Chapter 426 Returning to the Tang Family

For Tang Yuan, her home should be where Lin Zhanhong and her two children are, and that is her home.

At least, that's what she thought all these years.

As for the Tang family, it wasn't that Tang Yuan didn't want to treat her as a member of the Tang family, but that she didn't dare to do so.

What the head of the Tang family said when she left home, has always been in her heart, constantly reminding her of the fact that she is no longer the Tang family.

Tang Xiaoxiao felt sorry for Tang Yuan, "Auntie, don't say that, you will always be our family, you will know when you go back, we all miss you very much."

Hearing this, Tang Yuan felt a little eager to go home.

"In that case, let's go and go back."

The carriage turned into Lin Luo and Tang Xiaoxiao driving together, while Lin Zhanhong and Tang Yuan were still in the carriage.

Originally, Lin Zhanpeng wanted to drive and let the three women chat in the carriage. After all, Tang Xiaoxiao hadn't seen Tang Yuan for many years, so she must have a lot to say to her aunt.

But Tang Xiaoxiao was very persistent. She felt that she was an older sister and should be with her younger sister.

Therefore, it became Lin Luo and Tang Xiaoxiao locomotives.

But it doesn't matter even if two people are driving, anyway, it won't affect anything if they want to talk and chat.

With laughter all the way, and with a little mentality of traveling, the four of them arrived at Tang's house five days later.

The residences of the Tang family and the Lin family are similar, perhaps this is also a common characteristic of the four major families.

As soon as the concierge saw Tang Xiaoxiao coming back, he immediately stepped forward to salute and greet him respectfully.

Tang Yuan stood at the door of Tang's house. The familiar yet unfamiliar place in front of her made ripples in her heart.

This is the place where she grew up, and it is impossible for her to have no feelings for it.

Standing at the door now, on the contrary, he felt a feeling of being close to his hometown.

"Aunt, uncle and Luo Luo, let's go in now."

With that said, Tang Xiaoxiao reached out and took Tang Yuan's hand and walked towards the gate of the Tang family. She was very excited now.

Naturally, the concierge would not stop him, after all, it was Tang Xiaoxiao who brought him back.

However, when Tang Xiaoxiao called Tang Yuan an aunt, the gatekeepers were a little surprised. It seems that the Tang family does not have a woman of Tang Bo's generation. Could it be the aunt from the next room?

Thinking it was the same thing in their hearts, the concierges didn't dare to ask more questions, and watched Tang Xiaoxiao walk into Tang's house with three people.

"Luo Luo, your brother didn't come over, so let him go when we find a chance." Tang Yuan said suddenly.

Originally, Lin Luo had informed Lin Wenxuan, but he didn't expect that Lin Wenxuan had already retreated, and it was Erni's letter to Lin Luo. Therefore, only the three of them could come to the Tang family this time.

What Tang Yuan said was actually to reconcile with the Tang family, so that it would be convenient to bring Lin Wenxuan back in the future.

Of course Lin Luo understood what Tang Yuan meant, she nodded with a smile.

"Okay, mother, don't worry, I will."

Tang Xiaoxiao took the three of them to the front hall. At this time, there were already four people sitting in the front hall. They were the head of the Tang family and his wife Jiang, and Tang Bo and her wife Xu.

"When you see Yuan'er and Zhan Hong coming later, don't play your temper again. We haven't seen Yuan'er in so many years, so don't drive them away. You also know that it was expedient to let Yuan'er leave in the first place. However, you have not been able to hold back all these years. It is your granddaughter who can handle things and bring people back. If you make them get angry and leave, I will leave too, and you can stay alone!" Jiang said. He glanced at the head of the Tang family and said.

Thinking of seeing her daughter soon, she was quite excited.

The head of the Tang family was sullen, not because he was unhappy, but because he didn't know how to react, and more importantly, he felt ashamed.

He has long missed his daughter, and he also wants her to come back, as his wife said, he would not be ashamed, otherwise he would have asked Tang Yuan to come back.

In the past few years, he deliberately avoided news of his daughter, only to find out that Lin Zhanhong was missing, and Tang Yuan took the child to live in Songjiagou.

By the time he wanted to do something, Tang Yuan had already remarried.

The head of the Tang family is also angry when he handles things that Tang Yuan can't solve by himself, and makes himself so embarrassed that he doesn't want to ask the Tang family for help.

Yes, he was the one who told Tang Yuan to get out of the Tang family and cut off all ties.

Now that the man is back, Patriarch Tang is very happy, but he doesn't show it.

Tang Bo also looked at Patriarch Tang, "Father, my sister finally came back and brought her daughter back, let's not tell those old things and make my sister feel sad."

"Okay, you're so presumptuous, you just need to talk about me, and you all shut up." Patriarch Tang became a little annoyed.

Jiang Shi and Tang Bo were choked by Patriarch Tang, so it was better not to speak at all, and Xu Shi lowered his head to suppress the smile from the corner of his mouth.

Not long after, footsteps came, and the four people in the front hall sat up straight.

"Grandpa, grandma, parents, we are back!"

Tang Xiaoxiao yelled excitedly, even her voice was a little split, it could be seen that she was very excited.

Tang Xiaoxiao was the first to enter the front hall, but everyone looked behind her and saw Tang Yuan's family of three at a glance.

Patriarch Tang pursed his lips, but did not speak. He just stared at Tang Yuan indifferently. He didn't know what was going on in his mind.

The Jiang family hoped that Patriarch Tang would not put on a straight face so as not to scare people.

It's a pity that Patriarch Tang didn't pay attention at all.

When Tang Yuan saw the four people in the front hall, he felt a sour feeling in his throat, and his eyes were obviously red.
"Father, mother, eldest brother and sister-in-law."

After barely calling these four people, Tang Yuan was so choked up that he couldn't speak, and his body trembled slightly.

Lin Zhanhong supported Tang Yuan's body distressedly, and channeled spiritual power for her, worrying that she would be too uncomfortable and her body would not be able to bear it.

Lin Luo also stood beside Tang Yuan and shouted to the four people in front.

"Grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, my name is Lin Luo, and I have an older brother named Lin Wenxuan, but he is currently in retreat and cannot come here."

Jiang shi couldn't bear it anymore, stood up from the chair, walked in front of Tang Yuan and Lin Luo, and held them in his arms.

"Yuan'er, my poor Yuan'er, and my granddaughter Luoluo, I have suffered you all these years. We only found out about your affairs in Songjiagou not long ago. I blame the old man for not allowing us to inquire about you. We don't even know about Zhan Hong's disappearance. No one in the family dared to let us know about Zhan Hong, and everyone dared not mention it. Fortunately, Zhan Hong is back now." Jiang hugged Tang Yuan and Lin Luo and refused to let go.

Lin Luo could also feel Jiang's sadness, after all, she was the most beloved little daughter.

Tang Bo and Mrs. Xu also stood up, and the two of them joined Tang Yuan and Lin Luo, leaving only Patriarch Tang sitting upright.

But in fact, his eyes were also fixed on Tang Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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