A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 400 Need to Wait for an Opportunity

Chapter 400 Need to Wait for an Opportunity

Whenever the Lord of the Nine Demons Hall is away, the meeting in the hall is presided over by the ghost face.

It can be said that the ghost face is the deputy hall master of the Jiusha Temple, but this identity has not been announced, and what he does is actually the deputy hall master's work.

"Presumably everyone already knows what happened to the Dongfang family. Lin Zhanhong is back now, but it doesn't make much difference to us. We have no shortage of monks in the Nascent Soul stage, so we don't have to be afraid of them. The Lin family. However, if the major forces are all integrated, it will not be a good thing for our Jiusha Temple, and it will not be convenient for us to do it. Therefore, what we have to do is to prevent them from uniting together." Ghost Mian said lightly.

Although the people from Wan Yao Valley have joined the Jiusha Temple, they don't respect the original people in the Jiusha Temple. They all want to show themselves.

Among them, Zou Jie was even included.

"Elder Ghost Face, do you mean that you want us to break up the alliances of the various sects? It would be better to destroy their relationship and make them turn against each other. Is that what you mean?" Zou Jie asked with a smile.

The ghost face glanced at Zou Jie coldly, "That's what it means. Since Elder Zou Jie has merged into our Nine Evil Palace, he will naturally do things for us. So far, apart from dealing with Xun Xianzong, the original Wan Yao It seems that Gu's disciples have not made any achievements. Then, I will leave this matter to Elder Zou Jie, I don't know what Elder Zou Jie wants?"

"Since it is the arrangement of Elder Ghost Face, I will naturally obey it." Zou Jie also had a bad face.

"That's good. After all, Wan Yao Valley belonged to the five major sects at the beginning, and I know the other four sects quite well. I believe that Wan Yao Valley will be able to do this well. If I do this well, I will naturally ask Palace Master reports." The ghost face snorted coldly.

There are more than a dozen people in the hall. Everyone knows that Ghost Mian and Zou Jie are at odds with each other, and sometimes they even confront each other directly.

It was just a conversation between two people, and the others didn't dare to say anything, they could only listen.

"Then thank you Ghost Face Elder, I will arrange this right away."

After finishing speaking, Zou Jie turned around and walked out of the hall regardless of whether Ghost Mian answered or not.

As for the elders of Wan Yao Valley, they naturally left with him. Anyway, they and the Nine Demons Palace were at odds with each other, and even if they were merged into the Nine Demons Palace, they were unwilling to be led by ghost faces.

The Lord of the Nine Demons will not say anything, after all, he has a high level of cultivation and ability, so it is normal to be inferior to the Lord of the Nine Demons.

But why are they still led by ghost faces?

Zou Jie wanted to make some achievements, and then replace Ghost Face's position, so he was more active in the mission of Nine Evil Hall.

Now that he has the opportunity, he will naturally show off.

After leaving the main hall, Zou Jie immediately summoned the disciples of Wan Yao Valley to discuss matters.

After the people from Wan Yao Valley left, there was a sudden fluctuation of spiritual power in the hall.

In the next moment, the back of the Lord of the Nine Demons appeared in front of the remaining few people, and everyone quickly saluted.

"I have seen the palace master."

The Lord of the Nine Demons Hall was still lazily half lying on the upper chair, he raised his left hand and moved slightly.

"Get up."

"Thank you, Palace Master." Everyone stood up.

The master of the Nine Demons Hall slightly raised his body, "Ghost face, what are your plans for the near future?"

The Lord of the Nine Demons Palace had been retreating in the Nine Demons Palace before, and it seemed that he had left the customs today, so he came to ask about the current situation and the ghost face's plan.

Since he was asked by the Lord of the Nine Demons Palace, Guimian naturally would not hide it, and told the Lord of the Nine Demons Palace what he planned just now.

"Hallmaster, that's about it. Elder Zou Jie has already started preparations."

Hearing Ghost Mian's tone of disdain for Zhou Jie, the Lord of the Nine Demons chuckled lightly.

"Don't worry too much about Zou Jie, he's just a tool man and won't be your stumbling block. The people in Ten Thousand Monster Valley won't be very sincere to the Nine Evil Palace, so don't worry about it, just think of them as our dogs That's it." The Lord of the Nine Demons Palace said gently.

Even though his voice was so gentle, it made people feel a chill rising from the tailbone for no reason.

It can be seen that the Hall of Nine Demons doesn't take the people from Wanyao Valley seriously at all, and they are still being used now because they are still worth something, that's all.

When they have no value in the future, they may become abandoned, and use their blood and body to do something.

"Thank you, Palace Master. This subordinate understands." Ghost Mian's mood also improved, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't deal with Zou Jie, as long as Palace Master Jiusha is on his side, it will be fine. Have you prepared everything you need?"

The Lord of the Nine Demons Palace was silent for a moment, "Not yet, there is one thing that only exists in the ice region, but that place is not easy to enter. Suqin is quite talented, but she is not an ice spirit root, and it is not easy to get in. Think of a way .It won't be long before the seal of Qingxuan Continent will begin to loosen, and when the distance reaches the weakest point, we still need to wait for the opportunity."

"Hall Master, my subordinates have learned that the Lin family woman named Lin Qingyan seems to be attracted by Bingyu. Elder Ning of Bingyu seems to have left in a hurry. He didn't wait for Lin Qingyan to leave with him, but said that there seemed to be other people from Bingyu. The disciple took Lin Qingyan there. He will leave within three days, and Lin Qingyan didn't even go to the Qingxuan Secret Realm, just to prepare for going to the Ice Realm, why don't we start with Lin Qingyan?" Ghost Mian whispered.

Even if the Lord of the Nine Demons is retreating, he has to include the external situation in his hands. As long as the Lord of the Nine Demons asks, he can tell.

Sure enough, the Lord of the Nine Demons was quite relieved to hear this.

"It's still because you have won the heart of this seat, so just do as you said, and contact Lin Qingyan." The master of Jiusha Hall waved his hand.

"Yes, Palace Master." Ghost Face responded and walked out.

The Lord of the Nine Demons Palace stayed quietly for a moment, and his figure quickly disappeared in place.

In Yinshen Valley, Lin Luo took Lin Wenxuan and Lin Zhanhong to the gate with ease.

It stands to reason that each talisman master can only bring one monk in, but Lin Luo has a small tower on his body, and the small tower can bring the breath to one of them, so he can also be brought in.

Therefore, when Lin Luo returned to the Valley of the Hidden Gods, she still didn't tell anyone.

Lin Luo's first stop was to take Lin Wenxuan and Lin Zhanhong to see her master. After all, teachers should be respected, and they should also ask Zong Lin where Tang Yuan was placed.

Zong Lin is teaching Wu Huan and Wu Le to practice. Their talents are much worse than Lin Luo's, but Zong Lin has a sense of accomplishment.

On the surface he was Lin Luo's master, but in fact he didn't teach Lin Luo much at all.

Most of the time, it was Lin Luo who figured it out after reading the book.

Before long, even if he wanted to teach Lin Luo, he was not qualified.


Lin Luo walked into Zong Lin's yard and shouted as he walked.

(End of this chapter)

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