Chapter 417 We Are Kinda Alike

From Deng Weili's point of view, he felt that he had already guessed what Chu Yan was thinking.

However, he would never let Chu Yan get his wish.

"Junior brother, it turns out that you and Lin Luo are old acquaintances, so you should be more careful. She is here to practice, not to play." Deng Weili said bluntly.

He was saying both openly and secretly that Chu Yan didn't have any cultivation, and if he went there, he would cause trouble for Lin Luo, and it was possible that Lin Luo would protect him instead.

Lin Luo naturally understood what Deng Weili said, but she didn't speak.

The next moment, Chu Yuan looked at Chu Yan and motioned him to speak out.

Now that he has decided to announce the matter of cultivation, he should handle it by himself.

Chu Yan nodded slightly, with a smile on his face, and walked in front of Deng Weili.

"I've let senior brother down. In fact, I have cultivation, and my father and several elders in the sect also know about it." Chu Yan said the heavyweight words lightly.

Deng Weili blinked his eyes, his eyes were on Chu Yan, and he couldn't react in his mind.

Is he hallucinating?What did you hear wrong?
Just now, Chu Yan said that he has cultivation?
Seeing Deng Weili's appearance that the sky is falling, Lin Luo couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth secretly.

Even though Chu Yan didn't say anything, just looking at Deng Weili's attitude, Lin Luo knew that there was a disagreement between Deng Weili and Chu Yan.

And Chu Yan was her friend, and Deng Weili was nothing, so she would be happy to see Deng Weili deflated.

After a while, Deng Weili finally recovered his voice, and his expression was also ugly.

"It turns out that junior brother is able to cultivate. It's great. Senior brother is happy for you. However, Thunder Valley is full of dangers. Junior brother has never been there. Even if he can find a place, it doesn't make sense. I'd better take Lin Luo there." Deng Weiliqiang Open your mouth with the spirit.

This time, without waiting for Chu Yan to speak, Lin Luo spoke lightly.

"It doesn't mean that if you want to practice Zixiao Yushenjue, you have to go to Thunder Valley to quench your body for three days. After you can practice Zixiao Yushenjue, you have to go there to practice for a while?" Lin Luo asked Deng Weili casually. .

Deng Weili didn't know what Lin Luo wanted to say, "It's like this."

Lin Luo smiled softly, "Then Chu Yan must have been to Thunder Valley, after all, he also knows Zixiao Yushenjue, I have seen it before. When we were in Tianhan Valley to deal with the whirling tree that had entered the way of demons, nine The people from Shadian came to destroy Fulong Temple's dust heart to purify the mother-in-law tree at a critical moment, and they relied on Chu Yan's Zixiao Yushen's determination to turn the tide. At that time, I didn't know that Chu Yan had cultivation, after all, I saved him At that time, some ordinary low-level monsters almost killed him, which shocked all of us."

Since Chu Yan wanted to announce his cultivation status, Lin Luo naturally didn't mind saying a few words for him.

It's just talking, and it doesn't consume spiritual power.

"What did you say!" Deng Weili finally changed his color.

He even covered it up just now, but now I can't hide it at all. After all, Chu Yan's ability to practice and master Zixiao Yushenjue are two different things.

If he only knows how to practice, Deng Weili can still compete for it, and Zixiao Yushenjue is his confidence.

But if Chu Yan could even practice Zixiao Yushenjue, and even practiced secretly without telling everyone, then his advantage would be gone.

Over the years, many people have told him that Chu Yan cannot practice, and that he is the future successor of the Zixiao Sect.

Especially on the day he practiced Zixiao Yushenjue, two elders also came to him, willing to join him and be driven by him.

Who knew that Chu Yan practiced Zixiao Yushenjue without saying a word!

"It seems that senior brother is also happy for me. I just planned to try it at that time, but I was afraid that I would disappoint everyone, so I didn't tell everyone. I didn't expect to practice it later. I was also very surprised. I wanted to give everyone a Surprise. Presumably, brother is very satisfied with the surprise I prepared, right?" Chu Yan said with a smile.

When we first met Lin Luo, it was Deng Weili who arranged for him to kill him without anyone noticing.

I don't know what kind of reaction he will have now when he finds out this fact.

Deng Weili lost his mind, he would not doubt the authenticity of Chu Yan's words, it was impossible for Chu Yuan to let Chu Yan tell the lie that he knew Zixiao Yushenjue.

Before Deng Weili could find the words, Chu Yan seemed to be not stimulated enough, his body was running spiritually, his whole body was enveloped by lightning, and the lightning kept flashing on his body.

Seeing Mu in front of him, Deng Weili understood everything, Chu Yan really knew Zixiao Yushenjue.

"Okay, don't delay any longer, Ah Yan will take Lin Luo to Thunder Valley." Chu Yuan spoke at the right time.

Chu Yan nodded, "Yes, Dad."

Lin Luo also clasped his fists to Chu Yuan and saluted, "Thank you, suzerain."

"You're welcome, just come back to me after the retreat is over, I have something to say to you then." Chu Yuan took a deep look at Lin Luo and said.

Hearing this, Chu Yan touched his nose uncomfortably.

Lin Luo didn't think too much, she nodded in response, and naturally she would go to Chu Yuan to thank him after she succeeded in cultivation, and if Chu Yuan needed anything, she would help.

Both Chu Yan and Lin Luo are already Golden Core stage monks, and this time they didn't intend to ride on a monster, but to fly with their own swords to the Thunder Valley.

The first thing Deng Weili saw was Lin Luo Yujian, and now he knew that Lin Luo was a cultivator at the Golden Core stage, and he was very surprised.

After seeing Chu Yan also controlling the sword, his face was almost ashen.

He is currently in the mid-stage of heart-beating cultivation, and compared with Chu Yan, there is still a big gap in the realm.

In this way, what else can he fight for?
Lin Luo and Chu Yancai didn't care about Deng Weili's reaction, they flew together with Yujian, the speed was not very fast, and they could chat in mid-air.

"Chu Yan, that senior brother of yours was hit hard this time, what are you going to do in the future?" Lin Luo asked curiously.

Chu Yan looked indifferent, "He has had conflicts with me since he was a child. Maybe he thinks that as my father's big apprentice, he wants to take over the Zixiao Sect. I didn't care at first, but I can't ignore him secretly dealing with me. Yes. He wants Zixiaozong, but I will not give it to him. Of course, I still have to thank my master, otherwise I have no way to fight."

Lin Luo felt a little funny in her heart, but in fact she could understand it. Speaking of which, Chu Yan was quite similar to her.

"Don't tell me, Chu Yan, we are quite alike, do you feel that way?" Lin Luo asked directly.

Hearing what Lin Luo said, Chu Yan froze slightly in mid-air, but quickly covered it up.

"I don't think so. After all, you have suffered more than me. Life in Songjiagou is not easy. Although I have been targeted openly and secretly, I am the young master of the Zixiao Sect. No one is short of me on the surface. You are more distressing."

(End of this chapter)

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