A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 413 So, what do you want to say?

Chapter 413 So, what do you want to say?
Deng Weili looked at the three of them and read their names in his mind, Lin Luo, Zhong Shuai, and Peng Quan.

Two disciples of Lingyun Pavilion and one disciple of Yanzi Mansion.

The person who is in the best condition is Lin Luo. She is the most indifferent now. Her body looks weak, but she is not seriously injured.

It can be said that Zhong Shuai worked his life out and persisted with many scars.

Hearing Chu Yuan's request at this moment, he was the first to activate the power of thunder and lightning in his body, and a faint light flickered on his body, not too thick, but there was.

If he didn't hurry up, he would probably fall down.

Peng Quan's face was also pale, and he quickly activated the power of thunder and lightning, which was stronger than that of Zhong Shuai.

Lin Luo was the last one, but the power of lightning in her body was far stronger than that of the two just now, which made Chu Yuan, who had always been indifferent, couldn't help but change his face.

"Your name is Lin Luo, you are really very kind, and you are very talented in learning Zixiao Yushenjue." Chu Yuan said directly.

I saw that Lin Luo's whole body was covered with lightning, and the lightning kept flickering, vaguely forming a barrier around Lin Luo.

Deng Weili was also extremely surprised, but he quickly lost his expression.

Zhong Shuai was not disappointed. Lin Luo was a disciple of Lingyun Pavilion, and it was a good thing to have achieved something.

The most displeased one should be Peng Quan, he used many methods to persist for three days, but the result was not as good as Lin Luo!

"Let's go, go back first, you rest for a day, and tomorrow the seat will teach you the exercises of the Purple Cloud Divine Thunder Jue." Chu Yuan said with a smile.

The words were addressed to everyone, but Chu Yuan kept his eyes on Lin Luo.

"Thank you suzerain." The three said in unison.

Said to leave but did not leave immediately. The disciples of Zixiaozong stepped forward to check the bodies of Lin Luo and the three, making sure that their lives were not in danger, and gave them healing elixir before setting off.

When the three of them returned to the place where Zixiaozong lived temporarily, they prepared to go back to their own rooms.

Liu Yi had been waiting in the yard, and now he was relieved to see Lin Luo and the others come back and see that she was fine.

"Girl, are you okay?"

Although it seemed that Lin Luo was fine, Liu Yi still asked.

Lin Luo smiled and shook her head, "Don't worry, Master, I'm fine."

Zhong Shuai at the side called Liu Yi politely, and then returned to his room.

Liu Yi was still a little worried, so he asked Lin Luo to come to his room, just because he wanted to ask Lin Luo something.

"Girl, how are you doing in Thunder Valley?"

Lin Luo smiled slightly, "Master, don't worry, I'm really fine. But when I was practicing, it was indeed very painful, especially when the sky thunder was introduced into my body."

Hearing what Lin Luo said, Liu Yi stretched out his hand to feel Lin Luo's pulse.

Although Liu Yi is not a monk with good medical skills, but for his level of cultivation, it can be seen simply by looking at the degree of damage to a person's body.

After taking the pulse, Liu Yi was finally relieved.

"Thunder spirit roots like ours to lure the sky thunder into the body, although they don't seek death like ordinary people, it is still extremely painful. If we use ordinary spirit roots to lure the sky thunder, we will not be able to reach the level of Jindan and Nascent Soul stage. , It is estimated that it is a narrow escape. Now that you have the power of heavenly thunder in your body, the possibility of successfully practicing Zixiao Yushenjue is greater, but you must remember not to rush. Zixiao Yushenjue can be said to be the top in Qingxuan Continent There is almost no such thing as one of them. Relatively speaking, the difficulty of cultivation is also greater, and many people of Zixiaozong died practicing Zixiao Yushenjue." Liu Yi exhorted.

Lin Luo nodded, "Master, don't worry, I will do my best to cultivate, and I will not force it if I have no choice."

Liu Yi talked for a while, and then left at ease, letting Lin Luo have a good rest.

On the other side, there was a knock on Zhong Shuai's door.

"Knock Knock Knock!"

Zhong Shuai looked at the door, "Please come in."

A trace of doubt flashed in Zhong Shuai's eyes when he saw the person coming in at the door.

This person had nothing to do with him, and he didn't know why he came back to look for him. Zhong Shuai felt a little vigilant in his heart.

"Brother Zhong Shuai, are you sure about tomorrow's Zixiao Yushenjue training?"

Peng Quan looked at Zhong Shuai with a smile and asked this question.

The doubts in Zhong Shuai's heart were even worse. It seemed that he and Peng Quan had never reached this point, and the two were not friends.

But when people came to the door and asked this question, he naturally had a hard time not answering.

"To be honest, I'm not very sure. After all, there are so many people practicing Zixiao Yushenjue, but few succeed." Zhong Shuai replied.

"Indeed, but I think that Lin Luo of Lingyun Pavilion has a great possibility of success." Peng Quan cast an inscrutable glance at Zhong Shuai, "Look, Lin Luo's talent is very good, and she He is the only disciple of Senior Liu Yi, and he has all kinds of resources. Now, he still has the opportunity to practice Zixiao Yushenjue, and he is likely to succeed. It is really enviable. You came together, it is another sect, Her talent is so good, she is also the one who gets the most attention in the sect, right?"

If Zhong Shuai didn't know Peng Quan's reason for coming just now, he already knew it now.

"So, what do you want to say?" Zhong Shuai asked.

Peng Quan smiled slightly, walked straight forward a few steps, and sat beside Zhong Shuai.

"You and Lin Luo are both Thunder Spirit Roots. She must have a much higher status than you in Lingyun Pavilion, and now she still has the opportunity to practice Zixiao Yushenjue. If you wait for her to complete it, then you will have no status in Lingyun Pavilion. Aren't you worried? Why don't you cooperate with me so that your status in Lingyun Pavilion will be higher in the future, how about it? " Peng Quan said softly.

"Oh? Let's hear it." Zhong Shuai suppressed the emotion in his eyes.

An hour later, Peng Quan came out of Zhong Shuai's room. The moment he walked out, he smiled brightly.

Early the next morning, Zixiao Sect became very lively.

Not for anything else, just because their young suzerain has returned today.

Chu Yan himself was born with extraordinary handsomeness. In Zixiaozong, both men and women have people who admire him very much. After all, it is rare to see such a good-looking person in the world of cultivating immortals.

However, there are also people who hate him, such as his big brother.

Chu Yuan had only one son, Chu Yan, and everyone knew that when he was testing his spiritual roots, he was found to have miscellaneous spiritual roots, so he couldn't cultivate at all.

A few years passed, and when everyone mentioned Chu Yan, they could only think of his good looks.

As Chu Yuan's first disciple, Deng Weili also knew the Zixiao Yushenjue himself, so some disciples felt that he should be the future suzerain of the Zixiao Sect, and formed cliques to support him overtly and secretly.

And Deng Weili probably had some thoughts in his heart, so he turned a blind eye to what everyone was doing.

Even if someone secretly framed Chu Yan, he would act as if he didn't know.

(End of this chapter)

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