Chapter 381 Failure
Cao Rong walked quickly to the square, the wind was blowing under his feet, and he didn't want to have any contact with the people behind him at all.

Seeing this, Wu Xianjun and the people he brought followed behind Cao Rong.

When he arrived at the square, Cao Rong took out some formation tools, including stones and formation flags, but the formation flag in his hand was red, which was not a bit worse than Lin Zimo's box of Qixuan flags.

In fact, Cao Rong's formation is not too bad, at least it can be seen that it is a big formation.

After getting close and looking carefully, he realized that it turned out that it was nine small formations fused into one formation, ninety-nine into one.

In other words, if you want to break the formation, you must break through the nine formations one by one, and the order must not be messed up.

The order of breaking the formation should be done one by one according to the order of formation.

After discovering this problem, Cao Rong's forehead inevitably sweated a little. It can be seen that this is indeed a very troublesome formation, and it is not so easy to break.

After thinking of this, Cao Rong thought of Lin Zimo again. He didn't believe that Lin Zimo could break the formation, so he was the only one who could break the formation.

Cao Rong didn't think about other things, but concentrated on breaking the formation.

The things on the ground have been completely prepared, and Cao Rong also started to use his spiritual power to control the formation flag at this moment.

Lin Luo didn't understand formations, but she could tell a little bit about it. This Cao Rong really had two skills.

Seeing Cao Rong's proficient movements, Er Ni couldn't help worrying about Lin Zimo, fearing that he would lose to the other party at that time.

"Zimo, do you think he can break it?" Erni asked Lin Zimo in a low voice.

Lin Zimo moved closer to Erni, "Don't worry, he won't be able to break it, because he didn't even know the order of his actions. When he breaks the wrong formation, he will probably suffer. This formation is not just about isolating We are outside, and it is still an attacking formation. Once he activates the formation when he breaks the formation later, the formation will take the initiative to attack him. I don’t know how his cultivation is. If his cultivation is poor, it is estimated that It’s going to be a little bit injured. You should also pay attention, don’t be affected by the formation.”

Hearing what Lin Zimo said, Er Ni finally felt relieved.

Erni is also a very protective person. The person she cares most about is Lin Luo, followed by Lin Zimo and Lin Wenxuan. One of these two people is her elder brother and the other is her younger brother. No one can bully her.

Naturally, Cao Rong didn't hear Lin Zimo's words, and he was now concentrating on preparing to break the formation.

With the materials needed to break the formation ready, Cao Rong also started to act.

At this moment, Cao Rong formed seals with his hands, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. He didn't think the formation here could stop him, and he was already expecting the Qixuan Banner to fall into his hands.

However, as time passed, Cao Rong, who had been confident in his mind, began to panic a little.

How is this going?

Originally, he thought that there should be no problem breaking the formation, but after so long, he still failed to break the formation.

Cao Rong looked back and forth between Lin Zimo and the others, but Lin Zimo didn't look at him at all, but there was something wrong with the way the others looked at him.

Seeing other people's reactions, Cao Rong felt angry.

"Open it for me!"

He used his spiritual power with all his strength, forced the formation flag to the extreme, and wanted to use brute force to break the formation.


Suddenly there was a sound of thunder in the formation, and then it slammed down on Cao Rong's body.

Cao Rong's face turned pale, and he was stunned by that lightning bolt, and his surroundings were shaken, and everyone used their abilities to protect themselves.

Fortunately, this is not the real sky thunder, but the thunder and lightning formed the day after tomorrow, but even so, Cao Rong recently spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Master Cao!" The people around shouted.

Wu Xianjun also quickly helped him up, "Are you all right, Uncle?"

Cao Rong's face was very ugly. He didn't expect that he miscalculated his own strength and failed to break this formation.

"It's nothing." Cao Rong replied with a pale face.

Seeing this, Lin Luo took a step forward and looked at Cao Rong with a smile.

"Senior, I don't know if you can continue to break the formation? According to this junior, senior should be more careful. The power of lightning is very harmful to the body, and I am afraid it will leave behind hidden diseases. If the senior cannot continue to break the formation, Then why don't you take a break and say that you can't break the formation, so we can do it here."

It can be said that Lin Luo's words were very touching, and everyone else looked at Lin Luo with some disapproval.

But Lin Luo didn't care. She was the only one who treated people well when people treated her well.

Just now, Cao Rong bullied Lin Zimo just now. She is not a ninja, so why should she endure it?
Cao Rong's face turned blue and white. If he hadn't pressed down desperately, he would have spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

However, given the current situation, it is impossible for him to continue standing here without breaking the formation.

You know, now Cao Rong has no strength to break the formation anymore.

"You guys are doing well, I can't do anything about this formation." Cao Rong said this with an ugly face.

After finishing speaking, Wu Xianjun's face was also very ugly, but he didn't say anything, but helped Cao Rong to walk aside, asking him to heal his injuries as soon as possible.

Lin Luo smiled and looked at Lin Zimo, "Zimo, you go, don't forget what I just said after breaking the formation."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Zimo also showed a strange smile and looked at the people around him.

"Don't worry, Luo Luo, I will do as you say."

The others didn't know what charades Lin Luo and Lin Zimo were playing, but they didn't believe that even Cao Rong couldn't break through, a kid could break through.

Lin Zimo ignored the gazes of the people around him and calmly stood where Cao Rong was just now.

Probably thinking of something, he moved to the side again, deliberately avoiding Cao Rong's position.

Seeing this, Cao Rong's face became even uglier.

The people on Lin Zimo's side naturally ignored the others, and kept their eyes on Lin Zimo all the time, and did not speak to influence Lin Zimo.

Perhaps everyone has an idea in their hearts that Lin Zimo will definitely succeed.

Lin Zimo also set up the array flags. He is not using the Qixuan flag now, this is also for the reason that if the array is broken in the future, Cao Rong will have nothing to say.

The array flags were suspended in front of Lin Zimo, and they were all facing each other, and they were lined up in a row.

After Lin Zimo continuously circulated his spiritual power, the nine array flags started to move, and they flew to the sky above the square to float in unison.

The nine array flags each landed in one place, forming a huge circle.

Everyone saw it very carefully. Lin Zimo's method was different from Cao Rong's method, but he didn't know whose method was better.

While Cao Rong was healing his wounds, he was observing how Lin Zimo broke the formation. Just as the nine formation flags were flying to their respective places, his expression finally changed.

Even if he didn't want to admit that Lin Zimo's talent was good, Cao Rong knew that Lin Zimo had a great chance of breaking the formation.

Unexpectedly, Lin Luo seemed to see his face, and opened his mouth on purpose.

"Senior, do you think Zimo can break the formation?"

(End of this chapter)

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