Chapter 481 You Are Here

Lin Luo was so anxious that she finally reached the edge of the ice field.

Looking from a distance, the surroundings were also in chaos, with colorful spiritual power flowing everywhere, and she almost couldn't even see the situation of the two sides clearly.

Fortunately, the people in the Hall of Nine Demons are still wearing black clothes, so Lin Luo can still tell which side belongs to their phalanx.

Almost without hesitation, Lin Luo flew directly towards their own phalanx.

As soon as she fell, Lin Luo was recognized.

"It's Miss Lin Luo who is here!"

The one who made the sound was a disciple of Lingyun Pavilion. He admired Lin Luo very much. Seeing Lin Luo coming, he was very excited at the moment.

Even the scars on his arms that were scratched by the disciples of the Hall of Nine Demons didn't seem to hurt at all.

Lin Luo smiled, "Everyone, be careful."

Although she is already in the late Yuanying stage, and her cultivation base has also been consolidated, it still takes some time to get used to it when she actually fights, so it is better to attack the masters of the Jiusha Temple first.

Lin Luo held the White Feather Sword in his hand, pouring out his strength, and turned to the masters of the Hall of Nine Demons to deal with it.

Seventy-seven and 49 trees, I don't know how many people have killed to do it.

Xuanyue had no opponents these years, and she only focused on teaching Chu Yan and resurrecting Mo Li, and didn't bother too much about the others.

But facing a monk like Xuan Yue, it's not enough to watch.

However, Lin Luo knew very well that Chen Xin was not Xuan Yue's opponent, and she was also distracted to look at Chen Xin's direction during the fight.

Fighting in the world of cultivating immortals is different from that in the secular world. Everyone uses spiritual power to kill each other. There are not so many strategies, just start fighting, but it is also life-threatening.

For so many years, Xuan Yue has been doing such things!
Obviously, Xuanyue didn't kill so many people at once to irrigate the Posa tree, it must have happened slowly over thousands of years.

"So you know, yes, I used many methods to revive Mo Li. The whirling tree you encountered before was only one kind. I even used 49 [-] whirling trees to uproot all the whirling trees in the entire Qingxuan Continent. Although you have solved the one in Tianhan Valley, the others have not been solved, so I have succeeded." Xuan Yue sneered.

"The little monk is right. He is not the only one in the Qingxuan Continent. Look at the people who are fighting against your Jiusha Palace now. They are all from the Qingxuan Continent. They are all willing to fight to protect their homeland and themselves." Lin Lin Luo shook the white feather sword and flew towards Xuanyue.

"Tsk tsk, Yan Yan, I said you are not my opponent." Xuan Yue took the time to pat the dust that did not exist on her body.

If the fifth sword is facing ordinary Nascent Soul monks, the problem is not very big, and it will generally cause some troubles to the opponent.

Of course, Lin Luo didn't count on the fifth sword to kill Xuanyue directly, otherwise he would be too good to be Yan Qingxuan's opponent at the same time.

Lin Luo was not in a hurry, "Don't worry, I will let you see bit by bit."

Lin Luo didn't care, and directly used the fifth sword in his hand.

"If it's just like this, I'm afraid it won't be surprising enough." Xuan Yue looked at Lin Luo with a smile.

After all, Xuan Yue is from Yan Qingxuan's generation, and her talent is not even much worse than Yan Qingxuan, so it is understandable that Chen Xin is not an opponent.

The speed of the two was very fast, and only an afterimage fell in the sky during the fight.

Xuan Yue didn't say this, but both Lin Luo and Chen Xin understood what he meant.

Liu Yi and Lin Zhanhong looked at Lin Luo's direction at the same time, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

"Oh? Then I want to see what kind of surprise you have prepared for me." Xuan Yue was also a little interested.

"You are indeed stronger than me, but I am not the only one in Qingxuan Continent."

"Lin Luo, you're here." Xuan Yue said.

However, there is still a big gap compared with Xuan Yue.

Maybe the real Xuanyue looks like this now, and the glorious Jiyue in the past is all his disguise.

Lin Luo's expression was serious, and the white feather sword in his hand was facing Xuan Yue directly, his brows were full of killing intent.

"My surprise is more than what you saw, there are many more, you will know later." Lin Luo snorted coldly.

At this time, the fight between Chen Xin and Xuan Yue had already started for a while, Xuan Yue was still strolling in the garden, but Chen Xin had gradually lost the wind.

As for Xuanyue, with Chen Xin on top, she can stop her for a while.

At this moment, a person fell beside Chen Xin.

The fight between Xuan Yue and Chen Xin just now seemed like Xuan Yue was warming up.

Chen Xin fell not far behind, spat out a mouthful of blood, and clutched her chest.

Looking at his appearance, he is still very proud now.

But Xuanyue also knows how to kill and punish Xin. Chen Xin naturally has very different feelings for the Qingxuan Continent where Yan Qingxuan sacrificed, so he did it on purpose.

"Yanji, don't you want your teacher's wife to be resurrected? You know, your teacher's wife can be resurrected because of your master's hard work. Yanjie, you have always respected and loved your teacher the most, and you also respect your teacher's wife. There is a plus. Now that I finally have a chance to resurrect your teacher's wife, why are you against me?" Xuan Yue said coldly.

Xuanyue's expression finally changed, "You have already reached the late stage of Yuanying? I didn't expect that you girl gave me a surprise. If I had known this, I would not be in a hurry. Maybe you will be able to break through the Qingxuan Continent in less than 100 years. imprisonment."

It is also the cultivation base of the late Yuanying, after Chen Xin awakened before.

Unfortunately, it was too late, and there was no turning back when the bow was opened.

Fireworks exploded in the sky, that was the confrontation between Lin Luo and Xuan Yue, and everyone from all sects knew that Lin Luo was coming.

Now, the fight between Lin Luo and Xuan Yue looks like a real fight.

After finishing speaking, she released Mao Qiu and Xiao Hei to join the fight.

"You have done so much!" Chen Xin was also angry.

Thinking of this, Chen Xin felt very angry.

Chen Xin's movements did not slow down, "Indeed, but my master will never want the monks in the entire Qingxuan Continent to be used as bargaining chips for you to revive my mistress. Also, even if my master hopes to revive my mistress, it is not for you to use it." In such a sinister way, you have done too much evil."

Sure enough, Chen Xin couldn't help the surge of energy and blood. He was already at a disadvantage, but was finally sent flying by Xuan Yue's palm.

If a whirling tree wants to be introduced into the way of demons, at least hundreds of people must be killed.

Now, Lin Luo is more interesting than he imagined.

Unexpectedly, this girl is still here.

They didn't want to pin all their hopes on Lin Luo, but she still came.

Seeing that Lin Luo had already started fighting with Xuan Yue, Chen Xin immediately took out the pill to restore her spiritual power, and looked at the situation below by the way.

With just one glance, Chen Xin frowned fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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