearance, it is obviously not a good thing.

Cao Rong gritted his teeth, "Okay, what do you think?"

"This matter is also very simple to say. If Senior Cao Rong can't break the formation, then please tell everyone that you can't do anything. Then, Zimo will break the formation again, which is better for everyone. As we all know, the formation If the law can be broken, it can be broken, and if it cannot be broken, it can’t be broken. There is no such thing as who breaks a part first, and the rest can be broken by another person." Lin Luo said with a smile.

"Okay, that's it, I'll go break the formation right away!" Cao Rong walked towards the square angrily.

He was really angry at Lin Luo's words. The other party really blocked all his escape routes, so that he couldn't even find an excuse in case something happened.

Lin Luo didn't care if he was angry or not, anyway, he couldn't let Lin Zimo suffer.

Looking at Lin Zimo again, he looked at Lin Luo with admiration at this moment, his eyes almost narrowed into a slit.

"Luo Luo, you are so smart, we don't have any worries!"

is it?

Lin Luo looked at Cao Rong's back with heavy eyes, but said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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