A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 419 Let's go, our Zhang family

Chapter 419 Let's go, let's go home
"Liu Chunhua, Fang Li, please stay safe."

Tang Yuan walked forward to the door, her brows were full of calm, seeing their current appearance, she didn't seem to have much resentment.

The main reason is that seeing Liu Chunhua's miserable appearance now, Tang Yuan felt very happy, much happier than killing them directly, which made her feel very good.

Fang Li was already dumbfounded when he saw Tang Yuan. Ever since Tang Yuan left, he never missed her for a single day. Maybe it was only after losing her that he knew how to cherish her. He regretted it endlessly.

However, because of this, Fang Li's temper became worse and worse.

Seeing Tang Yuan standing here in good condition at this moment, the whole person looks much more youthful than before, and she can't tell that she is the mother of two children at all, which makes Fang Li feel ashamed and angry at the same time.

With a flick of his gaze, Fang Li saw the man next to Tang Yuan again, his face suddenly became very ugly, and he clenched the hand by his side tightly.

"Tang Yuan, what are you doing here!"

Before Fang Li could speak, Liu Chunhua yelled at Tang Yuan as usual.

Liu Chunhua probably hasn't realized it yet, Tang Yuan has nothing to do with her, Lin Zhanhong is the first one who is not happy when she yells at Tang Yuan like this.

"Shut up! My family Yuan'er came to see you with good intentions, but you actually yelled at her!" Lin Zhanhong glanced at Liu Chunhua coldly.

Liu Chunhua, who was originally very arrogant, immediately felt a biting cold, which made her face turn pale in an instant.

Even if Lin Zhanhong didn't deliberately release his aura to him, Liu Chunhua still couldn't bear it.

Liu Chunhua screamed and fell to the ground, her body was soon soaked in sweat.

"You, who are you? From Tang Yuan. Who?" Liu Chunhua asked tremblingly.

In fact, she really wanted to ask if the other party was Tang Yuan's concubine, but she didn't dare to ask when she saw the other party's terrifying appearance.

Lin Zhanhong stared at Liu Chunhua coldly, "I am Yuan'er's husband and the father of two children. I know what you did to Yuan'er and Luo Luo back then. The five spirit stones demanded 50 yuan. Yuan Lingshi, even in the world of cultivating immortals, no one would dare to treat them like this."

"What do you want?" Fang Li glared angrily.

He has been looking at Tang Yuan, hoping that Tang Yuan can focus on him, after all, the two have been together for so long.

However, Tang Yuan just glanced at him when he entered the door just now, and never looked at him again after that, as if he felt disdainful even to glance at him.

This kind of cognition put Fang Li in pain, and he still thought about everything about Tang Yuan in his heart.

It turned out that the person Tang Yuan brought was her husband, and the other person looked very unusual, he should be a cultivator, as he himself said.

That's why, Fang Fangli didn't even have the thought of struggling.

Lin Zhanhong glanced at Fang Li, "You look like this, I can't do anything to you. Killing you is meaningless to me. It's better to let you live in pain than to kill you. You know and understand what Er'er did, but you didn't think about her from her standpoint. Yuan'er remarried to you because I disappeared. I don't blame her. Even if I really married you, I I will let you go too. But you are not worthy, your mother treated Yuan'er badly, and you treated her harshly, and now who is showing this picture of love as deep as the sea?"

It can be said that Lin Zhanhong's words pierced Fang Li's heart mercilessly.

Fang Li knew everything, and he also knew that he was thinking too much. At the beginning, Tang Yuan also thought about taking good care of him and living together.

Even if he can't give Tang Yuan other happiness, it's okay to treat each other well.

It's a pity that everything was completely lost because of his inferiority complex.

"You are right, no matter what you want to do to me, I will not resist." Fang Li said and looked at Tang Yuan, "Actually, I really love you, but I am too inferior, my legs are bad Okay, I can't be humane, but you are born beautiful and gentle. After all, it's because I don't deserve you and I don't have self-confidence. If you blame me in your heart, then kill me, it's right for me It’s also a relief.”

Hearing this, Tang Yuan turned his attention to Fang Li.

"I don't blame you. I chose the path back then. Blaming you is a waste of my energy. To me, you are just a passer-by, and I won't waste any time on you." Tang Yuan replied lightly.

If you want to make someone suffer, you have to let the other person know that he is not important, even hate is a waste of time.

Sure enough, Fang Li didn't even want to say anything.

"Since you didn't come to kill people, what are you doing here? Go away."

Liu Chunhua had been listening to the conversation between the three of them, now that she knew that Lin Zhanhong was not here to kill, she was no longer worried.

For Liu Chunhua, she was much more afraid of death than Fang Li.

Lin Zhanhong smiled lightly, raised his right hand, and the two spiritual energies penetrated into Fang Li and Liu Chunhua's bodies respectively.

"I won't kill you, but I didn't say I wouldn't torture you. You deserve it. I came here today to seek justice for Yuan'er and Luo Luo, and to let Yuan'er relax. End." At this point, Lin Zhanhong stretched out his hand to hold Tang Yuan, "Yuan'er, it's settled, let's go home, go back to our home."

Even a place like Songjiagou is still their home.

A home, accompanied by a wife and children, is a home.

The thorn in Tang Yuan's heart was finally pulled out by Lin Zhanhong, and she showed a gentle smile.

"Okay, Zhanhong, let's go home."

The two left hand in hand and walked out of the yard. It seemed that they were a perfect match, and Fang Li completely gave up.

Walking outside Fang's courtyard, Tang Yuan turned to look at Lin Zhanhong beside him.

"Zhanhong, what did you do to the two of them?"

According to Lin Zhanhong's personality, he would not be cruel to the two of them, but suffering is indispensable.

Lin Zhanhong smiled slightly, "It's just that a spirit power has been injected into their bodies. That spirit power can make them live for a hundred years, but it can torment them every day. Look at their mother and son, they are too ruthless. I don’t know how many people have been bullied. When we went, we heard that some people were bullied by their mother and son. If so, let them live in pain every day, life is worse than death. My spiritual power will not let them die, Unless someone has a higher cultivation base than me, it is absolutely impossible to untie it."

In a place like Songjiagou, it is very difficult to find a cultivator, let alone a Nascent Soul cultivator like Lin Zhanhong.

Therefore, these two people are destined to be tortured every day.

Tang Yuan smiled when he heard the words, and didn't say that Lin Zhanhong did something wrong or felt that he was cruel.

Tang Yuan is very satisfied with seeking justice in this way, and it can be regarded as an end to her past pain.

"Come on, let's go home."

(End of this chapter)

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