A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 427 Blaming my grandfather for kicking my mother out

Chapter 427 Blaming my grandfather for kicking my mother out
Just by meeting her face to face, Lin Luo could already see the awkward temperament of her grandfather.

People like this are usually sharp-mouthed and bean-hearted, and they can easily hurt others, but they are also cute and arrogant.

Tang Yuan calmed down for a while, she broke free from Jiang's arms, and took Lin Zhanhong and Lin Luo's hands, and they all knelt down towards Patriarch Tang.

"Father, I have not been able to serve you by your side for many years. My daughter is not filial. Over the years, my daughter wanted to go home countless times, but she was worried that her father would not forgive her, so she ran away and dared not come back to see you. My daughter knew that she wanted to go home many times. , did not marry someone else according to her father's arrangement, and she kept her duty and did not show herself as the Tang family all these years. However, Luo Luo heard Xiaoxiao mentioned that her father was unwell, so her daughter had to come back with a cheeky face." Tang Yuan burst into tears.

Lin Zhanhong and Lin Luo knelt beside Tang Yuan, neither of them spoke, but looked at Patriarch Tang.

The tears that Jiang shi had just suppressed broke the embankment again, and rushed to Tang Yuan's side to help him up.

However, Tang Yuan was very persistent, unwilling to get up, as if waiting for Patriarch Tang's answer.

After a while, Patriarch Tang closed his eyes and sighed.

"Get up, it's all done now, there's no point in blaming you anymore." Patriarch Tang said, looking at Lin Luo, "I heard that you are very talented. You have entered the Valley of the Hidden Gods as a teacher in Qingzhou, but now you are the third seal." Talisman Master. Later, he joined Xun Xianzong as a Talisman Master, and was robbed by Liu Yi of Lingyun Pavilion. Even, I heard that the elders of Bingyu were willing to give up the requirements of the sect for you and choose you as a disciple. Because of Lei Lingen , I also went to Zixiaozong to practice Zixiao Yushenjue, and I have a very close relationship with Zixiaozong, and I have reached the Golden Core Stage. You little girl, I am very surprised."

When Lin Luo heard this, she immediately understood, and it was obvious that her grandfather had already found out everything about her.

"Grandfather is overrated. I'm just a stupid bird flying first, which can be regarded as hardworking." Lin Luo said implicitly.

Only Lin Luo knew best that she had cheated, and if it wasn't for her phoenix wings, her cultivation would naturally not be as good as it is now.

The head of the Tang family suddenly laughed, and he smiled very gently.

If he just looked at Lin Zhanhong, he had no intention of forgiving him.

But now that Lin Luo and Lin Wenxuan are two such outstanding grandsons, Patriarch Tang forgives Lin Zhanhong because of them.

Although Lin Zhanhong is not very good, the descendants left behind are still very good.

"Whether you are a stupid bird or not, I naturally know, and there is no need to be so presumptuous. Let me ask you, have you ever blamed me for treating your mother like this. If I drove her away and severed ties with the Tang family, you will be the same later." I won't be squeezed out by the Lin family and go to Songjiagou and other places. My young lady and master of the Tang family shouldn't have grown up in the countryside." The head of the Tang family asked lightly.

After listening to Patriarch Tang's words, everyone turned their attention to Lin Luo, wanting to hear her answer.

Everyone even thought that Lin Luo would not say anything to blame, after all, Patriarch Tang is not an ordinary person.

But who would have thought that Lin Luo would not follow the routine at all.

Lin Luo nodded, "It will be strange, because my grandfather drove my mother out."

"Luo Luo, what are you talking about!" Tang Yuan's eyes widened and he forgot to cry.

Lin Zhanhong also looked at Lin Luo suspiciously, thinking that his daughter was frightened by Patriarch Tang's words, otherwise how could she say such words?

Are you kidding me? You still have to blame Patriarch Tang!

Patriarch Tang's face darkened, "Oh? Blame me? Isn't this your mother's willful behavior?"

"Grandfather said these words, in fact, he was just making excuses for himself. It was because you failed to solve the opponent at the beginning, and could only sacrifice my mother's happiness in exchange for cooperation with other families. Later, your father's love overcame reason, and you agreed. My mother left, but let her break the relationship with the Tang family. You are indeed to blame for this matter, but it is also because of the absence of the Tang family that I am where I am today, so I have to thank you." Lin Luo replied.

She did not speak for herself, but for the original owner who had died.

If the head of the Tang family hadn't driven Tang Yuan away, then Tang Yuan would not have been bullied by Bai Qiong and Liu Yuxin when she married into the Lin family in Qingzhou.

In the final analysis, this is only the case without the support of her natal family.

It's a pity that the original owner is already dead, and even if the Tang family leader regrets it now, she will not be able to survive, which is cheaper for her.

It was also for this reason that she still wanted to say a word for the original owner.

Everyone thought that Patriarch Tang would be very angry when he heard Lin Luo's unkind words, and would reprimand Lin Luo.

Even the Jiang family was prepared. If Patriarch Tang yelled at Lin Luo, she would directly yell back.

However, to everyone's surprise, Patriarch Tang just looked at Lin Luo silently, and finally turned into a sigh, and stood up straight.

When Patriarch Tang walked up to Lin Luo, Jiang thought he was going to do something to Lin Luo.

"What do you want to do? If you want to bully my granddaughter, you have to pass me first." Jiang stared at Patriarch Tang warily.

Tang Xiaoxiao was acting as the background board, and she was not qualified to speak at all, but at this moment, she still couldn't help but worry that Lin Luo would be punished by the Tang family leader.

Since childhood, Tang Xiaoxiao has been afraid of Patriarch Tang, and he has always been stern.

But looking back at Lin Luo, she still treated her calmly, not at all afraid of Patriarch Tang's anger, she was really powerful, Tang Xiaoxiao admired her little cousin very much.

Lin Luo looked directly at Patriarch Tang without showing any timidity.

Patriarch Tang suddenly laughed, "That's right, your temperament is a bit like when I was young, you dare to say anything. In fact, you are right. I was indeed incompetent at the beginning, that's why I made your mother sacrifice happiness. Go get married. Later, I saw that she was in pain, and Lin Zhanhong really impressed me, so I agreed. After the matter was resolved, I still didn’t go to pick up your mother because I couldn’t save face, and even deliberately avoided her news , I am ashamed."

"Father, that's not the case. It was my own choice. As a member of the Tang family, when I was the most helpless, I didn't even help him, and I felt very sad." Tang Yuan broke down in tears.

"It's not your fault. In fact, I've been the father all this time. I owe you an apology." Then Patriarch Tang looked at Tang Yuan and cut his mouth slightly apologetically, "I came here on the day you and Lin Zhanhong got married. Yes, I even went to see Lin Yue and told him to take good care of you. I witnessed your wedding with my own eyes, and if you didn't have spiritual power, I would personally preside over your knot ceremony."

After opening some words, you will find that it is not so uncomfortable.

The words that have been suppressed in Patriarch Tang's heart are easily vented today through Lin Luo's straightforwardness.

(End of this chapter)

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