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Chapter 211 Is This Virtue?

Chapter 211 Is This Virtue?
Zhao Jing stared at the watch, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes...

Ha ha!

"Tian Mi, go and see if Su Jian fell into the toilet." Zhao Jing said angrily.

Su Mingming raised his hand suddenly, "Teacher, let me go and have a look, they haven't finished answering the questions."

"Okay, you go."

A second ago, he was still smiling sweetly, but when he left the classroom, Su Mingming's face became elongated.

Damn girl, she can be seen everywhere, going to the toilet will be "shattering", probably because there is no paper, squatting in it can't get out, hehe, today she has to go in the toilet even if she didn't fall into it, I have to ask her to try it What is it like to eat shit.


The stinky dry toilet is gone, and there is not even a shadow of a ghost.

Did it really fall into the cesspit?Su Mingming had a gloating smile on his face.

The design of the women's toilet is very unreasonable. Because of the large number of people, the school had to build another dry toilet at the back. There is a large cesspit in the middle, connected with a stone slab. There is not enough squatting space in the front, so we have to bite the bullet and cross the shit bridge go to the back.

Hahaha, Su Jian must have fallen into it, and it must have sunk to the bottom by now.

She stood there masturbating for a long time, and the two girls who came in to relieve her were shocked.

Oh my god, isn't this the second school belle of the first high school?What is she laughing at with her hips akimbo staring at the big cesspit?
unlucky!It's really bad luck, this is the longest time she has spent in the women's toilet, and she feels the smell on her clothes and hair.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and Su Mingming, who didn't want to go back to the classroom, wandered to the north gate of the school, which faced the street, and people nearby set up stalls at the gate, selling snacks for a few cents to satisfy the students' hunger.

"Auntie, bring me a bag of figs."

She yelled several times, but the old lady selling figs just ignored her and talked to her partner next to her.

How can the arrogant young lady allow others to despise her?
"Hey! Sellers, can't you hear me?"

Only then did the old lady find out that someone had come to take care of her business.

"Come here, what do you want, girl?"

"Figs!" she replied angrily.

"Fifty cents a pack."

The old lady gave her the snacks, and suddenly said, "Oh, the female students in your school are really amazing."

Su Mingming was taken aback, "What's the big deal?"

"A female student saved someone. Who would have thought that the old grandson drank the pesticide? Ouch, I was scared to death. My God, I'd rather die than live. Why can't I think about it?"

What's the mess?Which old grandson?female student?Could it be Su Jian?

Thinking about it this way, Su Mingming's mood is not beautiful anymore.

Damn, she didn't fall into the toilet?
No, she has to go back and make sure.

Just as she was about to turn her head, someone outside the iron gate suddenly called her.

"You called me?" Su Mingming asked, pointing to his nose.

Outside the door, Li Liang smiled extremely obscenely.

"Yes, yes, female student, I'm calling you."

Seeing his fat head and big ears, disgusting Bala, as if his name had been tarnished, Su Mingming's face was tense.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Well, I'll ask you about someone."


"Su, Su Jian."

After leaving the auction last night, Li Liang had someone investigate Su Jian overnight, and found that she had an unusual relationship with his brother and sister-in-law.

The ancestral jade cabbage in the family is fake. It is said that Li Li did the appraisal after listening to this little girl.

She was the one who chose the "big watermelon" last night, which made Zheng Yi lucky and picked up a super big leak. Judging by Master Fu's painful expression, he knew that the rough stone was worth at least 100 and 200 yuan.

"Su Jian? Do you know her?" Su Mingming became interested.

The owner of the car that picked her up yesterday had such virtues!
(End of this chapter)

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