Chapter 418
Chu Yan's words made Lin Luo fall into a brief silence, and she was also thinking, as if her life was much worse than Chu Yan's.

Wait, what he said is similar, but not the living environment.

"What I mean is that both of us have hidden the fact that we have spiritual roots that can be cultivated. You are a miscellaneous spiritual root to the outside world, but in fact you are a complete spiritual root. My mother said that there are very few people like you. The calculations of the family and the Lin family can only claim that they have no spiritual roots, and use the identity of a talisman master to find the Immortal Sect. From this point of view, both of us have good spiritual roots, and you see, we can also practice Zixiao Yushenjue." Lin Luo smiled.

Lin Luo's words made Chu Yan understand, and it turned out that Lin Luo was talking about this.

Thinking about it carefully, in fact, they are quite similar, or the two are also very destined.

Just looking at Lin Luo's expression, he didn't think about anything else at all, which made Chu Yan a little helpless.

"You're right." Chu Yan could only nod in response.

Although the speed of the two was not very fast, they reached outside the Thunder Valley in a quarter of an hour.

"Staying here for three days is really fresh in my memory. I really don't want to try that kind of pain again." Lin Luo sighed, "Fortunately, the subsequent cultivation doesn't need to be so painful."

"Don't worry, my Zixiao Yushenjue has not been cultivated to perfection, so I will accompany you here. If you encounter any danger, just call me." Chu Yan said.

Lin Luo thanked him, stepped into Thunder Valley, and chose a suitable place to practice.

Seeing this, Chu Yan opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

It can be seen that Lin Luo really doesn't have any special feelings for him. He originally wanted to take advantage of this time to communicate with Lin Luo. It seems that he thought too much, and the other party didn't think about this issue at all.

Seeing that Lin Luo had fallen into cultivation, Chu Yan also practiced along with her.

Tang Yuan and Lin Zhanhong returned to Songjiagou, and they happened to be free now, so Lin Zhanhong proposed to go to Liu Chunhua's house to meet those two people.

Originally, Tang Yuan refused. Being in Liu Chunhua's house was not pleasant at all, and those exhausted memories would come to my mind.

But Lin Zhanhong was very persistent, and he asked Tang Yuan to take him there.

It's not that Lin Zhanhong cared about the nominal marriage between Tang Yuan and Fang Li before, but what Lin Zhanhong thought was that these two people treated Tang Yuan and Lin Luo badly.

Of course, he wouldn't go to kill the opponent, but a little punishment is necessary.

A large part of the reason why Lin Luo didn't do anything to Liu Chunhua was because he wanted to leave it to Lin Zhanhong. After all, a man would have a thorn in his heart if he didn't protect his wife and children well.

Tang Yuan also understood Lin Zhanhong's thoughts, so he didn't refuse, but took him to Liu Chunhua's house.

There are also acquaintances around Liu Chunhua's house. They happened to pass by two aunts and recognized Tang Yuan.

"Hey, are you the one from Liu Chunhua's family? It's a good thing you and Fang Li separated. Seeing how ugly your face was at that moment, we all thought you wouldn't live for two years. My child, it's good to be able to leave Fang's house. Don't go in again, this mother and son are both cannibals." One of the fat aunts said.

The other aunt also nodded, "That's right, what does that Fang Li look like, you see, the young man next to you is better, he is a good-looking talent."

Tang Yuan smiled, she didn't dislike these two people, they had helped them before.

"Thank you two aunts. This is my original husband and the father of my two children. At that time, he disappeared unexpectedly. Everyone thought that something happened to him. That's why I left home and went to Songjiagou .” He explained energy.

"Hello, two aunts, thank you for taking care of Yuan'er and Luo Luo, here are some spiritual herbs for strengthening your body, I give them to you." Lin Zhanhong said with a smile.

While speaking, he took out two plants of grass from the storage ring.

Even if the two aunts are not practitioners, they can tell that the color of these two grasses is unusual, and they must not be ordinary, let alone appear out of thin air in the hands of the other party.

In this way, they can also see that Tang Yuan's husband is still a fairy.

No wonder, both of their children have joined the sect of cultivating immortals, so Tang Yuan's husband can be said to be an immortal.

"Thank you Immortal, this is too precious, we can't take it."

"Yes, we can't."

The two aunts are simple villagers, and they know that whatever the immortal cultivators give is not bad, let alone herbal medicines, they are also worried that they will not be able to keep it.

Everyone understands the simple truth that a man is not guilty but a woman is guilty.

Tang Yuan has been in contact with the two of them, so he naturally understands their thoughts.

"Zhan Hong, it's better for you to give the spirit stone to the two aunts. The spirit stone is suitable for them, and it's not safe to take the spirit grass back."

If you meet someone who knows the goods, I'm afraid it will cause trouble for them.

Hearing this, Lin Zhanhong took out two spirit stone cards from the storage ring, which were also processed recently.

The two tried to evade again, and finally they were relieved by Tang Yuan's comfort, and they were very grateful.

After seeing off the two great gods, Tang Yuan also brought Lin Zhanhong to the door of Fang's house. Seeing that the door was not closed, she and Lin Zhanhong walked in.

The surroundings still haven't changed much, just like before.

Walking into Fang's house again, Tang Yuan's mood also changed a lot.

The yard looks similar to before, and someone should have cleaned it up. Even without Tang Yuan and Lin Luo, according to Liu Chunhua's temperament, she would probably find someone to do these things. She has always been unwilling to endure hardship.

Faintly, I heard curses coming from Fang Li's room.

Tang Yuan's face was a little condensed, she also thought of Fang Li's harm to her back then, and now she still feels a dull pain in her body when she hears his voice.

Seeing Tang Yuan's reaction, Lin Zhanhong's expression darkened, and he went straight to Fang Li's room.

The door of Fang Li's room was not closed, but opened.

Walking to the door, Lin Zhanhong immediately saw Fang Li lying on the bed with a bad temper, and an old woman squatting on the ground picking up things.

"Son, you should restrain your temper a little bit. You just drove away a cheap girl who took care of us this morning. If this continues, I can't help it. These people are not as easy to bully as Tang Yuan and Lin Luo back then. Why? How about taking care of you?" Liu Chunhua said while cleaning up the leftovers on the ground.

Probably because she was used to Tang Yuan's care at the beginning, now she is not satisfied with the people who came later.

Of course, there is also the reason why she is poorer now than before.

I don't know what happened back then, but all the spirit stones she saved disappeared overnight, making her unable to enjoy herself as before.

It's hard to piece together a life, no one can take care of it, and in the end I still have to hire someone.

As a result, all the people invited were dissatisfied, and she changed more than a dozen people.

At this moment, Liu Chunhua suddenly heard a familiar voice outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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