A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 480 Finally Waiting for This Day

Chapter 480 Finally Waiting For This Day
Just when Maoqiu was about to rush out, Qiushuang came back from the outside, and Maoqiu stopped quickly for fear of bumping into Qiushuang.

"Miss, you're out of customs!"

Qiushuang didn't notice the fur ball, but looked at Lin Luo excitedly.

Lin Luo was puzzled, why did she feel that Qiushuang seemed very happy to see her, and it was not as good as now when she left and came back in the past.

"Yes, I am going to see my master."

Qiu Shuang's face immediately became very ugly, "Miss, everyone left three days ago, and now only some disciples with relatively low cultivation bases are still there. doorman."

"What did you say? Why are they going to the Ice Region?" Lin Luo was shocked, "Could it be because of the restriction of the Ice Region?"

"Yes, the Hall of Nine Shatters declared war with all the sects of the Qingxuan Continent, saying that it was about to break the restriction of the Qingxuan Continent where the ice area is located. It is also for this reason that all the sects have gone, and everyone knows that this will be the last battle .” Qiushuang replied.

Lin Luo suppressed the anxiety in her heart, "Tell me first what happened during this period."

Next, Qiu Shuang told Lin Luo everything that happened during this period, and Liu Yi asked her to convey what he said to Lin Luo before leaving.

Not to mention Bingyu, Zixiaozong and Yinshengu are well-deserved top powers, and Lingyun Pavilion was temporarily merged with other major sects later, so they can also stand in the front.

Chen Xin fell silent, neither of them could persuade the other.
"In that case, you can only do it."

Xuan Yue suddenly looked up to the sky and screamed, "I can't wait anymore, her soul has been nourished, but Qingxuan Continent cannot reorganize her soul, I have to go back to Lanchuan Continent."

"Miss, take care." Qiu Shuang waved from below.

The war was about to break out, and both sides began to fight desperately.

I don't know if it's because of the chaos in the Qingxuan Continent, but Lin Luo saw many monsters along the way.

It's a pity that these words may never be said again.

Xuan Yue didn't get angry because of what these two people said, but suddenly laughed.

Chu Yan stared at Xuan Yue angrily, without speaking.

Up to now, he and Chu Yan can only be against each other.

At that time, Xuan Yue's heart was also very bitter, but fortunately, she was accompanied by Chu Yan.

"Even if it is death, I will do my best to stop you." Chu Yan snorted coldly with red eyes.

It was rare for Xuan Yue to choke. Of course, he knew what kind of temperament his apprentice was. If he hadn't been too angry in his heart, he wouldn't have been so excited.

However, now that Xuanyue has broken it down unceremoniously, everyone is more or less uncomfortable.

Although he knew that such persuasion was useless, he would still say it.

After the words fell, Chen Xin took the first step and flew towards Xuan Yue.

"Sect Master Chu is right. Evil cannot prevail against good. I believe that the Qingxuan Continent will not be destroyed because of Xiaoxiao's generation." Fu Chen also added a sentence.

After listening, Lin Luo immediately made a decision.

The faces of those people from the various sects are not very good-looking. In fact, the people who have arrived here are all determined to die.

It's a pity that now Lin Luo has something on her mind, and she doesn't want to waste time here at all, so she doesn't pay much attention to it.

"It seems that the master of the Jiusha Palace believes in the disciples of the Jiusha Palace, and thinks that they can solve our monks in the entire Qingxuan Continent. Why doesn't the Lord of the Jiusha Palace think about it? Is it possible that the Jiusha Palace will fail in the end? Gu Xie Don't press the truth, the Lord of the Nine Demons doesn't know this simple truth, right?" Chu Yuan said lightly.

Three days later, at the edge of the ice field, two groups of people were confronting each other in darkness.

Perhaps it was these similarities that made Xuan Yue feel that Chu Yan was very similar to him.

"Ayan, you said you wanted to stop being a teacher, but you should know best, do you really have the ability?" Xuan Yue still smiled.

If it is victorious, the Qingxuan Continent can be saved, but there are still many casualties.

The voice of these words was not very loud, but after Xuan Yue said it, everyone present could hear it.

As long as you pass through a mountain range, you will see a lot of monsters appearing on the mountain, and all of them are very riotous. This is something Lin Luo has never seen before.

In this phalanx of the major sects, Bingyu, Zixiaozong, Yinshengu and Lingyun Pavilion are naturally the leaders, and Chu Yuan is also standing in front.

"Needless to say, this is a fight to the death today, and we can see whether we can do it. Xuan Yue, you are too persistent. If you don't, neither my master nor my wife will die, and you It won't be that painful. Let it go, stay here for another hundred years, when Lin Luo can break the restriction, there will be no danger." Chen Xin persuaded.

Seeing this, Chen Xin took a step forward.

But no one noticed that the smile in his eyes was bitter.

It can be said that Xuan Yue's words are very rude, but they are also true.

From a young age, even when Chu Yan learned that it was a miscellaneous spirit root, he still put on airs and looked extremely gentle.

Lin Luo responded, and immediately flew towards the ice field at the fastest speed.

Mao Qiu and Xiao Hei also rushed to Lin Luo's body. They wanted to eat something delicious at first, but now they had to get down to business.

"Do you think you can deal with me with Yanjiao? You ants are really thinking too simply. The Qingxuan Continent is just a small place, and there are no monks above the Nascent Soul stage. You still want to fight against me. Seriously. I don't know how to live or die." Xuan Yue chuckled.

It was obvious that his voice was filled with spiritual power, so that everyone could hear it.

Xuan Yue was suspended in mid-air, still looking like a jade, with a hint of a smile on her face.

The people from the Hall of Nine Demons also came out in full force, flying towards Chu Yuan with ghost faces, and the other elders also attacked the elders of the various sects.

Speeding all the way, Lin Luo headed for the ice region as quickly as possible.

"Do it all, let go and kill me!"

It doesn't matter if she doesn't remember the way, the small tower navigation can get her to the ice area as quickly as possible without wasting time.

Xuanyue was not in a hurry when she saw this, but gave an order to the disciples of Jiusha Temple.

"I'll go to the Ice Realm right away, before the major sects and the Nine Sharks' Hall have made any moves. There are still three days left, and I must be able to reach the Ice Realm in time." Lin Luo jumped into the air as he spoke.

"Finally the day has come."

After accepting apprentices, Xuan Yue felt less lonely in her heart, and gradually put her mind on educating Chu Yan.

This battle is for the future of Qingxuan Continent.

But if it fails, I am afraid that the Qingxuan Continent will cease to exist in the future.

Therefore, even Tan Yao came, and he wanted to contribute.

Lin Zhanhong and Tan Yao had a tacit understanding. After all, they had been alone for more than ten years, so they simply started together.

The entire Qingxuan Continent's comprehension world is in chaos!

(End of this chapter)

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