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Chapter 212 Oops

Chapter 212 Oops

"I know you, classmate, can you call Su Jian for me?"


Li Liang was stunned, and then laughed. The girl in front of her was very similar to Su Jian, but she was not as clever as Su Jian.

Eighty percent of them are sisters, and the relationship between the two is very bad.

"Su Mingming, why are you here? Where's Su Jian? Did you find her?" Qin Du came over with his small notebook, and looked warily at Li Liang outside the door.

"Who is he?"

Su Ming gave him a clear look, turned around and walked back, "Who doesn't know how to ask?"

"..." She has a bad temper, no wonder her classmates don't like her.

Li Liang hurriedly called to Qin Du, "Classmate, classmate, do you know Su Jian?"

"Who are you? Why do you ask this?"

Li Liang had a flash of inspiration and said, "Student Su Jian has helped my family a lot. She does good deeds without leaving her name. I finally found this place and want to send her a pennant."

Um?Qin Du began to doubt himself.

Su Jian has performed exceptionally well since she entered school, and now everyone outside the school must thank her. It seems that he needs to work harder on the road to the all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor.

"Just send it directly to the Academic Affairs Office. Outsiders are not allowed to enter during class time."

"I know, I know, can you call her over and let me say a few words to her?"

"I'm also looking for her everywhere, or you can come here at noon, she usually has to go home for lunch."

"Okay, okay, thank you."

Go home for dinner?As long as she leaves the school gate, he will have a chance to get close.

In the hospital, the old man's family rushed over. I heard that Su Jian was the first to find out that he had drunk the pesticide. The old man's son wanted to kneel down and thank her.

"Uncle, don't do this, I can't bear it."

She and Yu Zhen came to the canteen, and faintly smelled the smell of pesticides in the air.

When I entered the room, the old man's face was blue and purple, the solution in his stomach was churning, his esophagus and throat were burned by pesticides, and his condition was very critical.

"Soapy water, quickly get some soapy water and pour it into him."

Su Jian made a decisive decision, and it was her timely remedial measures. First, let the old man spit out part of the pesticide, so as to buy precious time for the doctor's rescue.

The two stood on the side of the street to stop the car.

Yu Zhen looked at her sideways, and Su Jian asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Su Jian, you are excellent."

"Ok, I know."


"Have you always been this immodest?" Yu Zhen asked with a smile.

"What you said is the truth, why should I be humble?"

Yu Zhen shook his head and smiled wryly. The more he got to know her, the more he felt that this girl was an inexhaustible treasure, giving people constant surprises.

When the taxi was approaching the school gate, Su Jian yelled.

"what happened?"

"Oops, I promised Mr. Zhao that I won't ask for leave today."

One hour later, she not only perfectly missed the English class, but also missed the second Chinese class.

Since she was in high school, the scariest teacher she has ever met is Teacher Jiang who teaches Chinese, Jiang Renjiu, a national special-grade teacher, and a member of the Provincial Writers Association.

The previous week, Mr. Jiang was on a business trip and did not come back. His classes were taught by other teachers. Today is his first class, and Su Jian is absent.

Asking the doorman to open the door for her, Yu Zhen also walked in.

"Hey, what are you doing in there?" The uncle stopped Aftershock.

"I, I'll go find my brother."

Everyone in the school knew the aftershock aftershock. The uncle didn't stop him, but was curious about how he got out of the taxi with the first-year students.

The English teaching and research group, Yu Zhen looked inside, "Which one is your English teacher?"

(End of this chapter)

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