A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 412 Persevere for 3 Days

Chapter 412
Lin Luo didn't respond much when he walked into Thunder Valley, which made the disciples heave a sigh of relief, and more people started to take action.

Cen Wushuang and Zhong Shuai walked behind Lin Luo, and they stepped into Thunder Valley at the same time.

However, the two people's bodies were stiff, and they almost didn't dare to lift the other foot immediately, as if their whole body had been relieved of strength.

From here, we can see the gap between Lin Luo and them, even the strength of the physical body is not comparable to them.

Chu Yuan looked at Lin Luo with great interest, and he couldn't help but have expectations for her. He wondered if she could really succeed. After all, no one in Zixiaozong had succeeded for many years.

Lin Luo didn't know what other people thought. She had already started walking in Thunder Valley and was not affected.

It was only after entering the Thunder Valley that I realized that it seemed to be the end of the day, the whole valley was dark, except for the flickering light of thunder and lightning, it was almost dark in the evening.

The monks have good eyesight, so they can walk around even in the darkness.

The body is indeed uncomfortable, but not to the point of being completely intolerable, she can bear it completely.

Of course, there is no lightning strike yet.

Since he had to endure three days of thunderstorms to temper his body, he needed to find a place to start practicing and introduce the thunderstorms that fell on his body into his spiritual veins.

The process of leading the sky thunder into the spiritual vein is easy to say, but internal injuries are definitely indispensable.

The next step is to look at physical fitness and see who can survive.

Lin Luo didn't stop there, just found a small slope at random, and she planned to face Tianlei directly.

Since Tianlei is the best body tempering thing, she will do her best to improve it, she doesn't think she will die under Tianlei.

The sky thunder in Thunder Valley is not fixed at any time, but may occur anytime and anywhere.

When the sky thunder appeared, it was like rain, one after another thunderbolts struck down directly, and some thunderbolts would not even dissipate because of the special location of the Thunder Valley, and they continued to swim in the Thunder Valley like a thunder snake.

Therefore, no matter where it is, it will be hit.

And the people of Zixiaozong are not worried about everyone avoiding the thunder and lightning. After all, if they avoid it, it is impossible for the body to have the power of thunder and lightning.

Speaking of Zixiaozong's request is one, in fact it is two.

The first is to stay in Thunder Valley for three days, and the other is that the body can possess the power of thunder and lightning.

This kind of lightning power is not attached to the spiritual root, but introduced into the body from the outside world, and thus merged with the body.

As soon as Lin Luo sat down, there was a gust of wind blowing around her, and crackling sounds also rang out.

In other words, there will be an attack like a thunderstorm soon, and some people are even only at the entrance, before they have time to sit down and prepare.

"Boom! Boom!"

The huge thunder was deafening, Lin Luo relaxed his body and endured the thunder and lightning attack in the most relaxed state.

As long as you enter Thunder Valley for a certain distance, you will not be able to see the situation inside. This is also related to the power of lightning inside, and it can also directly isolate the perception of spiritual power outside.

Two bolts of lightning struck Lin Luo, and she gasped in pain, her face turned pale.

Without using spiritual power to resist the thunder and lightning, even Lin Luo felt pain in his body, as if his body was about to fall apart.

Suddenly, there were screams one after another.

It seemed that the other disciples who came in were struck by lightning, and they were all struggling right now, and it was indeed very painful.

Some people feel that they cannot bear it directly, and even use their spiritual power to resist.

Lin Luo held on, and finally her body didn't hurt so much. She planned to get used to the thunder and lightning today, and began to guide the spiritual veins in her body tomorrow.

But she didn't want to, before she had just breathed out, the next wave of thunder and lightning came again, and she was not given any time to breathe.

After the second wave of lightning passed, Lin Luo heard the sound of vomiting blood again, and smelled the smell of blood.

Obviously, someone couldn't hold it anymore.

It's only the second wave of lightning, and someone has already been injured.

Lin Luo took a deep breath, and simply integrated the unresolved thunder and lightning power into her body, and began to fuse together.

It has to be said that Lin Luo's physique is really strong, and she is still not injured.

However, since she started to fuse, serious injuries began to appear in her body.

Lin Luo had already taken the healing elixir before the fusion, so her injury was always under control, and it was not too dangerous.

In just one hour, more than a dozen people came out of Thunder Valley.

Deng Weili arranged for other disciples to send these people from Thunder Valley back to the sect, and their injuries were not light.

Back at Zixiao Sect, those disciples started chatting about it.

"I thought I could last for two days, but it turned out that I came out in an hour. Thunder Valley is simply terrifying."

"Yeah, I'm still injured internally, and I have to go back for ten days and half a month. I really admire those who can last three days inside."

"Did you find out? The Lingyun Pavilion disciple who went in first didn't come out, and we didn't see her. I guess she can last for a while."

Some people are also more jealous of Lin Luo, "So what if you are the first to go in, even if you can persist for three days, you may not be able to cultivate the Zixiao Yushen Art. If you fail, you will suffer for nothing."

More than a dozen disciples returned to the Zixiao Sect and discussed in a hurry, and Liu Yi became more and more worried about Lin Luo.

These disciples were all high-grade Thunder Spirit Roots, but they couldn't last for an hour in Thunder Valley, and it was unknown if Lin Luo could last for three days.

In the next two days, disciples were sent back to Zixiao Sect one after another.

What made Liu Yi happy was that there was no trace of Lin Luo among these people, and there were only eight people who had not been sent back, but among those who came back, the later they came back, the more seriously injured they were.

Therefore, Liu Yi couldn't help being a little worried.

Three days passed in a flash, and besides Thunder Valley, apart from Chu Yuan and Deng Weili, there were also several Zixiao Sect disciples, many of whom had medical skills.

"It's time, you can come out." Chu Yuan's voice sounded.

Deng Weili's expression moved slightly, "Unexpectedly, Master, there are actually three people who persisted for three days this time."

Chu Yuan himself didn't expect that the Zixiao Sect hadn't seen anyone who could persist in thundering for three days in Thunder Valley for several years, and today they could find three.

In this way, this time it is not in vain.

Chu Yuan's words were transmitted through spiritual power, even in the Thunder Valley, the three people could still hear them.

About half an hour later, San Dao's figure slowly walked out from Thunder Valley.

Two of them are still supporting each other.

Seeing these three people, the expression of admiration on Chu Yuan's face was beyond words.

"Congratulations, you all succeeded, let me see the power of lightning in your body next."

(End of this chapter)

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