Chapter 401

Zong Lin was holding a book in his hand. He was leaning towards the door, but when he heard Lin Luo's shout, he immediately turned his head.

"Luo Luo is here."

The Wu family sisters who were originally in the middle of cultivation also stopped immediately after hearing this voice, and looked in the direction where Lin Luo was at the same time.

"younger sister!"

Lin Luo walked up to the three of them with a smile, "Master, the two sisters, is everything okay recently?"

Zong Lin smiled all over his face, "I thought you didn't come to see me, an old man, so soon, but I didn't expect it to be so soon."

"Master, don't say that. I'm embarrassed to tell you. In fact, I came back not only because of me, but because of my father." While speaking, Lin Luo looked at Lin Zhanhong and Lin Wenxuan, "Master, I will give you Let me introduce, this is my father, Lin Zhanhong, and this is my brother Lin Wenxuan, you should know."

Zong Lin was a little surprised. He had known about Lin Zhanhong's disappearance before, but he didn't expect him to come back now.

"I see, Zhanhong, how about I just call you that?" Zong Lin looked at Lin Zhanhong with a smile.

Lin Zhanhong was a little embarrassed, "Senior, you can call it whatever you want, and I would like to thank you for helping Yuan'er and Luo Luo mother and daughter. If it weren't for senior, they might have to suffer a lot."

Regarding the matter between Zong Lin and Lin Luo, Lin Luo had already talked about it in detail on the way.

Of course, I also told Lin Zhanhong how Liu Yi, the master, came here.

Lin Zhanhong was a little funny about Liu Yi's actions, but he knew that Lin Luo's two masters treated her very well, so he didn't feel that Liu Yi had anything to do to Lin Luo.

At most, it can only be said that he is eager to love talent, and Lin Zhanhong still feels that his daughter has abilities.

As for Zong Lin, he was much more grateful.

Zong Lin smiled softly, "It's good to come back, so there is one more person behind Luo Luo. I know that you are here today to find Luo Luo's mother. In this way, I will give Wu Huan and Wu Le a vacation. Go over, and the two of them will take you to the residence."

After Tang Yuan was sent to Yinshen Valley by Lin Luo, the Wu family sisters and Tang Yuan still lived together, which was also the residence arranged by Zong Lin for them.

For Zong Lin's arrangement, Lin Zhanhong was extremely grateful.

"Thank you senior."

Zong Lin smiled and waved his hands, "It's okay, you are Luo Luo's father, and we can be considered a family."

Saying goodbye to Zong Lin, the Wu family sisters took Lin Luo and the others to the yard.

At this moment, Tang Yuan was drying the clothes. Originally, it was not her turn to do these things, but since she discovered the marriage contract in her hand a few days ago, she was unwilling to be quiet and just wanted to find something to do for herself.

If nothing happened, she couldn't help but think wildly.

Tang Yuan was drying the last piece of clothes. The place where the clothes were drying was facing the yard. She heard some footsteps.

The moment Tang Yuan turned around, she heard a familiar call.


With just two words, Tang Yuan's throat felt sore, his eyes began to swell, and tears gradually accumulated.

The people in front of them were both familiar and unfamiliar, and they hadn't seen each other for many years.

When the marriage contract disappeared, she thought Lin Zhanhong was dead.

At this moment, a heart in the body almost jumped out.

"You're back."

Tang Yuan choked up and uttered these four words, her body trembling slightly, her hands were tightly together with me, and she couldn't help crying after all.

Lin Zhanhong couldn't bear it anymore, he appeared in front of Tang Yuan in a flash, and stretched out his hand to embrace him in his arms.

Lin Luo's eyes were also a little red, and she looked at Lin Wenxuan and the Wu family sisters beside her.

"Brother, two sisters, let's go out for a walk, I believe parents should have a lot to say." Lin Luo whispered.

The three of them didn't have any complaints, and walked out of the yard gently.

Naturally, Tang Yuan didn't hear Lin Luo's words either. Her mind was in such a mess now that she had no time to care about other people. Lin Zhanhong's impact on her was really too great.

Even if he was already mentally prepared and knew that Lin Zhanhong was fine, the moment he saw him, he still felt a little complicated.

Until she was embraced by Lin Zhanhong, she couldn't help crying anymore.

After crying for a long time, Tang Yuan pushed Lin Zhanhong away with red and swollen eyes.

Looking at Tang Yuan's current appearance, Lin Zhanhong felt pain in his heart. The wife he held in his hand had really suffered too much.

"Yuan'er, I'm sorry, I'm late." Lin Zhanhong also blushed.

Tang Yuan took a step back and turned around, not daring to look at Lin Zhanhong.

"Since you have been back for a few days, you must know what I have been through these years, and even remarried to Fang Li." Tang Yuan took a deep breath, "Zhan Hong, I can marry you as my wife and give birth to a child for you." A girl, I am satisfied in this life. I have a different body, and you also know that I can’t practice, so I can’t stay with you for a long time, and my life span is different from that of your cultivators. It’s just right, the marriage contract is dissolved, forget about me Well, find a suitable person in the future."

The marriage contract between Lin Zhanhong and Tang Yuan is an equal marriage contract, which can be untied directly if both parties agree.

However, Lin Zhanhong could not agree, he took a step forward, reached out and hugged Tang Yuan tightly into his arms from behind.

"Yuan'er, what nonsense are you talking about? Even if you remarry, I don't care. I didn't come back. If I want to say something wrong, it's my fault. I didn't protect the three of you well. Even our My little son is gone, I am useless." Lin Zhanhong's tears also flowed down.

"You can't say that. Back then you wanted me to live a good life, so you went to the secret realm to take risks. You don't know, at that time you disappeared, my marriage contract disappeared, and my child was gone. I didn't dare to tell others. I supported myself I can't sleep in the middle of the night, I feel like I can't go on, and I have the idea of ​​wanting to go with you. However, seeing Luo Luo and Wenxuan, I feel that I need to be strong and raise them up. Now, you are back, Luo Luo He Wenxuan has also grown up. The children have their own lives, and I have mine, and it is best not to disturb each other." Tang Yuan said softly.

After saying that, Tang Yuan lowered her head and put her hand on Lin Zhanhong's hand on her waist, trying to break free, but naturally she couldn't break free with all her strength.

Not seen for many years, her feelings for Lin Zhanhong are still there, and have not disappeared with the passage of time.

However, she understood even more that she was dirty and not worthy of Lin Zhanhong.

Needless to say, Lin Zhanhong, Tang Yuan could feel his strong aura, maybe this is also an advantage of being a body like her.

Such a powerful man is still in his prime, so there is no need to keep her by his side.

"Yuan'er, I told you, I don't care about those things, and I have never disliked you, so don't think about it. Back then when I married you, and you gave up everything to follow me, I swore that I would never let you be wronged. But I couldn't do it, give me a chance to make it up to you." Lin Zhanhong didn't want to let go.

Tang Yuan stopped what he was doing, and tears fell drop by drop.

(End of this chapter)

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