Chapter 399 Resolved
Seeing Dongfang Yun's actions, Lin Luo didn't know if she had any backhands, so she quickly took a few steps back.

Lin Ruoxi also realized at this time, she knew that it was Lin Luo who saved her life, so she couldn't help but smile wryly.

Unexpectedly, it was Lin Luo who saved her at the last moment, and she really didn't have the right to hate Lin Luo.

Lin Luo naturally didn't know what was going on in Lin Ruoxi's heart, she just looked at Dongfang Yun warily, not knowing what she would take out of her arms, if she already knew that she would definitely die, and put all her eggs in one basket to die with them, it would be a big loss.

Not wanting to, Dongfang Yun took out a white jade hairpin from her bosom, with a silk jubilation flower carved on it.

Probably because she knew she couldn't survive, Dongfang Yun suddenly lost those attachments.

"I have loved Zhanhong for many years, and I have never let him go. If I could have married him back then, everything would be different now. Unfortunately, it was too late, it was too late, I have nothing to lose Here." Dongfang Yun fell to the ground and said.

Finally unable to support her body, she fell down slowly, still tightly holding the white jade hairpin in her hand, and finally closed her eyes.

Lin Luo took a deep breath, Dongfang Yun has been resolved, and the rest is the rest of the Dongfang family.

It wasn't that Lin Luo and the others wanted to kill them immediately, but that the Patriarch Dongfang was a ruthless person, and he would never let it go if he killed members of their Dongfang family.

Anyway, he has done a lot of evil, and killing him is regarded as eliminating harm for the people.

Lin Ruoxi blessed Lin Luo slightly, thanked her for saving her life, then turned around and left the Dongfang family without the slightest bit of nostalgia.

At this time, Lin Wenxuan also dealt with the opponent, but he was not as easy as Lin Luo, and he still suffered some skin trauma.

"Brother, you are injured." Lin Luo looked at Lin Wenxuan's arm with some distress.

A hideous wound was visible deep into the bone, and she could feel the pain.

Lin Wenxuan chuckled, "Don't worry, it doesn't hurt, just take some medicine and you'll be fine."

The brothers and sisters stood aside to watch the fight between Lin Zhanhong and Tan Yao, and the fight between the four had reached a fever pitch.

It's easy for Tan Yao to say that he has gained the upper hand unilaterally, and his opponent won't be smart for long.

But Lin Zhanhong's side is fighting hard. Dongfang Patriarch really has some strength, and he is not so easy to deal with. His cultivation base is very strong.

Not long after, Tan Yao finished off his opponent, who was stunned and passed out.

Tan Yao, who was respite, did not recover his spiritual power. He directly joined Lin Zhanhong's battle to help Lin Zhanhong.

With Tan Yao, Lin Zhanhong's side also began to gain the upper hand.

Patriarch Dongfang was very angry, "You have made up your mind to be enemies with our Dongfang family today, there is no deep hatred between us."

"No, there are still some. People from your family killed my son, almost killed my daughter, and did a lot of evil things to my wife. Not only our family, your Dongfang family did it in the name of the Promise Palace. I have done too many evil things, and today I am eliminating harm for the people!" Lin Zhanhong continued to move his hands unabated.

Dongfang Patriarch is the root of fire spirit, using the fire-type exercises, while Tan Yao is the root of water spirit.

With Tan Yao's joining, the Patriarch Dongfang was suppressed even more and became very angry.

However, the two people on the opposite side didn't get involved, as if they had made up their minds to kill him, so he could only shut up and fight.

A quarter of an hour later, the Patriarch Dongfang was finally seriously injured by Lin Zhanhong and Tan Yao, and flew backwards viciously, stirring up a lot of dust around him.

"You guys are really good!" Patriarch Dongfang said viciously.

Lin Zhanhong looked at Patriarch Dongfang indifferently, "I don't dare to do it, it's not as good as the evil things done by the Dongfang family, including you, Patriarch Dongfang, I don't know how many women were robbed to improve my cultivation."

"What does this have to do with you? It is an honor for those people to be the nourishment of my cultivation." The Patriarch Dongfang still didn't think he was wrong.

Seeing that he still reacts like this now, Lin Zhanpeng doesn't intend to say more.

With the long sword in his hand, he stabbed fiercely with the sword, and Patriarch Dongfang suddenly lost his breath.

However, an ethereal lavender human figure two-thirds smaller than normal people floated out of the body of Patriarch Dongfang. It was the Zifu Yuanying after his cultivation level reached Yuanying.

The ancestors whose cultivation has reached the Nascent Soul stage, even if their bodies are destroyed, as long as the Nascent Soul can escape, they can take away their homes and rebuild.

Some Nascent Soul stage ancestors would do this as long as their lifespan reached the limit.

People like Patriarch Dongfang will inevitably have to do vile and unreasonable human affairs, and may also practice evil exercises to restore their strength as soon as possible.

Seeing that the Nascent Soul of Patriarch Dongfang was about to run away, Lin Luo slashed at it with a sword.

With the spiritual power of thunder and lightning, it struck the Yuanying of Patriarch Dongfang, only to hear him scream, and finally turned into ashes.

"Let's go, let's go to the Valley of the Hidden God." Lin Zhanhong ignored the rest of the Dongfang family.

Now that the Dongfang Patriarch is dead, the Dongfang Clan will not be successful, even if the alchemist of the Wuji Temple knows about the Dongfang Clan, he will not do anything.

The Promise Hall would not oppose Lin Luo's Hidden God Valley because of an alchemist, let alone the fact that it was the Dongfang family.

Back then when he chose to come to the Dongfang family on the road, Lin Zhanhong had already considered all possibilities.

"Then let's say goodbye here. I want to walk around, and I will come to you when the time comes. Anyway, you will be in Qingzhou in the future. Even if I go for a walk and come back, it will be easy to meet at that time. I have been trapped in the Qingxuan Secret Realm for so many years. , now I want to travel around great rivers and mountains." Tan Yao said with a smile.

Lin Zhanhong knew that he was alone and had no place to go, so he would still come to him, his only friend, after walking for a while.

"Alright, when you come to Songjiagou to find me, I will take Yuan'er back to Songjiagou." Lin Zhanhong said.

Tan Yao nodded with a smile, turned and walked out of the Dongfang family.

After bidding farewell to Tan Yao, Lin Luo also took Lin Wenxuan and Lin Zhanhong to Yinshen Valley.

On the way, the three of them were a little excited, and they were about to be reunited as a family.

Lin Zhanhong's mood was the most complicated. He missed Tang Yuan in his heart, and worried that Tang Yuan had resentment against him, and blamed him for not coming back.

With complicated emotions, Lin Zhanhong was a little restless in the carriage, but in the end he was getting closer and closer to the Valley of the Hidden Gods.

At the same time, the incident of the Dongfang family spread to every faction, and everyone knew that Lin Zhanhong was back.

What he did to the Dongfang family did not make people feel that there was anything wrong. Seeking revenge in the world of immortality is a normal thing, as long as it is justified.

Things like Wan Yaogu's dealing with the Gu family are not tolerated.

The news of the death of the ancestor of the Dongfang family also spread to the Jiusha Temple. At this time, several people in the main hall of the Jiusha Temple were discussing things. It seems that the master of the Jiusha Temple is not here today.

(End of this chapter)

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